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The article reviews the books, "Readings in Unemployment," prepared for the Special Committee on Unemployment Problems, United States Senate, 86th Congress, 1st Session (1716 pp.) / and "Studies in Unemployment," prepared for the Special Committee on Unemployment Problems, United States Senate, 86th Congress (432 pp.).
L'auteur présente ici une étude de morale sociale. Après avoir exposé le fondement sur lequel repose le droit à la sécurité économique pour la famille, il établit le rapport qui existe entre le travail et la rétribution familiale. Il discute le problème complexe du salaire familial en tenant compte des opinions les plus récentes émises sur ce sujet.
In this article, the Author analyses fringe benefits as fundamental values. According to him, fringe benefits are more than an increase in the pay check; they are an important and permanent element of wage administration structure.
L'auteur confronte ici la doctrine traditionnelle de la propriété privée avec le contexte économique nord-américain.
The article reviews the book, "From Field to Factory: New Industrial Employees," by James Sydney Slotkin.
L'auteur de cet article a participé activement à l'implantation d'un système de discipline, basé sur l'allocation des points cumulés de démérite dans une entreprise industrielle du Québec. Il en trace ici la genèse, décrit son contenu et l'évalue globalement à la lumière d'une expérience de près de cinq ans.
The article reviews the book, "Inside a Sensitivity Training Groups," by T.R. Weschler and J. Reisel, Institute of Industrial Relations. University of California, Los Angeles, Monogra Series: 4.
The article reviews the book, "Job Attitudes: Review of Research and Opinion," by F. Herzberg et al., published by the Psychological Service of Pittsburgh.
The article reviews the book, "Leadership Dynamics and the Trade-Union Leader," by Lois MacDonald and Associates.
The article reviews the book, "Leadership, Psychology and Organizational Behavior," by Bernard M. Bass.
The article reviews the book, "Manager Selection, Education and Training," by W.E. Bennett.
The article reviews the book, "Occupational information," 3rd edition, by C.L. Shartel.
The article reviews the book, "Physiologie pratique du travail," by G. Lehman. ,
The article reviews the book, "Psychology in Business," by L. Beach and E. L. Clark.
The article reviews the book, "The Motivation to work," by F. Herzberg, B. Mausner and B.-C. Snyderman.
The article reviews the book, "The Supervision of Personnel," by John Pfiffner.
The article reviews the book, "What Every Supervisor Should Know, by Leslie R. Bittel, McGraw Hill Book, New York, 1959, 451 pp.
The article reviews the book, "Human Relations in Administration," by R. Dubin.
Resource type
- Audio Recording (1)
- Book (313)
- Book Section (15)
- Encyclopedia Article (1)
- Film (5)
- Journal Article (6,936)
- Magazine Article (7)
- Map (1)
- Report (12)
- Thesis (143)
- Video Recording (3)
- Web Page (13)
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (2)
- Between 1910 and 1919 (3)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (3)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (3)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (380)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (637)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (1,040)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (1,111)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2,301)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (1,970)