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This three-part report presents the results of a major research project underdertaken in the early 1980s. The project aimed to establish a new statistical time series for strikes in Canada. The final results of this work will appear in 1990 in volume three of the Historical Atlas of Canada which will contain a series of four plates on Canadian labour in the years 1891-1961. In this report we shall focus on the data concerning the years 1891-1950. An essay on method and sources is published here as Part II of this report and the data set is presented fully in Part III. In addition, we want to state at the outset that the more we work on this data, the more fully we agree with David Montgomery's assertion that "any attempt to formulate a positivistic 'natural history of strikes* is doomed to failure. Strikes can only be understood in the context of the changing totality of class conflicts, of which they are a part." --From authors' introduction
This article reviews the book, "Le déclin du social, formation et crise des politiques de la vieillesse," by Anne-Marie Guillemard.
Quatre ans après la loi Auroux touchant la negociation collective, l'auteur apprecie ses effets pratiques et s'interroge sur ses pouvoirs et ses limites lorsqu'elle cherche à agir sur les relations collectives du travail.
Cet article retrace l'origine de la fondation des syndicats de journalistes dans cinq quotidiens d'information québécois. Il s'attache à mettre en lumière les motifs de la syndicalisation des journalistes et le choix de leur affiliation syndicale.
This article reviews the book, "The Workingmen's Party of the United States: A History of the First Marxist Party in the Americas," by Philip S. Foner.
This article reviews the book, "Life of the Party," by Gerard Fortin and Boyce Richardson.
This paper presents results from a study of recent changes in earnings inequality within cohorts of Canadian men defined by levels of schooling and age. Data are taken from seven Surveys of Consumer Finances during the period 1971 through 1982.
Presents work poems including "Grieving," "Reproduction in the Kingdom," "The Coming of Spring," "Living with Cancer," and "Chances Are."
This article reviews the book, "Les P.M.E. (les petites et moyennes entreprises) à l'agonie," by Henri Gagnon.
This article reviews the book, "More Than Just a Union: The Story of the NFFAWU," by Gordon Inglis.
This article reviews the book, "Women and Work: An Annual Review Volume I," edited by Laurie Larwood, Ann H. Stromberg, and Barbara A. Gutek.
This article reviews the book, "Theatre for Working-Class Audiences in the United States, 1830-1980," edited by Bruce A. McConachie and Daniel Friedman.
This article reviews the book, "Compensation," by George T. Milkovich & Jerry M. Newman.
Cette analyse cherche à démontrer que plusieurs manifestations de «nouveau syndicalisme» semblables à celles observées en Angleterre et dans d'autres régions canadiennes, surgirent du mouvement ouvrier québécois au tournant du vingtième siècle. C'est en raison de leur position particulière au sein du procès de travail que les tisseurs et les tisseuses, ainsi que d'autres ouvriers du coton «semi-qualifiés» donnèrent une dimension -multilatérale» à leurs grèves, de sorte que les conflits de travail eurent tendance à se déployer au-delà d'une seule tâche productive ou des seuls travailleurs qualifiés. Comparativement, les ouvriers en chaussures évoluèrent dans une environnement productif beaucoup plus «parcellisé» et leur lutte surgit et concerna essentiellement les ouvriers masculins les plus qualifiés et leurs fraternités respectives, dans la tradition du syndicalisme de métiers de l'ère victorienne.
This article reviews the book, "Whitehall and the Labour Problem in Late-Victorian and Edwardian Britain," by Roger Davidson.
This article reviews the book, "Divisions of Labour: Skilled Workers and Technological Change in Nineteenth Century Britain," by Royden Harrison & Jonathan Zeitlin, edited.
Changements dans les legislations du travail au Canada.
Changements dans les legislations du travail au Canada.
Changements dans les legislations du travail au Canada.
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