Principles for Labour Relations Policy Reform in the Wake of the Drummond Report on Ontario's Public Services Prospects for Reform of Industrial Relations in the Ontario Broader Public Sector: Papers from the Workshop on the Drummond Report Centre for Law in the Contemporary Workplace, Queen's University, June 22, 2012

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Principles for Labour Relations Policy Reform in the Wake of the Drummond Report on Ontario's Public Services Prospects for Reform of Industrial Relations in the Ontario Broader Public Sector: Papers from the Workshop on the Drummond Report Centre for Law in the Contemporary Workplace, Queen's University, June 22, 2012
The provincial broader public sector (BPS) in Ontario com- prises the full range of government services and Crown corporations, as well as health care and education. The BPS is vital to the Ontario economy as well as to the citizens who use its services; it accounts for about half of the province's gross domestic product. Each of its com- ponent parts depends on direct government funding or government transfers, or is at least regulated by the government. The 2008 global financial crisis and its impact on the management of Ontario's public services has brought industrial relations practices and outcomes in the BPS into sharp focus. In 2011, the Ontario government established the Commission on the Reform of Ontario's Public Services, chaired by Don Drummond (the Drummond Commission),' with a view to enhancing the efficiency of BPS services.
Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal
Journal Abbr
Canadian Lab. & Emp. L.J.
Short Title
Principles for Labour Relations Policy Reform in the Wake of the Drummond Report on Ontario's Public Services Prospects for Reform of Industrial Relations in the Ontario Broader Public Sector
Library Catalog
Chaykowski, R. P., & Hickey, R. S. (2013). Principles for Labour Relations Policy Reform in the Wake of the Drummond Report on Ontario’s Public Services Prospects for Reform of Industrial Relations in the Ontario Broader Public Sector: Papers from the Workshop on the Drummond Report Centre for Law in the Contemporary Workplace, Queen’s University, June 22, 2012. Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal, 17, 379–392.