Class, State, Ideology and Change: Marxist Perspectives on Canada

Resource type
Class, State, Ideology and Change: Marxist Perspectives on Canada
[This book] is written in a way consistent with some of the fundamental concerns of Marxism. The contributions are from individuals who, according to conventional classifications, can be described as anthropologists, historians, political economists, and sociologists. ...Although the articles are grouped under the headings class, state, ideology and change, the concerns of many span more than one of these categories. In addition, the articles deal with matters of fundamental concern to Canadians: the question of unequal exchanges among regions, Canadian and Quebec nationalism, the ideological mechanisms that support the unequal treatment of women, deindustrialization, and so on. A final section of the book focuses on indigenous Canadian political economy tradition and Marxism. --Editor's preface
Marxist perspectives on Canada
Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada
# of Pages
388 pages
Short Title
Class, State, Ideology and Change
6/15/23, 4:15 AM
OCLC: 6789362

Part 1: CLASS: 1. Naylor, R.T. Dominion of Capital: Canada and International Investment. 2. Langdon, Steven. The emergence of the Canadian Working Class Movement, 1848-1875. 3. Heron, Craig and Bryan D. Palmer. Through the Prism of the Strike: Industrial Conflict in Southern Ontario, 1901-1914. 4. Bernier, Bernard. The Penetration of Capitalism in Quebec Agriculture. 5. Cuneo, Carl J. Class Contradiction in Canada's International Setting. Part 2: STATE: 6. Mellos, K. Developments in Advanced Capitalist Ideology. 7. Cuneo, Carl J. State, Class and Reserve Labour: The Case of the 1941 Canadian Unemployment Insurance Act. 8. Mahon, Rianne. Regulatory Agencies: Captive Agents or Hegemonic Apparatuses. 9. Huxley, Christopher. The State, Collective Bargaining and the Shape of Strikes in Canada. Part 3: IDEOLOGY: 10. Smith, Allan. The Myth of the Self-Made Man in English Canada, 1850-1914. 11. Rioux, Marcel. The Development of Ideologies in Quebec. 12. Layton, Jack. Nationalism and the Canadian Bourgeoisie: Contradictions of Dependence. 13. Grayson, J. Paul and L.M. Grayson. Class and Ideologies of Class in the English-Canadian Novel. 14. Smith, D. An Analysis of Ideological Structures and How Women are Excluded: Considerations for Academic Women. Part 4: CHANGE: 15. Veltmeyer, H. Dependency and Underdevelopment: Some Questions and Problems. 16. Frank, David. The Cape Breton Coal Industry and the Rise and Fall of the British Empire Steel Corporation. 17. Conway, J.F. Populism in the United States, Russia, and Canada: Explaining the Roots of Canada's Third Parties. 18. Belanger, Paul and Celine Saint-Pierre. Economic Dependence, Political Subordination and National Oppression. 19. Grayson, J. Paul and L.M. Grayson. Unequal Cultural Exchange: A Study of Regionalism and Canadian Writers. Part 5: MARXISM AND CANADIAN POLITICAL ECONOMY: 20. Lamy, Paul. The Globalization of American Sociology: Excellence or Imperialism. 21. Parker, Ian. Harold Innis, Karl Marx and Canadian Political Economy. 22. Watkins, Mel. The Staple Theory Revisited.

Grayson, J. P. (Ed.). (1980). Class, State, Ideology and Change: Marxist Perspectives on Canada. Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada.