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Cet ouvrage réunit les actes du colloque tenu à Montréal le 11 mai 2017 dans le cadre du congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS) sous le thème «Régulation sociale et juridique : quel avenir pour le régime des décrets de convention collective au Québec ??». Il fait le point sur ce régime en vigueur depuis 1934 et régi par la Loi sur les décrets de convention collective. Le livre comprend deux parties. La première, qui porte sur les décrets et les acteurs sociaux, présente un état des lieux aussi bien au plan historique qu'en termes d'expériences très actuelles, éprouvées par les grandes organisations patronales et syndicales. La seconde partie propose un regard vers le futur et met en lumière certaines voies et hypothèses de changements susceptibles de bonifier le régime juridique. --Publisher's description
La culpabilité est une émotion couramment éprouvée dans la vie quotidienne. L’objectif de cette recherche était de l’étudier dans le cadre du travail. Une recherche exploratoire a donc été menée afin, d’une part, d’identifier les situations générant de la culpabilité au travail ainsi que les effets de cette émotion et, d’autre part, de déterminer si la culpabilisation est une stratégie de management permettant d’obtenir davantage de travail de la part des salariés. Les personnes interviewées sont des salariés aux profils variés selon l’âge, le sexe, le poste occupé, le secteur d’activité, la taille de l’entreprise et le statut. Vingt-huit entretiens semi-directifs ont ainsi été menés. Les résultats identifient les caractéristiques de la culpabilité éprouvée au travail en révélant que cette dernière est familière, d’intensité et de fréquence variables, et évolutive. L’analyse des entretiens révèle aussi huit situations génératrices de culpabilité qui sont liées aux phénomènes suivants : une absence ou un retard, la perception d’un travail globalement mal fait, des demandes ou des promesses non suivies, des comportements ou attitudes non corrects, des caractéristiques personnelles (par exemple, un manque de compétence), un client ou un collègue qui souffrent et ne peuvent être aidés, un manque de temps ainsi que l’impact du travail sur la vie privée. Cette recherche montre que la culpabilité ressentie génère une gêne chez les personnes. Mais elle a, surtout, des effets positifs sur le travail réalisé par les salariés. La culpabilité a généralement un effet bénéfique sur les efforts au travail, sauf quand cette émotion est trop intense. La culpabilisation est un autre axe important de cette étude. Si elle est bien constatée par les répondants, il en ressort qu’elle est jugée inefficace lorsqu’elle émane des supérieurs. Elle est alors rejetée et mal vécue. Cet article ouvre des perspectives de recherche afin, d’une part, d’approfondir la place et le rôle de cette émotion et, d’autre part, de développer des implications managériales en termes de bien-être au travail et de performance au travail.
The works of Karl Marx have been central to the formation of a body of critical communication scholarship in Canada. But as Nicole S. Cohen adeptly shows, the influence of Marx’s thought has been absent, mostly, as it relates to questions involving cultural labourers. Of particular interest to her is Marx’s formulation concerning exploitation and its relationship to the field of journalism as it affects freelance writers. This dissertation extends the notion of a “missing Marx” by incorporating other concepts from his oeuvre. His writings on alienation help to address one of two major research questions posed in this dissertation. The first being: why is it that freelance writers in Canada are willing to work for such low levels of remuneration? Historically, a dichotomous rendering has prevailed as to whether exploitation or alienation provides a better explanatory framework for understanding the experiences of workers—in this case, freelance writers. One of the aims of this work is to bring alienation and exploitation into conversation with one another. This requires an analytical investigation of the journalistic labour process. Ideas of craft have helped shape identity and understandings of work in the journalistic field over a few centuries now. This understanding segues into the second research question: at this juncture of deepening capitalist crises, and subsequent renewed interest in craft modes of production, what relevance do these forces have in the lives of contemporary freelance writers? This dissertation addresses both of the above research questions as well as the aforementioned phenomenon through interviews of Canadian freelance writers in the spirit of Marx’s workers’ inquiry. These 25 interviews in combination with documentary analysis of the historically changing conditions of journalism explore the pertinence of the field’s craft sensibility upon its freelance workforce under circumstances of intensifying alienation. Statements from informants reveal the craft dimensions of the labour process as both a source of domination and of resistance as well as playing a possible future role in the enactment of broader class struggles.
While precarious work is a phenomenon often associated with non-professional workers, the emerging case of non-tenure-track faculty (NTTF) calls for a new framework building on scholarship on both precarious work and the professions. An in-depth case study of NTTF in southern Ontario shows how a new phenomenon of ‘precarious professionals’ is emerging. Drawing on sixty semi-structured interviews with faculty members, university administrators and union representatives across southern Ontario, I analyze workers’ experiences in temporary contract work in the academic profession, and their views on the way certain types of professional work are valued. Building off previous literature on precarious work, gender and work, and professional work, this thesis defines precarious professionals as highly skilled workers who do professional work that is valued and devalued along lines of gender. Their experiences in temporary contract work marginalize them economically and professionally in complex and compounding ways that trap them between identifying as precarious workers and as professionals. Union organizers and activists draw on a two-pronged approach that addresses both dimensions of precarious worker and professional identities. This thesis shows variation in workers’ experiences, suggesting that not all temporary contract workers become precarious professionals, and shows how that variation can be explained.
This paper critically examines official statistics on workplace fatalities in Canada. Each year the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada reports on the number of workers who die from a work-related injury or illness/disease. The problem, however, is that these data report the number of deaths that were accepted for compensation; it is not a system for tracking all work-related deaths. Drawing from a range of data sources and employing a broad definition of what constitutes death at work we attempt to generate a more accurate estimate of the number of work-related fatalities in Canada. In so doing our goal is not to produce a definitive number of annual deaths at work – an impossibility given the paucity of data sources – but instead to challenge dominant ways of conceptualizing what constitutes a work-related fatality and thus contribute to ongoing efforts to raise academic, political, and public awareness about this important issue. In this sense our goal is to question whether official statistics regarding workplace fatalities are complete when set against a broader understanding of what constitutes death at work.
Examines anti-unionism in professional sport through a case study of ongoing efforts to organize players in the Canadian Hockey League, the world's largest development hockey league.
A specialized agency of the United Nations that predates both the United Nations and the establishment of the Bretton Woods institutions, the International Labour Organization (ILO) was founded at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, and was part of the Treaty of Versailles. This paper is a deliberate exercise in remembering the history of the ILO. It recalls the historical ideal of international labour law (ILL) in the ILO’s founding to explain the renewed relevance of ILL in the midst of global restructuring. The paper traces a similar trajectory through the story of ILL in the Canadian courts. Throughout, the paper suggests that the evolution of ILL, internationally and in Canada, constitutes a crucial basis upon which to build ILL’s transnational futures.
The articles reviews the book, "La désindustrialisation : une fatalité ?," edited by Jean-Claude Daumas, Ivan Kharaba and Philippe Mioche.
The labourers at the heart of this study built the canals and railways undertaken as public works by the colonial governments of British North America and the federal government of Canada between 1841 and 1882. Ruth Bleasdale's fascinating journey into the little-known lives of these labourers and their families reveals how capital, labour and the state came together to build the transportation infrastructure that linked colonies and united an emerging nation. Combining census and community records, government documents, and newspaper archives Bleasdale elucidates the ways in which successive governments and branches of the state intervened between labour and capital and in labourers' lives. Case studies capture the remarkable diversity across regions and time in a labour force drawn from local and international labour markets. The stories here illuminate the ways in which men and women experienced the emergence of industrial capitalism and the complex ties which bound them to local and transnational communities. Rough Work is an accessibly written yet rigorous study of the galvanization of a major segment of Canada's labour force over four decades of social and economic transformation. --Publisher's description
The late 19th and early 20th centuries evidenced extreme changes in industry and urbanization which fueled the movement of people worldwide. Included in this movement was an African Diaspora migration up and out of the Caribbean Basin and into the United States and elsewhere, as people sought to escape economic hardships within the region. Some took the opportunity to make their way to Sydney, Nova Scotia, where they labored for the Dominion Iron and Steel Company. The story of their migration to Cape Breton is of interest because they have remained a footnote in Canadian migration history. This thesis offers an opportunity to look at the lived experiences of these African Caribbean migrants and the community they created in Whitney Pier. This community served to spread notions of racial uplift and Black nationalism, evidenced by its involvement in the then growing Garvey movement.
L’évolution de l’emploi au Québec et au Canada est marquée par la multiplication des statuts d’emploi, la précarisation et la résurgence du phénomène des travailleurs et travailleuses pauvres. Après un rapide rappel des transformations marquant un glissement vers des politiques néolibérales survenues à la fin des années 1970, nous examinons les récentes transformations de la politique sociale liée au travail à l’ère de l’austérité. Pour ce qui est du gouvernement fédéral, nous examinons le programme d’assurance-emploi ainsi que les programmes concernant les travailleurs migrants temporaires. Pour ce qui est du gouvernement du Québec, nous nous attardons surtout sur les politiques d’aide sociale, ainsi que sur les services de garde à l’enfance. Nous traitons ces programmes en tant que politiques d’emploi et mettons en relief le rôle joué par l’État dans l’approfondissement du virage néolibéral amorcé il y a maintenant près de quarante ans.
Cet article vise, en s’appuyant sur L’Enquête Conditions de travail (2013), à construire une typologie des professions relevant d’un statut « ouvrier » ou « employé » à partir du niveau et du type de qualité de l’emploi qu’elles induisent. Cette approche de la qualité d’emploi par les professions apparaît importante pour trois raisons complémentaires : d’abord, parce que la nature de la profession s’avère déterminante au-delà des caractéristiques des individus qui l’occupent pour expliquer les écarts en termes de qualité de l’emploi; ensuite, du fait de l’importance de la nature des professions dans la détermination des règles encadrant le travail; et, enfin, en raison du rôle joué par les politiques publiques dans le soutien de la qualité dans certaines professions.
The objective of this article is, through an empirical study, to further understanding of the actions and decisions taken in the context of Lean implementation projects carried out under joint regulation (Lévesque and Murray, 1998) agreements. We, therefore, attempt to identify factors that may facilitate the organizing work involved in joint regulation of Lean projects to allow workers to develop a broader range of health-minded work methods and habits. Our assumption is that factors which influence joint regulation, such as the union’s capacity for action, management’s attitude and the purpose of the change, also influence the occupational health outcomes of Lean projects. We believe that the organizing work involved in joint regulation (actions and decisions) has an impact on these factors and influences the occupational health outcomes. Our research question is therefore this: What are the actions and decisions involved in joint regulation of Lean implementation projects that lead to closer correspondence with enabling organization criteria? This empirical study was exploratory in nature and had a multiple case study design. Two cases of lean projects were documented through eight individual interviews and the collection of documents. The main results indicate that, while joint regulation appears essential in terms of meeting enabling organization criteria, it alone is insufficient to explain the health effects of Lean projects. All stakeholders need to define the project goals, modes of assessment and management rules, both cooperatively and transparently, and through their involvement in decisions regarding all processes.
The article reviews the book, "The Fight for $15: The Right Wage for a Working America," by David Rolf.
This article reviews the book, "Just Work? Migrant Workers' Struggles Today" eds. Aziz Choudry and Mondli Hlatshwayo.
This article provides a focused review of the history of seasonal and “foreign” farm labour migration in Canada, and in particular the Canadian Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP). It underscores how Mexican migrant workers in particular have been portrayed in Canadian narrative discourses, drawn primarily from political and journalistic sources in Canada in the postwar period. Extended to Mexico in 1974, the SAWP has a longer history of managed agricultural migration in Canada that is also introduced. The article discusses leitmotifs linked to the history of temporary migration between Mexico and Canada: the fundamental place of family and gender relations; the trope of the male migrant as “breadwinner” (despite the later emergence of women migrants in the program); Mexican officials based in Canada and their role in mitigating labour disputes and unionization efforts among the seasonal migrant class in Canada; and the subjective, “subaltern” stories of migrant workers uncovered through an oral history case study carried out in British Columbia and Manitoba from 2012–2015. It introduces other thematic problems including exclusion/invisibility, human rights, patterns of remuneration, and “complementarity” in farm work, in a context of prior reliance upon the managed internal migration of First Nations’ harvest workers in both Ontario’s and Manitoba’s agricultural sectors.
This article reviews the book, "Tax, Order, and Good Government: A New Political History of Canada, 1867–1917" by E.A. Heaman.
The article reviews the book, "Griffintown: Identity and Memory in an Irish Diaspora Neighbourhood," by Matthew Barlow.
This article reviews the book, "Migration and Agriculture. Mobility and change in the Mediterranean Area" by Alessandra Corrado, Carlos de Castro et Domenico Perrotta.
This transnational history of the Jewish Labour Committee of Canada (JLC) retraces the organisations narratives, networks, and practices of diaspora solidarity, from the moment of its establishment and into the post-war period. The JLCs activists refracted their solidarities through the lens of a diasporic Jewish identity. At a time when Canada imposed strong barriers against refugees, the JLC worked to send aid to the anti-fascist resistance in Europe while participating in a series of immigration schemes to bring Jews from displaced persons camps over to Canada. It was in this unique moment that the JLC could also launch pioneering human rights and anti-racism campaigns within the labour movement. Representing one section of the organised Jewish community in Canada, the JLC proved a critical part of the transformation of the countrys treatment of refugees and minorities in the following decades.
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