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The article reviews the book, "Three Dollar Dreams," by Lynne Bowen.
The article reviews and comments on several books including "The Character of Class Struggle: Essays in Canadian Working Class History, 1850-1985," edited by Bryan D. Palmer, ""On the Job: Confronting the Labour Process in Canada," edited by Craig Heron and Robert Storey, and "Working Lives: Vancouver 1886-1986," edited by the Working Lives Collective.
This survey of 179 Registered Nurses at a large acute care hospital deals with connections between the practices in which nurses are engaged in households and workplaces and the consciousness which both informs and arises from those practices. A large majority of respondents was opposed to male prerogatives and in favour of more domestic equality and removing pay inequities for women. On more controversial gender issues and with respect to class politics, respondents' opinions were diverse. Younger, more subordinate, better educated nurses and those with working class spouses and relatively egalitarian domestic arrangements manifested progressive attitudes on class and gender issues, but these statistical relationships were weak. The lack of clear-cut correspondence between social position and consciousness may reflect nurses' contradictory experiences in, for example, cross-class marriages and quasi-professional work situations.
This article reviews the book, "Compulsory Arbitration in New Zealand - The First Forty Years," by James Holt.
The Charter has had the effect of casting a long shadow of uncertainty over our established industrial relations institutions. Nowhere is this more true than in the area of grievance arbitration. In this paper, the author deals with the issues at stake, and the reasons why bot h arbitrators and judges are having such difficulty in deciding upon the extent to which grievance arbitration should be influenced by the Charter.
Trois chauffeurs travaillant pour la Société canadienne des postes ont reçu des suspensions après avoir refusé de franchir une ligne de piquetage avec leurs camions. Les trois soutiennent qu'ils ont refusé de travailler parce qu'ils craignaient l'existence d'un danger. Les trois chauffeurs étaient membres d'un syndicat, mais la ligne de piquetage qu'ils devaient franchir avait été montée par un autre syndicat. Le Conseil a maintenu trois plaintes déposées par les chauffeurs contestant la discipline imposée par leur employeur. Le Conseil a jugé que les travailleurs avaient des raisons valables d'avoir refusé de franchir la ligne de piquetage. De plus, le Conseil a déterminé que les grévistes qui se trouvaient sur la ligne de piquetage étaient des «employés» aux fins de la Partie II du Code. Enfin, étant donné que la Société canadienne des postes n 'a pas suivi les procédures prévues dans la Partie II du Code lors de l'invocation du droit de refus, le Conseil n'avait d'autre choix que de maintenir les trois plaintes.
The article reviews the book, "People, Resources and Power: Critical Perspectives on Underdevelopment and Primary Industries in the Atlantic Region," edited by Gary Burrill and Ian McKay.
Studies of the 1918-19 labour revolt in western Canada have generally emphasized the leading role of frontier resource workers. In contrast, recent studies of the labour revolt in central Canada and elsewhere have stressed the workplace struggles of craftsmen threatened by changes in the labour process. These interpretations are assessed through a historical comparison of the experiences of workers in the Vancouver area between 1900 and 1919. First, comparison of participants in the major events of the 1918-19 revolt shows that it grew out of the interests, solidarities, and histories of collective action of both frontier labourers and craftsmen in crisis. Second, continuities between strike waves in 1900-03, 1910-13,and 1917-19 show that sources of the 1918-19 labour revolt in Vancouver lay within the city, rather than being only an effect of the western resource frontier or of exceptional wartime conditions. Strengthened mobilization, militant strike action, repressive employers, and growing but threatened power were conditions of the labour revolt in Vancouver in 1918-19. Instead of being unique, the experience of Vancouver workers was similar to that of workers elsewhere in Canada and internationally.
The article reviews the book, "Independent Spirits: Spiritualism and English Plebians, 1850-1910," by Logie Barrow.
This report examines some of the persistent themes in the social science literature about farm women since the middle of this century. It is one researcher's attempt to deal with the wide variety of perspectives from which farm women have been studied and to suggest the usefulness of some of the material for future scholarship.
The case for systematic attention by labour historians to the crew list collection held in the Maritime History Archive of the Memorial University of Newfoundland is argued in terms of the historical interest of British maritime labour in the 19th and 20th centuries, and of the richness of the material itself. Maritime labour was characterised by a series of hiring practices and business dynamics which make it particularly worthy of attention. The impact of steam and steel technology, in- creased capitalization and government attention, and the emergence of a collective identity within the workforce, combine to produce a unique but important labour phenomenon which the existence of almost complete demographic and employment data bring well within the grasp of the historian. Various methodologies for studying the material are discussed, and the preferred method of studying the workforce of one large firm over a short period of time is illustrated with a brief case study.
Le Canada s'interrogeant sur l'adéquation de ses catégories juridiques face aux impératifs des nouvelles conditions d'exercice du travail subordonné liées aux nouvelles technologies, l'auteur examine d'abord le cadre légal et ensuite les dispositions conventionnelles palliatives ou complémentaires sur ce sujet.
The article reviews the book, "A Generation of Boomers: The Pattern of Railroad Labour Conflict in Nineteenth-Century America," by Shelton Stromquist.
The article reviews the book, "State, Class, and Bureaucracy: Canadian Unemployment Insurance and Public Policy," by Leslie A. Pal.
The article reviews the book, "The Tyranny of Work: Alienation and the Labour Process," by James W. Rinehart.
This article reviews the book, "Le congédiement en droit québécois en matière de contrat individuel de travail," by Georges Audet and Robert Bonhomme.
L'objet de cet article est de retracer le processus de féminisation des emplois de bureau dans le milieu bancaire, en examinant le cas des employés masculins et féminins du siège social de la Banque d'Hochelaga, entre 1900 et 1929. En premier lieu, il présente les incidences qu'a eu la révolution administrative sur l'organisation du travail bancaire et surtout sur la répartition sexuelle des tâches. Tandis que les hommes sont présents dans l'ensemble des groupes d'emplois, les femmes occupent un éventail plus restreint de postes. Bien des études jusqu'à ce jour en ont conclu que les femmes n'auraient eu d'autres possibilités que d'occuper les emplois subalternes et mal rétribués, laissant aux employés masculins les postes qualifiés. Ce type de conclusions pose de nombreaux problèmes dans la mesure où il présente la main-d'oeuvre féminine comme étant un groupe homogène et masque la diversité des expériences professionnelles féminines. L'analyse comparative des intinéraires individuels au sein de la banque, plutôt que l'étude plus conventionnelle de la seule organisation du travail, permet de faire émerger cette diversité des expériences et des pratiques professionnelles et ce, tant chez les femmes que chez les hommes.
The article reviews the book, "Histoire de l'administration publique québécoise, 1867-1970," by James Iain Gow.
The article reviews the book, "The Struggle to Organise: Resistance in Canada's Fishery," by Wallace Clement.
The article reviews the book, "Histoire du syndicalisme au Québec. Des origines à nos jours," by Jacques Rouillard.
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