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The Future of the Safety Net: Social Insurance and Employee Benefits, edited by Sheldon Friedman and David C. Jacobs, is reviewed.
[E]xamines the effects of economic globalization on several manufacturing-dependent rural communities in Canada. In looking at such contemporary corporate strategies as plant closures and downsizing, authors [The authors] consider the impact of capitalist restructuring on the residents of various communities. [They] argue that the new rural economy has caused considerable instability and hardship in the lives of rural residents as they struggle to adapt in the face of economic upheaval."--Publisher's description. Contents: The Global and the Local: Understanding Globalization through Community Research -- Community Sketches, History, and Method -- The New Rural Economy and the Shape of Restructuring -- Skidding into the Contingent Work World -- 'Forget All Your Dreams and Good Luck with Your Life': Lay-Off and the New Reality of Contingent Labour -- Economic Diversity, Sustainability, and Manufacturing Communities. Geographic: Ontario. Ontario. Includes bibliographical references (pages 205-220) and index.
The article reviews the book, "The Sound of One Voice: Eugene Forsey and His Letters to the Press," by J. E. Hodgetts.
The article reviews the book, "Weaving connections: Educating for peace, social and environmental justice," edited by Tarah Goldstein and David Selby.
How can unions arrest membership decline in an increasingly chilly climate? Unions across Canada have arrived at a common answer to this question; unions need to organize the unorganized, in particular reaching out to women, youth and people of colour. After a brief discussion of who is being organized by unions, this article turns to a discussion of innovations in union organizing strategies, including the virtue of rank and file activists and the B.C. Organizing Institute. The next challenge for unions is to keep newly organized workers as members. This depends on adequate representation of these members’ interests and opportunities for their participation in union affairs. The paper critically evaluates union efforts at reform of internal structures and collective bargaining practices. While organizing alone cannot secure the future of unions, it is a critical part of the process of the renewal of labour power.
Open access publication from 2002 to 2014 of York University's Centre for Research on Work and Society. Its mission, as stated in its inaugural issue, was as follows: "Just Labour explores the complex ways new technologies, subcontracting, new management strategies, and emerging self-employment are undermining the traditional employee-employer relationships and disciplining workers. Just Labour investigates how union action has been subverted by the international integration of capital, the proliferation of precarious employment, the challenges of organizing marginalized workers, and the increasingly anti-union practices of employers and the state. Just Labour addresses the culture and activities of Canadian workers and their unions as they face new challenges. The journal will explore new ideas and seek out fresh approaches to solving problems. Just Labour brings the work of leading academics and trade union researchers to a broad readership in popular, accessible language."
While new models of work organization (lean production) in the automobile industry have been portrayed as a 'democratic' break with Fordism, we find considerable parallels with those traditional patterns of labour control they were intended to supplant. Far from understanding these as exemplars of 'democratic Taylorism', the article identifies specific company responses to problems associated with declining productivity and competitiveness. Moreover, the article argues that new models of work organization associated with lean production, far from heralding empowerment, are more conerned with asserting management control in varying ways in different companies.
English/French abstracts of the articles in the Spring 2001 volume.
English/French abstracts of the articles in Fall 2001 volume.
Biennial index produced by the Canadian Periodical Index.
Advertisement for the journal, Labour/Le Travail.
This article discusses Unfair Advantage: Workers' Freedom of Association in the United States under International Human Rights Standards and Your Voice at Work: Global Report under the Follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. During the past decade a strong international consensus has emerged that holds that a set of core labor rights should be regarded as fundamental human rights. The appearance of these 2 reports indicates that the situation is rapidly changing.
The article reviews the book, "So Close to the State/s: The Emergence of Canadian Feature Film Policy," by Michael Dorland.
Mirrors of Stone delves into the many ethnic cultures that thrived in the mining areas of Northern Ontario from the 1920s to the 1960s. The stormy history of hardrock mining camps has never fit into the comfortable cliches by which Canada “tells its story.” Angus unearths the dark sides of this history–“the wild tales of bootleggers, mobsters, and prostitution rings” and in so doing opens up new ways of seeing Ontario’s history and culture. --Publisher's description
The article reviews the following laobur/left films that were screened at the Cannes 2000 festival: "Bread and Roses." UK, directed by Ken Loach; "Takhté Siah" (Blackboards). Iran, directed by Amira Makhmalbaf; "Lista de Espéra" (Waiting List). Spain/Cuba, directed by Juan Carlos Tabio; "Capitaes de Abril" (Captains of April), Portugal, directed by Maria de Medeiros.
The study reports workplace innovations in 112 large, unionized Canadian organizations from data collected in 1994 by the Bureau of Labour Information. The frequency of specific workplace innovations and the relationship to organization and bargaining unit characteristics are reported.
The article pays tribute to Trudeau and the standard of political discourse he represented.
The article reviews the book, "A Theory of Employment Systems : Micro-Foundations of Societal Diversity," by David Marsden.
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