Continental Crucible: Big Business, Workers and Unions in the Transformation of North America
- Roman, Richard (Author)
- Velasco Arregui, Edur (Author)
Statement of responsibility: Richard Roman and Edur Velasco Arregui; preface by Mel Watkins; foreword by Steve Early.
Contents: Introduction: The Crucible of North American Transformation -- Part 1.The big business offensive: Continental integration and the class offensive from above -- The North American corporate offensive: The United States -- The North American corporate offensive: Canada -- The North American corporate offensive: Mexico -- The North American corporate offensive: NAFTA -- Part 2. The two binationalisms: Immigrants, workers and unions. Mexican immigration and the U.S. labour market -- Continental integration from below: The history of transnational labour markets and labour movements in North America. Part 3. Workers and unions: Responses and continental integration from below. Fighting back: Workers, unions, and continental solidarity -- Fighting back: The Mexican spark? -- Fighting back: The seeds of worker continentalism -- Epilogue: Rising from the ashes of NAFTA.