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This research has focused on re-analyzing data from previous large-scale Canadian surveys that include information on education and training activities and union status, as well as other demographic and organizational factors, most prominently the 1993 and 1997 Adult Education and Training Surveys. In contrast to some recent studies, we find that union status has had consistent positive individual-level effects in Canada on participation in adult education courses and employer-sponsored courses in general, and especially for women union members. In addition, our analysis of data from the 1998 national survey on informal learning finds that in this much more extensive form of learning, unionized workers are significantly more likely than non-unionized workers to participate in more directly empowering forms of knowledge including learning about workers’ rights and political issues.
Compilation of recent English/French publications on Canadian labour history that emphasize the period 1800-1975. Materials pertaining to the post-1975 period may also be included, although more selectively. [See the database, Canadian Labour History, 1976-2009, published at Memorial University of Newfoundland.]
This paper seeks to examine the renewal of the Caribbean Public Sector trade unions (CPSU), and make a number of recommendations as it regards the capacity building and institutional strengthening of these unions. The paper begins with an introduction that lays the foundation for the discussion of capacity building for CPSU. It continues with a socio-historical background to the current difficulties facing the CPSU, and continues with an examination of a number of regional concerns for the CPSU. Based on the Regional concerns identified and the fact that CPSU need to step out of their traditional role of representation and, in addition, become concerned with national issues, the paper concludes with a number of recommendations for the way forward for the CPSU. // Cet article examine le renouveau des syndicats du secteur public des Caraïbes (SSPC) et établit un certain nombre de recommandations eu égard à leur capacité de consolidation institutionnelle. L’introduction expose les éléments de fonds qu’il s’agit d’avoir à l’esprit pour comprendre la capacité d’action des SSPC. S’en suivent une présentation des conditions socio-historiques qui expliquent leurs difficultés actuelles, puis un examen des questions régionales auxquelles ils font face. De là, et prenant parti que les SSPC doivent sortir de leur rôle traditionnel de représentation, y inclus une prise en compte des questions nationales, l’article conclut en identifiant des voies d’avenir.
The book The Future of Worker Representation, edited by Geraldine Healy, is reviewed.
The article reviews the book, "Les strategies des ressources humaines," 3rd edition, by Bernard Gazier.
The article analyzes the claims of traditionalist and revisionist historians concerning communism by comparing industrial work of the national socialist parties in Great Britain, the U.S. and Canada in the period 1928-1935. The efforts made by the national parties to strive for leadership of the working class in the workplace are explored. Traditionalist historians are of the opinion that adequate comprehension of communism requires recognition of subordination of each national party to the demands of Moscow, Russia. According to revisionist historians, the national parties enjoyed autonomy in resisting or adapting to the demands of Moscow.
The article reviews the book, "Real Country: Music and Language in Working-Class Culture," by Aaron A. Fox.
The article reviews the book, "The Politics of Prostitution," edited by Joyce Outshoom.
The article reviews the book, "The Failed Century of the Child: Governing America's Young in the Twentieth Century," by Judeith Sealander.
Le modèle des ancres de carrière proposé par Schein en 1978 est considéré comme une contribution majeure pour comprendre les cheminements de carrière des individus. En fait, cette théorie repose sur le postulat implicite selon lequel un individu ne posséderait qu’une seule ancre dominante. Ce phénomène de dominance est encore appelé « différenciation ». Aussi, de nombreux chercheurs en déduisent-ils qu’il faut ne retenir que l’ancre de carrière ayant le score le plus élevé pour opérationnaliser ce concept de dominance ou de différenciation. Pourtant certains individus pourraient posséder plusieurs ancres élevées, ce qui pose la question de la multiplicité des ancres, ici appelée « indifférenciation ». S’appuyant sur un échantillon de 900 ingénieurs québécois, cette étude montre que « l’indifférenciation » est plus fréquente qu’on ne le pense, qu’elle n’est pas un phénomène pathologique et qu’elle permet de mieux cerner un cheminement de carrière mal connu, soit le cheminement hybride.
The article reviews the book, "Working Like a Homosexual: Camp, Capital, Cinema," by Matthew Tinkcom.
Single transient homeless men are one of the archetypal figures of the chaotic decade known as the Great Depression. They are also a misunderstood group, commonly associated with a degraded and hopeless existence. This thesis focuses on homeless men, both on the road and in Vancouver, in the period from the fall of 1929, with the collapse of North American stock markets, until the spring of 1932, with the breakdown of the provincial government's relief camp scheme. It argues that those involved in the relationships of charity provision, whether homeless recipient or government bureaucrat, characterized the world of relief with the same terms they used to understand the normalized world of the capitalist economy. Homeless transients flocked to Vancouver by the thousands. Many became the rank-and-file backbone of Communist-led protest movements. Consistently, these movements demanded relief at union rates, challenged the gendered, racial and national categories that divided the unemployed, and rejected outright the oppressive relief measures accorded transients. In response, the municipal government sought to introduce Fordist methods of business management, rationalizing the processes of relief provision with an eye to efficient administration and surveillance. Relief was not a one-sided transaction-a gift from one party to another-but an exchange. When offering the poor food, shelter, fuel and clothing, public and private charities became involved in commercial relationships with the city's service industries. Businesses across Vancouver clamoured to get their share of relief money, hoping to translate some of the money spent on the unemployed into profit. With state-run relief camps, governments created one of the sharpest contradictions of the 1930s, unemployed workers who worked for a living, but for substandard rates of relief. Officials seized upon the crisis to initiate a program designed to develop British Columbia's economic infrastructure. The work of the jobless would thus pay dividends by enabling an increased rate of economic growth once the crisis had passed. In these ways, relief became an industry. The hundreds of people who wrote about tramps during the 1930s twinned the objectification and the commodification of transiency. Whether espousing a humanitarian or a hateful view of hoboes, these authors almost unanimously agreed that the tramping life had to be destroyed. Hoboes would vanish from the Canadian landscape because their lives were without value. For their part, the hoboes who put words on paper ranged across a host of subjects pertaining to life on the road and life in the city. While some cried out against what they saw as the oppressions of transient life and envisioned a future in which they would be reintegrated into society, others lauded the camaraderie and mutuality amongst tramps. For this group, the hobo life was an end in itself, valued because it enabled them to live free from the exploitation that was the lot of wage workers.
The article reviews and comments on "The Tramp in America" by Tim Creswell, "Citizen Hobo: How a Century of Homelessness Shaped America" by Todd DePastino, and "Indispensable Outcasts: Hobo Workers and Community in the American Midwest, 1880-1930" by Frank Tobias Higbie.
Describes Parent's contributions to the Canadian women's movement from 1970 to 2000, including the "equal pay for work of equal value" campaign and the defence of the rights of immigrant and Indigenous women.
The article reviews the book, "Initiative individuelle et formation," edited by Fabienne Berton, Mario Correia, Corinne Lespessailles and Madeleine Maillebouis.
The article reviews the book, "Third-Sector Development: Making Up for the Market," by Christopher Gunn.
The article reviews the book, "Responsabilité sociale d’entreprise et finance responsable : quels enjeux ?," edited by Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay and David Rolland.
The article reviews the book, "Travail, organisation et santé : le défi de la productivité dans le respect des personnes," by Alain Vinet.
The article reviews the book, "Formidable Heritage: Manitoba's North and the Cost of Development 1870 to 1930, by Jim Mochoruk.
The article reviews the book, "Gurus, Hired Guns, and Warm Bodies: Itinerant Experts in a Knowledge Economy," by Stephen R. Barley and Gideon Kunda.
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- Report (123)
- Thesis (392)
- TV Broadcast (2)
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- Web Page (35)
Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (2,141)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (2,523)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (877)