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The article reviews the book, "The Eastern Airlines Strike: Accomplishments of the Rank-and-File Machinists and Gains for the Labor Movement," by Ernie Mailhot, Judy Stranahan, and Jack Barnes.
Cette étude compare l'influence, sur le risque qualitatif d'accidents, de deux lignes d'assemblage de matériel de transport. L'organisation de la production de ces lignes diffère par le nombre de postes réduit sur l'une d'elles, ce qui intensifie la coactivité entre travailleurs à chaque phase du processus. Les 150 accidents avec perte de temps des assembleurs survenus sur ces deux lignes d'assemblage de véhicules routiers pendant trois ans sont regroupés en six classes homogènes, à partir d'une analyse multivariée de leurs caractéristiques. Aucun lien significatif n'est toutefois observé entre ces classes d'accidents et les lignes d'assemblage. Il est discuté que l'intensification de la coactivité puisse être un facteur de contribution à la fréquence des accidents mais non à leur type.
The article reviews the book, "Le Mariage en question," by Renée Dandurand.
The article reviews the book ,"Pionnières québécoises et regroupement de femmes d'hier à aujourd' hui," by Simone Monet-Chartrand.
A study was performed to measure the centrality of beliefs about unions, to outline general tendencies in the centrality of workers' beliefs about unions, and to identify the salient beliefs of different typical working-class perspectives on labor unions. One technique for measuring centrality is to ask respondents to identify the importance of each belief in relation to their other beliefs concerning some social object. In the Q sort, each participant was given 48 one-sentence statements about unions, each typed on a separate card, and asked to physically sort them following a quasi-normal pattern. Some 100 workers in Hamilton, Ontario, completed the Q sort during the summer of 1987. Two dimensions are most salient for Hamilton workers: defense and rights. An average Q sort for the individuals sharing each typical union belief system was calculated. An exploratory factor analysis revealed 6 typical perspectives on unions. A key finding of this study is that there are typical ambivalent and antiunion perspectives on unions, just as there are typical prounion perspectives.
The article reviews the book, "Histoire de I'École Polytechnique de Montréal, 1873-1990: La Montée des Ingénieurs Francophones," by Robert Gagnon.
The article reviews the book, "À nouveau travail, formations nouvelles," by Collette Bernier and Anne Filion.
The article reviews and comments n former automobile worker Ben Hamper's "Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line" (1991) and labour lawyer Thomas Geoghegan's "Which Side Are You On? Trying to Be for Labor When It's Flat on Its Back" (1991).
Takes note of forthcoming conferences, the Arkansas History Quarterly, and the annual summer course on comparative labour history taught at the University of Washington.
Reports forthcoming conferences and new publications. The Reuther Archives of Labour and Urban Affairs at Wayne State University is to be added to the National Bibliographic System. The Steel Project at University College of Cape Breton has a wide variety of archival resources on steelmaking technology and workers. The files of the Detroit Red Squad have been deposited at the Detroit Public Library, but will remain closed until 2018.
Levine, N. (1993). Canada Made Me. Porcupine’s Quill.
First published in England in 1958, this book is a bitter, critical reassessment of the moral and cultural values of Canada. Levine's account of his three-month journey from Halifax to Ucluelet, a fishing village on the west coast, is an unconventional portrait of Canada's underbelly. The book ends with the words: `I wondered why I felt so bitter about Canada. After all, it was all part of a dream, an experiment that could not come off. It was foolish to believe that you can take the throwouts, the rejects, the human kickabouts from Europe and tell them: Here you have a second chance. Here you can start a new life. But no one ever mentioned the price one had to pay; how much of oneself you had to betray.' Canada Made Me was regarded as so controversial that it did not appear in a Canadian edition until 1979. Critical opinion, however, has slowly swung around to the point the book was recently described in the Globe and Mail as a `laconic classic'. For this new edition Norman Levine has written an introduction which traces the book's publishing history and reputation.
The article reviews the book,"Markets, Firms, and the Management of Labour in Modern Britain," by Howard F. Gospel.
The article reviews the book, "Worker Protection, Japanese Style : Occupational Safety and Health in the Auto Industry," by Richard E. Wokutch.
The article reviews the book, "European Labor Unions," edited by Joan Campbell.
The article reviews the book, "The Pristine Culture of Capitalism: A Historical Essay on Old Regimes and Modern States," by Ellen Meiksins Wood.
Compilation of recent English/French publications on Canadian labour history that emphasize the period 1800-1975. Materials pertaining to the post-1975 period may also be included, although more selectively. [See the database, Canadian Labour History, 1976-2009, published at Memorial University of Newfoundland.]
Contemporary historians of the Canadian working class have portrayed the period after the 1937 General Motors (GM) strike in Oshawa until the outbreak of World War II as one of slow growth and setbacks for the union movement, and between 1937 and 1939 union membership did decline. Union initiatives after the Oshawa strike led GM employees to form other organizations which included a ladies' auxiliary, a bowling club, a Rod and Gun Club, and a credit union. The proliferation of such organizations enhanced the position of autoworkers in the community and gave all workers a stronger presence in Oshawa. As the city became more unionized, cooperation grew among workers both inside and outside the city. Locally in Oshawa between 1937 and 1939, industrial workers became more active politically. After the Oshawa strike, a new class consciousness among that city's industrial workers emerged. The Oshawa strike "kick-started" the industrial union movement in Canada.
The article reviews the book, "Soft Coal, Hard Choices: The Economic Welfare of Bituminous Coal Miners 1890-1930," by Price V. Fishback.
The article reviews the book, "A Portrait of Bureaucracy. The Bankruptcy of the Socialist System in Poland," by Adam Sarapata.
The article reviews the book, "From socialism to market economy: the transition period," edited by William S. Kern.
Resource type
- Audio Recording (1)
- Book (313)
- Book Section (15)
- Encyclopedia Article (1)
- Film (5)
- Journal Article (6,936)
- Magazine Article (7)
- Map (1)
- Report (12)
- Thesis (143)
- Video Recording (3)
- Web Page (13)
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (2)
- Between 1910 and 1919 (3)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (3)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (3)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (380)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (637)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (1,040)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (1,111)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2,301)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (1,970)