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Economie impacts of eliminating mandatory retirement are a crucial aspect of the Charter of Rights arguments concerning the «reasonableness» of age discrimination. Evidence suggests that the number of employees who would workpast normal retirement age in any given year is only a fraction of one percent of the labour force. Eliminating mandatory retirement would consequently have minimal impact on job opportunities for youth and personnel practices concerning evaluation of employees. Actuarial adjustment of private pension plans to accommodate a flexible retirement age is only a minor administrative matter and has already been implemented in some Canadian jurisdictions.
The article reviews the book, "George MacEachern, an Autobiography: The Story of a Cape Breton Labour Radical," by George MacEachern.
Organizing unorganized workers, particularly the growing number of women and young people in part-time jobs, is one of the major challenges for organized labour. The restructuring of the restaurant industry in the post- World War II period produced a work situation in which traditional workplace organizing strategies were rendered ineffective. This paper explores the development of the interchangeable worker in the fast food sector of the industry and examines how a feminist approach to work, which stresses the links between paid work, family, and community, is a more appropriate model upon which to develop suitable strategies for dealing with this increasingly common workplace.
Since the first oil shock of 1973, in the U.S., significant changes have shaken long-standing industrial relations patterns in the union manufacturing sector. This paper concentrates on the challenges posed to manufacturing unions by changing environments and management industrial relations practices.
This article reviews the book, "Disorganized Capitalism: Contemporary Transformations of Work and Politics," by Claus Offe.
The article reviews the book, "Social Life, Local Politics, and Nazism: Marburg, 1880-1935," by Rudy Koshar.
This article analizes an exploratory survey, conducted in Vancouver, on public attitudes towards industrial democracy.
The article reviews two books: "Labor-Management Committees: Confrontation, Cooptation, or Cooperation?," by Charlotte Gold, and "Inside the Circle: A Union Guide to QWL" by Mike Parker
This article reviews the book, "Histoire du Syndicalisme Agricole au Québec. UCC-UPA, 1924-1984," by Jean-Pierre Kesteman, Guy Boisclair & Jean-Marc Kirouac.
This article reviews the book, "Collective Bargaining in American Industry," by David B. Lipski & Clifford B. Donn.
The article reviews the two-volume audio recording, "Works Many Voices," edited by Archie Green.
Most social histories of the working class have focussed on women's or men's experience alone. However, while studies of working-class women have often been sensitive to the ways in which class and gender relationships have been constructed and reconstructed simultaneously, histories of working-class men have been largely gender-blind. In an attempt to provide a more comprehensive understanding of gender-based divisions in the working-class experience this study examines the relationship between male and female work worlds in the railway ward of Barrie, Ontario between 1920 and 1950....
This article reviews the book, "Entre syndicats et patrons, fragile alliance," by Kenneth George.
The article reviews the book, "June '36: Class Struggle and the Popular Front in France," by Jacques Danos and Marcel Gibelin.
The article reviews the book, "The Politics of the West German Trade Unions: Strategies of Class and Interest Representation in Growth and Crisis," by Andrei S. Markovits.
Après avoir défini ce qu'il faut entendre par harcèlement sexuel au travail, les auteurs proposent une grille d'identification permettant de classifier selon la forme et le degré les différents comportements qui caractérisent le harcèlement sexuel au travail.
The article reviews the book, "Un syndicalisme pur et simple : mouvements ouvriers et pouvoir politique aux Etats-Unis, 1919-1939," by Serge Denis.
This article reviews the book, "The Nottingham Labour Movement 1880-1939," by Peter Wyncoll.
This article reviews the book, "Out of Work: the First Century of Unemployment in Massachusetts," by Alexander Keyssar.
This article reviews the book, "Histoire du Québec contemporain : Le Québec depuis 1930," by Paul-André Linteau, René Durocher, Jean-Claude Robert, and François Ricard.