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The article briefly reviews "The Government Generation: Canadian Intellectuals and the State, 1900-1945," by Doug Owram, "Canadian Labour History: Selected Readings," edited by David J. Bercuson, "Rethinking Canada: The Promise of Women's History," edited by Veronica Strong-Boag and Anita Clair Fellman, "First Contract: Women and the Fight to Organize," by Carole Conde and Karl Beveridge, "Will You Have a Union in 1995?" Vector Union Report, edited by Marc Zwelling, "The Guild at Forty: The Struggle Continues," by Roger Stonebanks, "The Canadian Welfare State: Evolution and Transition," edited by Jacqueline S. lsmael, "The Benevolent Slate: The Growth of Welfare in Canada," edited by Allan Moscovitch and Jim Albert, "The Bedroom and The State: The Changing Practices and Politics sf Contraception ana Abortion in Canada, 1880-1980," by Angus McLaren and Arlene Tigar McLaren, "Power and Place: Canadian Urban Development in the North American Context," edited by Gilbert A. Stelter and Alan F. J. Artibise, "Democracy and Capitalism: Properly, Community, and the Contradicttons oo Modern Social Thought," by Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis, "A Vision of Unity: History of the Bakery and Confectionery Workers International Union," and "Challenge and Change: History of the Tobacco Workers International Union," by Stuart Bruce Kaufman, "Labor Leaders in America," edited by Melvyn Dubofsky and Warren Van Tine, "Confrontation, Class Consciousness, and the Labor Process: Studies in Proletarian Class Formation," edited by Michael Hanagan and Charles Stephenson, "The Miners' Strike: Loss Without Limit," by Martin Adeney and John Lloyd, "Women and Work in Preindustrial Europe," edited by Barbara Hanawalt, "Collected Essays: v. 1 — Writing and Revolution in 17th Century England; v. 2 — Religion and Politics in 17th Century England; v. 3 — People and Ideas in 17th Century England," by Christopher Hill, "France: Fin de Siècle," by Egen Weber, and "Bailing Out the System: Reformist Socialism in Western Europe, 1944-1985," by Ian Birchall / reviews by Bryan D. Palmer -- "Morning in His Heart: The Life and Writings of Watson Kirkconnell," by J.R.C. Perkin and James B. Snelson / review by Gregory S. Kealey.
Part 1 is a revised version of From Consent to Coercion, and Part 2 represents a study of new developments since 1984, including the Supreme Court's crucial ruling that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not protect the right to strike. Contents: Preface to second edition -- 1. Introduction: From consent to coercion -- 2. The era of free collective bargaining -- 3. The turn to coercion: permanent exceptionalism -- 4. The right to strike: freedom of association and the Charter -- 5. The Mulroney record: consolidating the era of coercion -- 6. The consolidation of coercion in the provinces -- 7. The labour movement in the new era -- 8. The social contract: labour, the NDP and beyond -- Appendix I. Legislation and orders suspending the right to strike 1950-1993 -- Appendix II. Legislation amending trade union rights 1982-1993.
This article reviews the book, "Sisterhood Denied: Race, Gender, and Class in a New South Community," by Dolores E. Janiewski.
Line, staff and functional.
The article reviews the book, "Work in the Canadian Context: Continuity Despite Change," edited by Katherine L. P. Lundy and Barbara Warmer.
This article reviews the book, "Technological Change in the Auto Industry," by David Robertson & Jeff Wareham.
This article reviews the book, "La flexibilité du marché de l'emploi : un enjeu économique et social," by Hedva Sarfati & Catherine Kobrin.
This paper examines Ontario Labour Relations Board decisions regarding the inclusion of part-time workers in bargaining units front 1976 to 1986.
The article reviews the book, "Technology on the Frontier: Mining in Old Ontario," by Dianne Newell.
The article reviews the book, "Immigrants on the Hill: Italian-Americans in SL Louis, 1882-1982," by Gary Ross Mormino.
This article reviews the book, "The Transformation of American Capitalism: From Competitive Market Structures to Centralized Private Sector Planning," by John R. Munkirs.
This article reviews the book, "Sisterhood and Solidarity: Workers ' Education for Women, 1914-1984," edited by Joyce Kornbluh and Mary Frederickson.
Economie impacts of eliminating mandatory retirement are a crucial aspect of the Charter of Rights arguments concerning the «reasonableness» of age discrimination. Evidence suggests that the number of employees who would workpast normal retirement age in any given year is only a fraction of one percent of the labour force. Eliminating mandatory retirement would consequently have minimal impact on job opportunities for youth and personnel practices concerning evaluation of employees. Actuarial adjustment of private pension plans to accommodate a flexible retirement age is only a minor administrative matter and has already been implemented in some Canadian jurisdictions.
The article reviews the book, "George MacEachern, an Autobiography: The Story of a Cape Breton Labour Radical," by George MacEachern.
Organizing unorganized workers, particularly the growing number of women and young people in part-time jobs, is one of the major challenges for organized labour. The restructuring of the restaurant industry in the post- World War II period produced a work situation in which traditional workplace organizing strategies were rendered ineffective. This paper explores the development of the interchangeable worker in the fast food sector of the industry and examines how a feminist approach to work, which stresses the links between paid work, family, and community, is a more appropriate model upon which to develop suitable strategies for dealing with this increasingly common workplace.
Since the first oil shock of 1973, in the U.S., significant changes have shaken long-standing industrial relations patterns in the union manufacturing sector. This paper concentrates on the challenges posed to manufacturing unions by changing environments and management industrial relations practices.
This article reviews the book, "Disorganized Capitalism: Contemporary Transformations of Work and Politics," by Claus Offe.
The article reviews the book, "Social Life, Local Politics, and Nazism: Marburg, 1880-1935," by Rudy Koshar.
This article analizes an exploratory survey, conducted in Vancouver, on public attitudes towards industrial democracy.
The article reviews two books: "Labor-Management Committees: Confrontation, Cooptation, or Cooperation?," by Charlotte Gold, and "Inside the Circle: A Union Guide to QWL" by Mike Parker
Resource type
- Book (11)
- Journal Article (218)
- Thesis (11)