Gender History: Canadian Perspectives

Resource type
Gender History: Canadian Perspectives
Combining primary and secondary sources with original discussions, Gender History examines the full range of gender experiences - past and present - beyond typical conceptions of masculinity and femininity. Addressing both the chronology and crucial themes of gender in Canada, this combination text/reader is an essential resource for understanding the evolution of the Canadian gender system." desc;
Don Mills, Ont.
Oxford University Press
# of Pages
xi, 472 pages
Short Title
Gender History
5/3/24, 5:13 PM
Library Catalog
Internet Archive

Contents:  Part I: Gender Continuities and Change -- 1. Gender -- and Cultural Diversity in the Early Contact Period -- Aboriginal Cultures -- European Newcomers -- Early Contact -- Questions -- Recommended Readings -- References -- Primary source(s) -- Paul Le Jeune: "On the Good Things which are Found Among the Savages" -- Readings -- Jean-Guy A. Goulet: "The "Berdache" -- "Two-Spirit": A Comparison of Anthropological and Native Constructions of Gendered Identities among the Northern Athapaskans" -- Allan Greer: "Colonial Saints: Gender, Race, and Hagiography in New France" -- 2. Gender, Territorial Transitions, and Colonialism in the Eighteenth Century -- The Emergence of British North America -- Initial Expansion and Colonialism -- -- Governors' Orders regarding Irish Fishing Servants in Eighteenth-Century Newfoundland -- -- Excerpt from the Narrative of the Heroic Deeds of Madeleine de Verchères (1678-1747) aged 14 years, against the Iroquois 22-30 October 1692 -- Anne Marie Lane Johah: "Unequal Transitions: Two Métis Women in Eighteenth-Century Île Royale"; 3. Gender, Western Expansion, and Consolidation of the Colonial Order: The Early Nineteenth Century to the 1880s -- Further Expansion and Consolidation -- Middle-class Masculinity and Femininity -- Gender Identities and Working People -- Gender and Political Entitlement -- Gender and African-Canadian Communities -- The New Canadian State and Colonialism -- -An Act to Amend and Consolidate the Laws Respecting Indians [Aboriginal or Native peoples, First Nations] -- Cartoon: Henri Julien, "A Lancer of the N.W. Mounted Police" ; -- Cartoon: Unsigned, untitled cartoon from the Canadian Illustrated News, 1870 -- Adele Perry: "The Autocracy of Love and the Legitimacy of Empire: Intimacy, Power and Scandal in Nineteenth-Century Metlakahtlah" -- Deborah Stiles: "Martin Butler, Masculinity and the North American Sole Leather Tanning Industry: 1871-1889" -- 4. Gender, Citizenship, and Belonging: 1880-1920s -- Aboriginal People and Métis at the Periphery -- Immigration, Race, and Gender; Social and Moral Reform -- First-wave Feminism and Suffrage -- New Women and New Men; Cartoon: J.W. Bengough, "I Stand for Justice: Answer, Shall I Have It?"; Excerpt from speech by British Ambassador at presentation of National Geographic Society's Hubbard Medal to Arctic explorer Capt. Robert Bartlett, 1909 -- Mary-Ellen Kelm: "Manly Contests: Rodeo Masculinities at the Calgary Stampede" -- Jane Nicholas: "Gendering the Jubilee: Gender and Modernity in the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation Celebrations, 1927" -- 5. Gender, Conflict, and the Re-imagining of Canada: From the Interwar Years to the Mid-Twentieth Century -- The Interwar Years and the Great Depression; The Second World War, the State, and Citizenship; Post-War Canada and the Gendered Welfare State; Gender and Immigration Policy; The Baby Boom, the Cold War, and Suburbia -- Shirley Chan: "Laying It All on the Table: A Family Affair" -- Phyllis Haslam: "The Damaged Girl in a Distorted Society"; Robert Rutherdale:  "Just Nostalgic Family Men? Off-the-Job Family Time, Providing, and Oral Histories of Fatherhood in Postwar Canada, 1945-1975" -- Tarah Brookfield: "The Home Front becomes the Front Line: Fallout Shelter Madness" -- 6. Gender, Activism, and Change: From the Mid-1960s to the Late-Twentieth Century -- Second-wave Feminism; LGBTQ Activism; Men's Movements and Late-Twentieth-Century Masculinities; Third-wave Feminism -- Michael Mainville: "Men's Groups Drum up Some Dubious Ideas" Danielle Naumann: "Aboriginal Women in Canada: On the Choice to Renounce or Reclaim Aboriginal Identity" -- Part II: Gender Issues -- 7. Gender and Work -- From Pre-Industrial Work to the Industrial Transformation of Labour; Gender and Domestic Service; Gender and the Professions; Gender Stratification of Work: White, Blue, and Pink; The Gender Wage Gap; Labour Organizing and Unions; Cultural and State Participation in the Gendering of Work -- Photo: Jerry Lonecloud (1854- 1930), 1928. Mi'kmaq medical man, Nova Scotia; Photo: Barn Raising, Brampton, 1900; Photo: Cecil Roberts and his brother Charlie eating lunch about 2.5 miles out under the Atlantic, 800 feet below the ocean floor -- Christina Burr: "Some Adventures of the Boys: Enniskillen Township's 'Foreign Drillers,' Imperialism, and Colonial Discourse, 1873-1923" -- Becki L. Ross: "Bumping and Grinding on the Line: Making Nudity Pay" -- 8. Gender and Legal Systems -- Marriage and Divorce; Sexuality and the Formal Legal System; Race, Class, and Ethnicity; Negotiating Formal and Informal Justice; Challenging Gendered Laws -- James Armstrong: A Treatise on the Law Relating to Marriage in Lower Canada (Montreal, 1857), 14-21 (abridged)." -- Mary Anne Poutanen: "Regulating Public Space in Early Nineteenth-Century Montreal: Vagrancy Laws and Gender in a Colonial Context" -- Nicki Darbyson:  "'Sadists and Softies': Gender and the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Canada: A Case Study of Steven Truscott, 1959-1976"; 9. Gender and the Body -- Reading the Body; Challenging Sex: Intersex and Transsexual Bodies; Health, Reproduction, and Control of the Body -- Henry Napheys: "Secret Bad Habits" -- Barbara L. Marshall: "Climacteric Redux? (Re)medicalizing the Male Menopause" -- Deborah Findlay: "Discovery Sex: Medical Science, Feminism, and Intersexuality" -- 10. Gender and Sexuality -- Ideas about Sexuality; "Normal" and "Abnormal" Sexualities: Constructing Boundaries; Sexual Desire: Definitions and Interventions; Diverse Sexual Identities -- Excerpt from "We Demand" manifesto of the Canadian gay liberation movement, presented to Parliament on 28 August 1971 -- Lyle Dick: -- Same-sex Intersections of the Prairie Settlement Era: The 1895 Case of Regina's "Oscar Wilde" -- 11. Gender and Violence -- Gendering Violence; Sanctioning Violent Masculinity; Domestic Violence; Sexual Violence; Violence, Marginalization, and Inequality -- On the Practice of Duelling in Upper Canada; Maya Rolbin-Ghanie:  "An Olympic Failure: At least 137 Native Women Murdered or Missing in BC since 1980" -- Willeen Keough:  "'Now you vagabond [W]hore I have you': Plebeian Women, Assault Cases, and Gender and Class Relations on the Southern Avalon, 1750-1860" -- Marlene Epp:  "Heroes or Yellow-Bellies? Masculinity and the Conscientious Objector" -- 12. Gender, Religious Institutions, and Spiritualities -- Indigenous Spiritualties; Christianity; Islam -- Excerpt from "Report of the meetings held in Montreal, Sept. 9th and 10th, 1886, called by the Provisional Committee which was authorized by the Board of Missions for the purpose of organizing a Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Foreign and Domestic Missions of the Church of England in Canada" (Montreal: J. Lovell), 8-10. -- Rhéal Séguin: "Invited to Quebec Legislature, Sikhs then Barred for Carrying Kirpans"; Helle-Mai Lenk: "The Case of Émilie Ouimet: News Discourse on Hijab and the Construction of Québecois National Identity" -- Dan Horner: "'Shame Upon You as Men!': Contesting Authority in the Aftermath of Montreal's Gavazzi Riot" -- 13. Gender, Popular Culture, and Mass Media -- Objectification: Representations of Gendered Bodies; Masculinity: Popular Culture and Violence; Creative Consumption and Unintended Readings -- Poster: 2010 Canadian CBBF Bodybuilding Championships Poster, 14 August 2010. ; Photo: Bobby Hull, 1966. ; Transgender Contestant Falls Short at Miss Universe Canada -- Stephen Fielding: "Ethnicity in Trail, British Columbia, 1970-77" -- John Wong: "The Unbearable Lightness of Being Black: Race, Class, and Victorian Vancouver's First Lifeguard."

Keough, W. G., & Campbell, L. A. (2014). Gender History: Canadian Perspectives (W. G. Keough & L. A. Campbell, Eds.). Oxford University Press.