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This paper considers what steps must be taken to effectively implement the recommendations of the Pinto Report on reform of Ontario's human rights sys- tem, in a way that will advance a culture of human rights. It does so through the prism of principles set out in the Law Commission of Ontario's frameworks for assessing law, policy and practice in relation to the rights of persons with dis- abilities and the rights of older persons. Applying those frameworks, the author identifies three requirements for measuring whether the human rights system is meeting its goal of achieving greater equality - undertaking research, engaging in consultations, and ensuring that input is fully considered and that outcomes are documented. The latter requirement focuses on several issues which the Pinto Report considered at length, namely, difficulties in accessing the system and the particular problems of access experienced by aboriginal persons, the high number of unrepresented applicants, and the need to facilitate complaints of systemic discrimination. In addition, the author underscores the importance of dealing systematically with discrimination on intersecting grounds. The paper concludes that meeting the needs of applicants and respondents in the human rights system will mean clearly articulating guiding principles, identifying gaps in long-term objectives, and ensuring that a carefully designed process is in place to direct further steps.
This paper provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of the Canadian law governing employer surveillance of employees. Reviewing the arbitral jurisprudence as well as the jurisprudence under federal and provincial privacy legislation, the authors trace the development of a broad convergence in the principles that courts and adjudicators will apply in surveillance cases. That convergence reflects a wide acceptance of what the authors refer to as the reasonableness paradigm - an approach which recognizes that the employ- er's interest in managing the workplace must be balanced, in a proportionate way, against the employees' interest in privacy. The authors point out that the reasonableness paradigm is generally being followed in cases involving video surveillance of employees, both on-site and off-site, and monitoring of employ- ees' computer use at work. However, they emphasize, it is not being followed in the context of employees' off-duty, off site activities online, such as Facebook postings and blogs. The authors challenge the suggestion that those activities are intrinsically "public" rather than private, and that employees who engage in them should essentially be considered to have forfeited any privacy protection. In their view, the values which underpin privacy rights may well be implicated by employees' online activities outside the workplace. Accordingly, they argue, the approach taken in such cases should be brought into line with the principles of reasonableness and balancing usually applied to other types of work- related electronic surveillance.
"[D]escribes the parallel movement in Ontario's system of community college, focusing on their struggle for academic equivalency to teachers and equal pay for work of equal value." -- Editors' introduction.
Although refugee claimants are often portrayed as a drain on Canada’s economic resources, their employment experiences and contributions to the labour market remain under-represented in the literature. This study explores the employment experiences of refugee claimants in Toronto, Canada. Through the lens of refugeeness, it traces the subjective employment trajectories of refugee claimants, as well as the objective forces compromising their employability. Drawing on 17 interviews with refugee claimants, our analysis shows both that refugee claimants face distinct barriers stemming from their precarious legal status, and that refugee claimants’ employability is perceived as shaped by real and ascribed barriers associated with this status. In addition, refugee claimants perceive employment as an expression of belonging and citizenship.
Most OECD countries have introduced policies shifting health care into community settings. These policies rely on informal caregivers to provide care to disabled or ill family and friends. At the same time, there are policies in place promoting labour market retention. To better understand how caregiving and labour policies may interact to affect the available pool of caregivers and labour force participants, we need more evidence about how informal caregiving is related to labour market outcomes. We explore this issue through three empirical studies, with a focus on caregivers who provide significant amounts of weekly care (i.e. intensive caregivers).The first study uses the Canadian cross-sectional General Social Survey to determine whether providing informal care is associated with various labour market states. We find that intense caregiving is associated with being fully retired for men and women. High intensity caregivers are also more likely to be retired before age 65. In the second study, we use the American National Longitudinal Survey of Mature Women and control for time-invariant heterogeneity and time-varying sources of bias amongst retirement-aged women. We find that women who provide at least 20 hours of informal care per week are 3 percentage points more likely to retire relative to other women, which supports the idea that intensive caregiving may cause women to retire. Finally, given changes in the policy, demographic, and cultural contexts, we use the American National Longitudinal Surveys of Young and Mature Women to explore whether labour market penalties have changed over time. Following two cohorts of pre-retirement aged women, we find that intensive informal caregiving is negatively associated with labour force participation for both pre-Baby Boomers and Baby Boomers. The caregiving effects are not significantly different across cohorts, implying that, despite the introduction of offsetting policies, labour market penalties for caregivers have persisted.
"[E]xplores the key roles played by the Canadian Association of college and University Libraries and the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) in raising the issues of academic status, salaries and working conditions for academic librarians." -- Editors' introduction.
This article reviews the book, "Indigenous Women and Work: From Labor to Activism," edited by Carol Williams.
De nombreuses recherches ont démontré que les individus qui s’engagent dans de multiples rôles de vie s’exposent à des conflits inter-rôles. Selon cette perspective conflictuelle, un engagement marqué et simultané dans plusieurs rôles peut conduire à l’épuisement des ressources individuelles. Une analyse typologique, effectuée auprès de 252 hommes gestionnaires ou professionnels vivant au sein d’un couple à double revenu, fait ressortir trois profils d’engagement dans les rôles de travailleur et de parent. L’un des profils regroupe les hommes ayant un engagement marqué dans les deux rôles, alors que les deux autres profils caractérisent ceux qui présentent un engagement marqué dans un seul de ceux-ci. Les résultats révèlent que les trois profils d’engagement se distinguent sur certaines variables sociodémographiques et socioprofessionnelles, de même que sur le plan des conflits entre le travail et la famille. Contrairement aux attentes, les hommes ayant un engagement marqué pour les rôles de travailleur et de parent ne présentent pas des niveaux de conflits inter-rôles supérieurs à ceux des autres profils. Il semble plutôt qu’un engagement marqué et simultané dans les rôles de travailleur et de parent puisse avoir un effet bénéfique pour l’individu. Ces résultats témoignent de la nécessité de poursuivre les recherches sur les profils d’engagement dans une perspective d’enrichissement et de facilitation des rôles. Les facteurs qui déterminent l’engagement des hommes dans les rôles et la compatibilité des profils d’engagement des conjointes devraient également être approfondis.
Access to labour relations legislation is generally seen as a prerequisite to unionization of agricultural workers in Canada. British Columbia is one of eight Canadian provinces that now include agricultural workers in provincial labour relations legislation. But agricultural workers were not always included. Although union organizing and strike activity were not unheard of in BC’s agricultural sector in the 1930s, the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act of 1937 excluded agricultural workers. This exclusion followed a larger pattern of excluding agricultural workers from employment-related legislation. Agricultural workers continued to be excluded until the mid-1970s, when the efforts of NDP backbenchers persuaded their own government that agricultural workers ought to be included in provincial collective bargaining laws. As demonstrated in a brief overview of the two campaigns to unionize agricultural workers under BC’s labour relations legislation since 1975, although small numbers of workers have been able to form unions and achieve collective agreements under the legislative protections of the Labour Code, those collective bargaining relationships have thus far proven unstable and often short-lived.
The article reviews the book, "Canadian Studies: Past, Present, Praxis," edited by Christl Verduyn and Jane Koustas.
This article reviews the book, "Black-Brown Coalition and the Fight for Economic Justice, 1960-1974," by Gordon K. Mantler.
This thesis interrogates social exclusion among migrant workers under the NOC C & D (“low skill”) occupational stream of Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program, a relatively new, fast-growing, and highly diverse stream which brings migrant workers into industry sectors and social settings where they were never seen before. The author develops a framework for understanding law’s role in producing social exclusion, and applies it to ethnographic data collected through interviews with migrant justice advocates and migrant workers in Brandon, Manitoba. This thesis ultimately establishes that migrant workers need not face spatial separation, discrimination from the community, or a historically gendered and racialized labour context in order to experience social exclusion; the author argues that social exclusion is legally constructed and that the legal framework of this program itself presents barriers to migrants’ full participation in the life of the communities in which they live and work.
"[Examines] the role of collective bargaining with respect to improving terms and conditions of employment and the issues and challenges experienced by librarians as members of minority groups within faculty associations." -- Editors' introduction.
Argues that the Conservative government of Stephen Harper is rewriting Canadian history as a propaganda celebration of a "warrior state" while cutting funds for serious historical research.
Combining primary and secondary sources with original discussions, Gender History examines the full range of gender experiences - past and present - beyond typical conceptions of masculinity and femininity. Addressing both the chronology and crucial themes of gender in Canada, this combination text/reader is an essential resource for understanding the evolution of the Canadian gender system." desc;
This study examines the relationship between internal labour markets (ILMs) and the transition from temporary to permanent employment, particularly following the legislative changes regarding the use of temporary workers in Korea. We test our research model based on data gathered during two different periods from 619 and 616 Korean companies respectively. The results show that ILMs help companies turn temporary employees into permanent ones. Furthermore, environmental dynamism increases the need for temporary workers, which prohibits the transition from temporary to permanent employment, particularly when seniority-based pay is tightly implemented within a firm. The effects of ILMs on the transition from temporary to permanent employment become pronounced as companies internalize institutional changes. The current study demonstrates that the features of the employment system shape and establish organizational norms and traditions and play a critical role in achieving the intended effects of institutional change.
This article reviews the book, "Land of 10,000 Loves: A History of Queer Minnesota," by Stewart Van Cleve.
Since the eruption of the European sovereign debt crisis, the bailout conditions imposed on Greece have gradually shifted their emphasis from "tidying up" public finances towards "improving the competitiveness" of the economy. The employment relations system has been targeted as one of the priority areas for reform, which resulted in its gradual dismantling. The article analyses this transformation in employment regulation, using insights from the varieties of capitalism literature. It is argued that the ongoing injection of liberal market elements is likely to transform Greece into a dysfunctional Liberal Market Economy. The changes ignore the specificities and idiosyncrasies of the Greek production model and are likely to leave the country with the "worst of both worlds": suboptimal economic performance and diluted social cohesion.
Since the time of the Arts and Crafts movement of the late nineteenth century, craft production and consumption has been politicized. Craft’s focus on hand making has been used to contrast intentional, individual labour with the division of labour involved in industrial mass production. Through its mission to build a more fulfilling world through ethical commerce, craftsmanship, and fun, the contemporary e-commerce site Etsy participates in the discourse of politicized craft that was articulated over a hundred years ago by William Morris, with his dream of “joy in labour.” While craft’s individualism can limit its political effectiveness, craft’s utopian impulse to build a better world through more fun and through labour that is more fair is a valuable ideal and one that has survived for more than a century.
Critiques Prime Minister Stephen Harper's June 11, 2008 apology for the abuse of students in Indian residential schools and his remarks about Canada's history at a 2009 press conference at the 2009 G20 meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Argues that rather than celebrating the War of 1812 and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, the federal government should commemorate the Royal Proclamation of 1763 and the Treaty of Niagara as pivotal shared events with Indigenous peoples.
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