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This article reviews the book, "Conflict or compromise : The Future of Public Sector Industrial Relations," by Mark Thompson & Gene Swimmer.
Introduces a new classification grid of socio-professional categories developed by the interuniversity group based at the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi. The multidisciplinary team aims to create a digitized population register for the regions and subregions of northeastern Quebec from 1800 to the present. The database will include economic, social, cultural, demographic, genetic, and health information. The next step is hierarchization, which consists of classifying the categories on the basis of criteria such as property, wealth, power, lifestyle, prestige, and education. While it will not result in an understanding of social classes as such or the fundamental, structured relationships that perpetuate them, it will shed light, at a first level, on the concrete modalities of the division of labour as well as, at a second level, on the distribution of the attributes that are linked to labour. This approach is therefore preliminary, or at least complementary, to more theoretical discourses on classes and the deep structures in which they are rooted. [Includes two tables.] --From authors' introduction
This article reviews the book, "Riel and the Rebellion of 1885 Reconsidered," by Thomas E. Flanagan.
This article reviews the book, "Mexico: Class Formation, Capital Accumulation, and the State," by James Cockcroft.
Women's activism in unions has increased dramatically in the last decade, creating a sense of renewed vitality and excitement in the trade union movement. Union Sisters is a attempt to document the struggles and victories of the movement of union women as well as to provide some direction to women and unions as they fight to defend the interests of working people. --Introduction
Pays tribute to the life and work of social historian Marta Danylewycz (reprint of the letter published in La Presse, Friday, March 29, 1985, that was signed by Denyse Baillargeon, Bettina Bradbury, Joanne Burgess, and eight others); industrial relations' professor Léo Roback, by Bernard Brody; and US labour historian Herbert G. Gutman, by John T. O'Brien (1st article), and Leon Fink and Susan Levine (2nd article). Also includes a list of Gutman's major publications. A photo accompanies each obituary.
Dans la décennie 1971-1980, les accidents industriels au Canada ont connu une très forte croissance. Pareillement, les couts totaux (directs et indirects) ont fait un bond prodigieux: ils ont quadruple en dollars courants et double en dollars constants. Ceci, en dépit du mouvement populaire de conscientisation en matière de sante et de sécurité du travail et des efforts déployés par les autorités compétentes pour contrer le phénomène envahissant des accidents professionnels.
Despite the increasing interest in the establishment and the development of joint labour-management occupational health and safety committees, there have been few studies undertaken to determine their effectiveness. The external and internal factors which influence committee effectiveness, and measures for determining their effectiveness are presented. The confusion between influencing factors and actual measures of committee effectiveness is discussed.
This paper examines the consequences of being unemployed sixteen months after the closing ofthe Canadian Admiral plant in Cambridge, Ontario in November 1981.
This article reviews the book, "Les syndicates britanniques sous les gouvernments travaillistes," by Jean-Pierre Ravier.
Considerable debate exists on the influence of fluctuations in union membership on strike frequency. On a theoretical level it is possible to advance a number of arguments about the sign and meaning of the regression coefficient on union membership in a strike function (see Kaufman (1982)) so the issue remains primarily an empirical one. This paper attempts to shed some new light on the empirical issue using U.K. evidence.
The object of this paper is to offer a taxonomy — a kind of classification System — as an aid to thinking, in a number of interrelated dimensions, about collective bargaining as a phenomenon of the relationship between management and labour.
Teachers' aspirations to professionalism are manifested in a desire to control educational decision-making. This research investigates success in achieving control of decision-making under formal bargaining, as defined by The School Boards andTeachers' Collective Negotiations Act, compared to non-formal bargaining used prior to 1975.
In 1983 and 1984 the Canadian Studies Program of the Secretary of State funded four lecture series at Canadian universities on the history of the Canadian working class. This volume presents many of the lectures in a published version. Ranging from east to west and covering two centuries of Canadian labour history, the volume includes a selection of essays by some of Canada's leading social historians including Michael Cross, David Frank, Ross McCormack, Bryan Palmer and Joy Parr. Outstanding participants in the making of Canadian labour history Eugene Forsey and H. Landon Ladd have also contributed. Directed at a popular audience these fourteen lectures provide a major survey of Canada's labour past. --Publisher's description
This article reviews the book, "Les mises à pied et le travail à temps réduit dans quelques pays de l'OCDE," by Bernard Grais.
This article reviews the book, "Sécurité sociale, chômage et retraite anticipée," by Association internationale de la sécurité sociale.
This article reviews the book, "Radicalism and Freethought in Nineteenth-Century Britain: The Life of Richard Carlile," by Joel H. Wiener.
This article reviews the book, "Atlantic Canada and Confederation: Essays in Canadian Political Economy," by David G. Alexander.
L’acte des manufactures de Quebec, 1885 : un centenaire.
This article reviews the book, "L'Église d'ici et le social: 1940-1960," by Jacques Cousineau.
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- Book (76)
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- Encyclopedia Article (1)
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- Thesis (50)