Aboriginal History: A Reader

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Aboriginal History: A Reader
Combining contemporary articles with historical documents, this engaging reader examines the rich history of Canada's Aboriginal peoples. The 30 articles - half of which are original to this volume - explore a diverse range of topics, including spirituality, colonialism, self-identity, federal policy, residential schools, labour, and women's rights. With in-depth coverage of events and processes from the earliest times through to the modern day, [the reader] offers students a new appreciation for the long and complex history of Canada's First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples. --Publisher's description
Don Mills, Ont.
Oxford University Press
# of Pages
xxv, 490 pages
Short Title
Aboriginal History
5/3/24, 5:06 PM
Library Catalog
Internet Archive

Contents:  Introduction: Aboriginal History in a Colonial Context / Kristin Burnett and Geoff Read -- 1. World Views: -- Indigeneity in Canada: Spirituality, the Sacred, and Survival / Dennis H. McPherson and J. Douglas Rabb -- Indigenous Pedagogy: A Way Out of Dependency / Betty Bastien -- 2. Perspectives on Contact Imagining a Distant New World / Daniel K. Richter -- Plan of Hochelaga Picturing Contact, Cartier, 1556 / Ramusio -- Jacques Cartier and His First Interview with Indians at Hochelaga, 1850 / Andrew Morris -- Into the Arctic Archipelago: Edward Parry in Igloolik and the Shaman's Curse / Dorothy Harley Eber -- Excerpt from an Interview with Rosie Iqallijuq / Interviewed and translated by Louis Tapardjuk; 3. Population Debates: -- Recent Work and Prospects in American Indian Contact Population / David Henige -- Natural [Herbal] Medicine / Joseph-François Lafitau -- Treaties and Tuberculosis: First Nations People in Late Nineteenth-Century Western Canada, A Political and Economic Transformation / J.W. Daschuk, Paul Hackett, and Scott MacNeil -- Report of Acting Superintendent M.G. Dickieson, July 1879 / Office of the North-West Indian Superintendent, Battleford, N.W.T. -- 4. War, Conflict, and Society: -- Slavery, the Fox Wars, and the Limits of Alliance / Brett Rushforth; Baptisms, 21 September 1713 -- The Divided Ground: Upper Canada, New York, and the Iroquois Six Nations, 1783-1815 / Alan Taylor -- Speech by Red Jacket, 21 November 1790 / Seneca War Chief, Red Jacket, speaking to representatives of the US government -- 5. The Fur Trade: Fur-Trade History as an Aspect of Native History / Arthur J. Ray -- Minutes from the Excise Committee of the Hudson's Bay Company, 24 March 1673 / A Committee at the Excise office -- Women, Kin, and Catholicism: New Perspectives on the Fur Trade / Susan Sleeper-Smith -- Reminiscences of Early Days on Mackinac Island / Elizabeth Thérèse Baird; 6. Locating Métis Identity: -- 'I Shall Settle, Marry, and Trade Here': British Military Personnel and Their Mixed-Blood Descendants / Alexander V. Campbell -- Métis Nationalism: Then and Now / Yvon Dumont -- Only Pemmican Eaters? The International Press and Métis Identity, 1869-1885 / Geoff Read and Todd Webb -- The Insurrection in Manitoba / Brisbane Courier -- 7. Federal Indian Policy: -- Dreaming in Liberal White: Canadian Indian Policy, 1913-83 / Hugh Shewell; Civilizing Influences / A proposed pamphlet by Thomas Deasy, Indian Agent, 1920 -- Our Medicines: First Nations Medical Practices and the Nanaimo Indian Hospital, 1945-1975 / Laurie Meijer Drees -- Excerpt from an Interview with Violet Charlie 14 May 2008 / Interview by Laurie Meijer Drees; 8. Survivance, Identity, and the Indian Act: -- Identity, Non-Status Indian, and Federally Unrecognized Peoples / Bonita Lawrence -- Indian Act, 1867, Sections 3(3)-3(6) -- Stuck at the Border of the Reserve: Bill C-31 and the Impact on First Nations Women / Jaime Mishibinijima -- Excerpt from an Interview with Life Respondent 12, July 2008 / Interview by Jaime Mishibinijima -- Indian Act, 1985, Section 6; 9. Residential Schools: -- Always Remembering: Indian Residential Schools in Canada / Celia Haig-Brown -- Program of Studies for Indian Schools, 1897 -- Reflections on the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement: From Court Cases to Truth and Reconciliation / Lorena Sekwan Fontaine -- Excerpt from the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, May 2006 -- Telling Truths and Seeking Reconciliation: Exploring the Challenges / Rupert Ross -- 10. Religion, Culture, and the Peoples of the North: -- The Birth of a Catholic Inuit Community: The Transition to Christianity in Pelly Bay, NU, 1935-50 / Cornelius H.W. Remie and Jarich Oosten; Excerpt from Codex Historicus, 25 December 1940 / Missionaries at Pelly Bay -- Reflecting on the Future: New Technologies, New Frontiers / Naomi Adelson -- Engaging and Integrating Technologies / Naomi Adelson -- 11. The Economy and Labour: -- Vanishing the Indians: Aboriginal Labourers in Twentieth-Century British Columbia / John Lutz -- Excerpts from the Diary of Arthur Wellington Clah / Introduction by John Lutz -- Colonialism at Work: Labour Placement Programs for Aboriginal Women in Post-War Canada / Joan Sangster; Indian Girls Achieve Successful Careers -- Pave the Way for Others / Indian News (Newsletter published by the Department of Indian Affairs) -- 12. Aboriginal Women: -- Categories and Terrains of Exclusion: Constructing the 'Indian Woman' in the Early Settlement Era in Western Canada / Sarah Carter; Letter from Mrs Mary McNaughton Concerning the Chattels of Indian Women Married to White Men and Living on the Reserve, dated 15 December 1879 / Mary McNaughton, Cayuga tribe, to Sir John A. Macdonald -- Making History: Elsie Marie Knott, Canada's First Female Indian Act Chief / Cora Voyageur -- Excerpt from the Indian Act, 1951; 13. Negotiating Health and Well-Being: -- Industrial Fisheries and the Health of Local Communities in the Twentieth-Century Canadian Northwest / Liza Piper -- Letter from Chief Pierre Freezie to S.J. Bailey, 9 October 1950 / Petition to stop commercial fishing on Great Slave Lake -- 'The Indians Would Be Better Off If They Tended to Their Farms Instead of Dabbling in Fisheries' / Gabrielle Parent -- Maps of the Thunder Bay Mining Region of Lake Superior / Geological and National History Survey of Canada, 1887 -- Early Pioneer Fur Trading Settlement / Newspaper Advertisement from Canadian Bank of Commerce, 1954; On the Nipigon River, Whitchers Camp at Hamilton Pool / W.F. Langworthy -- On the Nipigon River, One Hour's Catch at Big Canoe Portage / W.F. Langworthy -- 'This is a real Indian canoe in the picture, White water rapids from below' / White Charles and W.F. Langworthy -- On the Nipigon River, 'Guzz Brother's Camp at Pizer Portage. Trout bearing camp, July 1884' / W.F. Langworthy -- 14. Political Activism: -- 'Nothing Left for Me or Any Other Indian': The Georgian Bay Anishnabeke Interwar Articulations of Aboriginal Rights / Robin Jarvis Brownlie -- Letter from Elijah Tabobondung to Jon Daly, Indian Agent, 12 August 1923, Copperhead, Perry Sound, ON / Anishinabe fisherman to a lawyer; Power, Praxis and the Métis of Kelly Lake, Canada / David Bentley and Brenda Murphy -- Rare Health Services Come to Métis at Kelly Lake / Joan Taillon -- 15. Treaties and Self-Governance: -- Ally or Colonizer?: The Federal State, the Cree Nation, and the James Bay Agreement / Paul Rynard -- Excerpt from Cree Regional Authority et al. v. Attorney-General of Quebec, 1991; Recognition by Assimilation: Mi'kmaq Treaty Rights, Fisheries Privatization, and Community Resistance in Nova Scotia [Micmac, Mikmaq] / Martha Stiegman and Sherry Pictou -- The Guides, 1899 -- The Guides, 2009. Harvesters from Bear River First Nation, Bear River First Nation Decendants / Martha Stiegman and Sherry Pictou.

Burnett, K., & Reid, G. (Eds.). (2012). Aboriginal History: A Reader. Oxford University Press. http://archive.org/details/aboriginalhistor0000unse