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Slightly more than a decade ago "the new working-class history" emerged in Canada. It was an occasion marked by considerable enthusiasm as ringing manifestos promised "to bring back ordinary working people from their long exile on the margins of Canadian history". Existing institutional histories of trade unions and industrial relations, it was pointed out, told us remarkably little about the experience of workers or, in more general terms, about the nature of social class in Canadian history. On the basis of this critique of the existing historiography, a new generation of working-class historians set out an ambitious agenda. --From author's introduction
The article reviews the book, "Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water: Noncitizen Arabs in the Israeli Labor Market," by Moshe Semyonov and Noah Lewin-Epstein.
The article reviews the book, "Annals of the Labour Poor: Social Change and Agrarian England, 1660-I900," by K. D. M. Snell.
This paper investigates the relationship between the union commitment of faculty members and a number of factors, including job satisfaction, general union beliefs, attitude towards the university, work aspects and demographic characteristics. The results show that faculty members are committed to both the university and the Association. Dissatisfaction with the university administration fosters union commitment whereas negative attitudes towards unions in general reduce that commitment. Demographic characteristics and work aspects have little influence on the faculty commitment to the Faculty Association.
The article reviews the book, "Canada in the European Age, 1453-1919," by R. T. Naylor.
The article reviews the book, "The Bedroom and the State: The Changing Practices and Politics of Contraception and Abortion in Canada, 1880-1980," by Angus McLaren and Arlene Tigar McLaren.
The article briefly reviews "The Assault on Trade Union Freedoms: From Consent to Coercion Revisited," by Leo Panitch and Donald Swartz, "Downturn: The Origins of the Employers ' Offensive and the Tasks for Socialists," pamphlet by Paul Kellogg, "The Chinese in Canada," by Peter S. Li, "The Politics of Community Services: Immigrant Women, Class and State," by Roxana Ng, "The Bank of Upper Canada," [edited with an introduction] by Peter Baskerville, "Red Moon Over Spain: Canadian Media Reaction to the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939," by Mary Biggar Peck, "Good Girls Bad Girls: Sex Trade Workers and Feminists Face to Face," edited by Laurie Bell, "Work and Labor in Early America," by Stephen Innes, "Paupers and Poor Relief in New York City and Its Rural Environs, 1700-1830," by Robert E. Cray, Jr., "The Paddy Camps: The Irish of Lowell, 1821-1861," by Brian C. Mitchell, "German Workers in Chicago: A Documentary History of Working-Class Culture from 1850 to World War I," edited by Hartmut Keil and John B. Jentz, "Out of the Crucible: Black Steelworkers in Western Pennsylvania, 1875-1980," by Dennis C. Dickerson, " Looking Backward, 1988-1888; Essays on Edward Bellamy," edited by Daphne Patai, "The Loud Silents: Origins of the Social Problem Film," by Kay Sloan, "Writing Red: An Anthology of American Women Writers, 1930-1940," edited by Charlotte Nekola and Paula Rabinowitz, "Equal or Different: Women's Politics, 1800-1914," edited by Jane Rendall, "War, Law, and Labour: The Munitions Acts, State Regulation, and the Unions, 1915-1921," by Gerry R. Rubin, "Marxism and Trade Union Struggle: The General Strike of 1926," by Tony Cliff and Donny Gluckstein, "Work in France: Representations, Meaning, Organization, and Practice," edited by Steven Laurence Kaplan and Cynthia J. Koepp, "The Making of an Insurrection: Parisian Sections and the Gironde," by Morris Slavin, "The Workers' Revolution in Russia, 1917: The View from Below," edited by Daniel H. Kaiser, "International Labour and the Third World: The Making of a New Working Class," edited by Rosalind E. Boyd, Robin Cohen, and Peter C.W. Gutkind, "Trade Unions in Communist States," by Alex Pravda, Blair A. Ruble, and "State Theories: From Liberalism to the Challenge of Feminism," by Murray Knuttila.
The article reviews the book, "The New York Intellectuals: The Rise and Decline of the Anti-Stalinist Left from the 1930s to the 1960s," by Maurice Isserman.
The article reviews and comments on the book, "The Fall of the House of Labor: The Workplace, the State, and American Labor Activism, 1865-1925," by David Montgomery.
The article briefly reviews "Canadian Corporate Power," by Henry Veltmeyer, "People and Places: Studies of Small Town Life in the Maritimes," edited by Larry McCann, "Schooling and Scholars in Nineteenth-Century Ontario," by Susan E. Houston and Alison Prentice, "No Bleeding Heart: Charlotte Whitton, A Feminist on the Right," by P.R. Rooke and R.L. Schnell, "The Memoirs of Giovanni Veltri," edited by John Potestio, "Feminist Research: Prospect and Retrospect," edited by Peta Tancred-Sheriff, "Waterfront Warlord: The Life and Violent Times of Hal C. Banks," by Peter Edwards, "Free Trade and the Future of Women's Work: Manufacturing and Service Industries," by Marjorie Griffin Cohen, "The History of the Ontario Liquor Boards Employees' Union," by Beveriy Dalys, "Labour Law Under the Charter: Proceedings of a Conference." sponsored by the Industrial Relations Centre, School of Industrial Relations and Faculty of Law, Queen's University, "The State of the Art in Industrial Relations," edited by Gerard Hébert, Hen C. Jain, and Noah M. Meltz, "Case Critical: The Dilemma of Social Work in Canada," by Ben Carniol, "From Culture to Power: The Sociology of English Canada," by Robert J. Brym, with Bonnie Fox, "On the Archival Heritage of the Finnish Canadian Working-Class Movement: A Researcher's Guide and Inventory to the Finnish Organisation of Canada Collection at the National Archives of Canada," by Edward W. Laine, "On the Line: Essays in the History of Auto Work," edited by Nelson Lichtenstein and Stephen Meyer, " To Toil the Livelong Day' : Women at Work, 1780-1980," edited by Carol Groneman and Mary Beth Norton, "Hard Times in Paradise: Coos Bay, Oregon, 1850-1985," by William G. Robbins, "Working Lives: An Oral History of Rhode Island Labor," edited by Paul M. Buhle, and "A History of Rhode Island Working People," edited by Paul Buhle, Scott Malloy, and Gail Salisbury, "Professionalism and Social Change: From the Settlement House Movement to Neighborhood Centers, 1886 to the Present," by Judith Ann Trolander, "Raising Less Corn and More Hell: Midwestern Farmers Speak Out," by Jim Schwab, "The Party of Fear: From Nativist Movements to the New Right in American History," by David H. Bennett, "The American Perception of Class," by Reeve Vannenun and Lynn Weber Cannon, "Prudent Revolutionaries: Portraits of British Feminists Between the Wars," by Brian Harrison, "Trade Unions and the New Industrialization of the Third World," edited by Roger Southall, "Pass Controls and the Urban African Proletariat," by Doug Hindson / reviews by Bryan D. Palmer -- " First Days, Fighting Days. Women in Manitoba History," edited by Mary Kinnear / review by VDP [see editor's note for correction made in no. 25 (Spring 1996), page 6] -- "The Road from Coorain," by Jill Ker Conway / review by Gregory S. Kealey.
The article reviews the book, "Sesto San Giovanni: Workers, Culture, and Politics in an Italian Town, 1880-1922," by Donald Howard Bell.
The article reviews the book, "Revolutionary Rehearsals," edited by Colin Barker.
The article reviews the book, "The TUC Overseas: The Roots of Policy," by Marjorie Nicholson.
The article reviews the book, "Women's Work, 1840-1940," by Elizabeth Roberts.
The article reviews the book, "Social Change and the Labouring Poor: Antwerp, 1770-1860," by Catharina Lis.
This article reviews the book, "Human Resources and the Performance of the Firm," by Morris M. Kleiner, Richard N. Block, Myron Roomkin & Sidney W. Salsburg.
This article reviews the book, "Organizational Behavior," by Robert P. Vecchio.
The article reviews the book "Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Merchant Seamen, Pirates, and the Anglo-American Maritime World, 1700-1750," by Marcus Rediker.
The article reviews the book, "The Legal Structure of Collective Bargaining in Education," by Kenneth H. Ostrander.
The article reviews the book, "The Road to Revolution in Spain: The Coal Miners of Asturias, 1860-1934," by Adrian Shubert.