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Dans un premier temps, l'auteur estime que la démarche de la Commission consistant à faire la classification des occupations par définitions est vide de substance analytique, et donc non susceptible d'aboutir à la compréhension des phénomènes étudiés ni à la formulation de corollaires politiques. Dans un second temps, l'auteur dégage deux principes d'analyse des professions : soit l'absence d'information des consommateurs sur la qualité des services professionnels et l'incitation que subissent les professionnels à se constituer en corporations « fermées » pour promouvoir leurs intérêts.
The author gives a philosophical analysis of the general tenor of the Woods' Report, and provides a brief appraisal of its observations, particularly in regard to collective bargaining.
Après avoir rappelé les assises juridiques du régime d'accréditation, l’auteur note les effets de l'accréditation à l'égard de certains salariés dans un premier temps et à l'égard du syndicat dans un second temps.
L'auteur tente de rechercher les éléments fondamentaux d'une notion universelle de fonctionnaire i.e. de rechercher ce qu'il y a de commun dans la plupart des pays dans la nature du rapport entre l'individu fonctionnaire et l’Etat, ce qui permettra de faire la distinction entre le fonctionnaire et le salarié privé et de situer les enseignants et les employés d'hôpitaux par rapport à l'Etat.
The author discusses the analysis and recommendations jound in the Woods* Report on the position of the individual member of the union. He views the investigation into the rights of individuals in two parts: (1) the extent to which unions are granted exclusive control over employment conditions and (2) the extent to which the services provided by such unions are vital to Us members. Solutions to the problems inherent in individual member versus union conflicts cannot be found in appeals to abstract 'democracy', internal reform or changes in the common law, but through legislation.
The hypothesis of the thesis is that Canadian teachers have sought to gain some control over their professional lives through organisation. The study traces the evolution of the Canadian teachers' organizations from a period of vigorous ascendency between 1916 and 1921 to the middle of the 1950s. By then the organizations had formed their main features and shaped their occupational ideology. The simplest theoretical statement, framework, or model of the thesis is that teachers have attempted to escape from or at least to modify the bureaucratic environment which prescribed the conditions of their vocation. While teachers largely united in seeking this escape, they were not of one mind as to the appropriate means or alternatives: professionalism, unionism, or a combination of both. To most teachers, professionalism and unionism seemed polar and incompatible. The conclusion reached in the study is that teachers’ organizations evolved as "professional unions," largely because of the teachers' need to cope with their salaried and employee status while clinging to the aspiration of professionalism and public service. The thesis rests extensively on primary sources: the records and files of the teachers' organizations, journals of the organisations, contemporary newspapers and magazines, and documents housed in the various archives of Canada. The thesis is not a definitive study of all the issues that have concerned teachers or their organizations. Rather, it is keyed to those issues and situations that have involved a debate over unionism and professionalism, or which have caused teachers to adopt more militant postures. Admittedly the study is pro-teacher, essentially a result of the sources consulted. A deliberate attempt, however, has been made to record the teachers' reactions to their own historical experience, the trustees, and government. The study is divided into six chapters. The first, tracing the years of formation and survival (1915-1930), explains the causes for teacher organization and the teachers' goals. It probes their occupational ideologies. The second chapter investigates the teachers' strikes of the 1920's, and ponders the meaning of these strikes and the issues of teacher militancy. The third chapter deals with the impact of the depression and the war (1930-1945) on the evolution of the organized profession. This chapter reveals the extent of economic retrenchment on teachers' salaries, the spirit of organizational experimentation, and the renewed militancy as the depression receded and the war ensued. The fourth chapter shows how the teachers' "professional unionism" is rooted in their acceptance of the essentials of trade unionism. The fifth chapter records the teachers' courtship with organized labour--affiliation. In particular, it traces in detail the experiment of the British Columbia Teachers' Federation with affiliation, with public admission of trade unionism. The last chapter deals with the achievement of statutory or automatic membership, an organizational development which is singularly the most significant in the history of the Canadian teaching profession.
L'auteur étudie les dispositions nouvelles relatives au tribunal du travall dans le Code du travail du Québec.
This article reviews the study "Compulsory Arbitration in Australia" by J.E . Isaac.
This article reviews the study "Professional Workers and Collective Bargaining" by Shirley B. Goldenberg.
This article reviews "Radical Politics and Canadian Labour" by Martin Robin.
This article reviews "Studies in Personnel Psychology/Études en psychologie du travail" from the Commission de la Fonction Publique du Canada.
Dans l'industrie, le problème des rythmes de travail se pose avec acuité. Il est l'un des plus difficiles à résoudre et le chronométrage ne donne que des résultats imparfaits. La nocivité des allures élevées est encore mal connue, mais leur incidence sur la fatigue nerveuse est incontestable. Chacun a un rythme qui lui est propre. Mais ce rythme personnel est « corrigé » par les normes du groupe et par les motivations personnelles. Il faut essayer de se dégager de la notion de rythme maximal pour aller vers celle de rythme optimal qui ménagera à la fois la santé de l'homme, son efficacité, la bonne marche de l'entreprise et l'économie générale.
The author enumerates the characteristics of the Scandinavian system of industrial relations, notes ten of the most significant ones and compares their system with the one prevailing in Canada.
L'auteur présente le modèle de recherche utilisé lors de l'étude sur la Confédération des syndicats nationaux et la société de consommation, expose les difficultés rencontrées lors de la réalisation de ce travail et insiste sur les principales indications que l'on peut en retirer et les hypothèses que l’on est en droit de formuler.
This article reviews the study "Coalition Bargaining : A Study of Union Tactics and Public Policy" by William N. Chernish, number 45 in the series published by the Industrial Research Unit of the University of Pennsylvania.
This article reviews "Cultures in Collision: U.S. Corporate Policy and Canadian Subsidiaries" by Arthur Elliott Carlisle.
This article reviews "Deferment Policy in the Selective" by David R. Bradford.
This article reviews "Hospital Regulation: The Dilemma of Public Policy" by Anne R. Somers.
This article reviews "Issues in Indian Labour Policy. Papers and Conclusions of the Fourth National Seminar on Industrial Relations in a Developing Economy" edited by C.K. Johri.
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