The Effects of the Psychological Contract Among Professional Employees Working in Non-Professional Organizations

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The Effects of the Psychological Contract Among Professional Employees Working in Non-Professional Organizations
Few researchers have sought to examine the consequences of psychological contract breach in the particular case of professional employees working for nonprofessional organizations. To increase our understanding, the purpose of this article was to test an original research model encompassing psychological contract breach, psychological contract violation, perceived organizational support, organizational and professional commitment, and intention to leave the organization. A study was conducted among a sample of 329 professional employees working in nonprofessional organizations. As predicted, this research shows a positive relationship between psychological contract breach and psychological contract violation, a negative relationship between breach and organizational commitment, and a negative relationship between organizational commitment and the intention to leave the organization. However, contrary to expectations, the results indicated that perceived organizational support has no moderating effect on the relationship between breach and violation. This finding does not confirm previous findings from the study by Suazo and Stone-Romero (2011). This unexpected result led to testing a different combination between perceived organizational support and PC-breach and PC-violation, which is documented in the literature on nonprofessional employees. Thus, in accordance with previous results by Suazo (2009), the data from our research indicate that the relationship between PC breach and perceived organizational support is mediated by PC violation. This alternative research model suggests testing a long mediation process by which the breach influences the intention to leave the organization via the violation, the perceived organizational support, and professional and organizational commitment. This long mediation process has been confirmed by our data. Finally, the results of this research suggest that when working in a non-professional context, professional employees tend to react to breaches of the psychological contract in a similar way to non-professional employees. // Peu de recherches ont examiné les conséquences de la brèche du contrat psychologique dans le cas particulier des employés professionnels travaillant pour des organisations non-professionnelles. Afin de combler cette lacune et dans le but de gagner en compréhension, cet article a pour objectif de tester un modèle de recherche original englobant la brèche et la violation, le soutien organisationnel perçu, les engagements organisationnel et professionnel, ainsi que l'intention de démissionner. Une recherche a été conduite auprès un échantillon de 329 employé(e)s professionnel(le)s travaillant dans des organisations non-professionnelles. Conformément aux prédictions, notre étude montre une relation positive entre la brèche et la violation, une relation négative entre la violation et l'engagement organisationnel, ainsi qu'une relation négative entre l'engagement organisationnel et l'intention de quitter l'organisation. Toutefois, contrairement aux attentes, les résultats ont indiqué que le soutien organisationnel perçu n'a pas d'effet modérateur sur la relation entre la brèche et la violation, ce qui tend à infirmer les conclusions précédentes de l'étude de Suazo et Stone-Romero (2011). Ce résultat inattendu a conduit au test d'une combinaison différente et documentée dans la littérature auprès d'employés non-professionnels. Ainsi, en conformité avec les résultats de Suazo (2009), les données indiquent que la violation a un effet médiateur sur la relation entre la brèche et le soutien organisationnel perçu. Ce modèle de recherche alternatif suggère de tester un processus de médiation long par lequel la brèche influence l'intention de quitter l'organisation via la violation, le soutien organisationnel perçu ainsi que les engagements professionnel et organisationnel. Ce long processus de médiation a été confirmé par nos données. Finalement, les résultats de cette recherche laissent penser que lorsqu'ils travaillent en contexte non-professionnel, les employés professionnels tendent à réagir aux brèches du contrat psychologique de manière semblable aux employés non-professionnels.
Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations
Journal Abbr
0034-379X, 1703-8138
10/28/17, 6:43 PM
Library Catalog
Paillé, P., Raineri, N., & Valeau, P. (2016). The Effects of the Psychological Contract Among Professional Employees Working in Non-Professional Organizations. Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations, 71(3), 521–543.