Aboriginal Labour Market Performance in Canada: 2007-2011

Resource type
Aboriginal Labour Market Performance in Canada: 2007-2011
The objective of this report is to examine Aboriginal labour market performance in Canada from 2007 to 2011 using data from the Labour Force Survey, which excludes people living on-reserve or in the territories. This is performed by first providing an overview of how the recession affected the Canadian labour market, followed by a Canada-wide portrait of the Aboriginal labour market in 2011. The Aboriginal labour market performance from 2007 to 2011 is then compared to the rest of the labour force on a national level, before being broken down by province and main heritage group. Using this information, the report then discusses the implications of future labour market developments for Aboriginal Canadians and for the labour market policies and programs that support their labour market performance. [Prepared for the Métis National Council by the Centre for the Study of Living Standards.]
Report Number
CSLS Research Report 2012-04
Ottawa, Ont.
Centre for the Study of Living Standards
June 20, 2012
Centre for the Study of Living Standards (Ottawa, ON). (2012). Aboriginal Labour Market Performance in Canada: 2007-2011 (No. CSLS Research Report 2012-04; p. 119). Centre for the Study of Living Standards. http://www.csls.ca/reports/csls2012-04.pdf