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This article reviews the book, "This Mighty Dream: Social Protest Movements in the United Slates," by Madeleine Adams and Seth Borgos.
This article reviews the book, "Work in the Changing Canadian Society," by Mervin Y. T. & Thomas G. Regan.
This article reviews the book, "Industrial Relations in a New Age," by Clark Kerr & Paul D. Staudohar.
This article reviews the book, "The Practice of Industrial Relations," by David Peach & David Kuechle.
The growth of private pensions is examined from a Marxist perspective. In the first part of the paper pension funds are examined in terms of Marx's analysis of the circuit of capital. The apparent anomaly of labour receiving surplus value in the form of interest from pension fund investments is resolved when it is recognized that labour does not own pension funds. The second part of the paper traces the development of private pensions in Canada as part of the class struggle. Private pension plans were first introduced by capital to control labour. Later with legislation by the state, pension funds came to be the major source of investment capital in Canada.
This paper examines the evolution of industrial unionism in Canada during the 1930s and 1940s through a comparative analysis of events at the Steel Company of Canada (Stelco) and Dominion Foundries and Steel (Dofasco).
This article reviews the book, "White Collar Politics," by Martin Oppenheimer.
This article reviews the book, "Labor's Ambassador in War and Peace: A Portrait of a Man and His Times," by Francis X. Gannon and Joseph D. Keenan.
Au cours des derniers mois, le Conseil a rendu deux décisions importantes dans le secteur des postes. Le 29 avril, le Conseil reconnaissait aux facteurs ruraux le statut d'employé au sens du paragraphe 107(1) du Code canadien du travail, alors que le 1er septembre, il concluait qu'une vente d'entreprise était survenue par suite d'un contrat de franchise conclu entre la Société canadienne des postes et Sheldon Manly Drugs Ltd. Ces deux décisions qui font encore les manchettes seront résumées dans la présente chronique.
This article reviews the book, "La main-d'oeuvre des canaux du Richelieu, 1843-1950," by P. André Sévigny.
This article reviews the book, "Droit de la santé et de la sécurité du travail - La loi et la jurisprudence commentée," by Denis Bradet, Bernard Cliche, Martin Racine & France Thibault.
This article reviews the book, "First and Foremost in Community Health Centres: The Centre in Sault Ste Marie and the PHC Alternatives," by Jonathan Lomax.
This article reviews the book, "L'enjeu informatique : former pour changer l'entreprise," by Jean-Pierre Durand, Joyce Durand-Sebag, Jean Lojkine & Christian Mahieu.
This article reviews the book, "Collective Bargaining Law in Canada," by A.W.R. Carrothers, E.E. Palmer & W.B. Rayner.
This article reviews the book, "Compulsory Arbitration - The Australian Way?," by The Industrial Relations Society of Australia.
This article reviews the book, "Freedom of Association and Industrial Relations," by Von Prondzynski.
This article reviews the book, "Limitacion de los poderes empresariales y democracia industrial, Leccion inaugural del curso academico 1986-1987," by Juan Rivero Lamas.
This article reviews the book, "Putting the Charter to Work: Designing a Constitutional Labour Code," by D.M. Beatty.
This article reviews the book, "Social Partnership - The Austrian System of Industrial Relations and Social Insurance," by T. Tomandl & K. Fuerboeck.
This article reviews the book, "Syndicats et droit syndical," by Maurice Verdier.
Resource type
- Book (76)
- Book Section (2)
- Encyclopedia Article (1)
- Film (3)
- Journal Article (2,168)
- Report (1)
- Thesis (50)