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Book Notes [14, Fall 1984]
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- Palmer, Bryan D. (Author)
- Calhoun, Craig (Author)
Book Notes [14, Fall 1984]
The article reviews "Scholars and Dollars: Politics, Economics, and the Universities of Ontario, 1945-1980," by Paul Axelrod, "Language and Nationhood: The Canadian Experience," review by Ronald Wardhaugh"Trouble at Lachine Mill," by Bill Freeman, "The Welfare State in Canada: A Select Bibliography, 1840-1978," by Allan Moscovitch et al., "The Canadian Prairie West and the Ranching Frontier, 1874-1924," by David H. Breen, "The Transformation of Virginia, 1740-1790," by Rhys Isaac, "The Divided Mind: Ideology and Imagination in America, 1898-1917," by Peter Conn, "The Hawsepipe: Newsletter of the Marine Workers Historical Association," newsletter started by Jack and Judy McCusker, "Ben Tillelt: Portrait of a Labour Leader," by Jonathan Schneer, "Industrial Democracy at Sea: Authority and Democracy on a Norwegian Freighter," edited by Robert Schrank, "What Rough Beast? The State and Social Order in Australian History," by Sydney Labour History Group, "Politics in the Ancient World," by M.I. Finley / reviews by Bryan D. Palmer -- "A Social History of the English Working Classes," by Eric Hopkins / review by Craig Calhoun.
Labour / Le Travail
Fall 1984
Palmer, B. D., & Calhoun, C. (1984). Book Notes [14, Fall 1984]. Labour / Le Travail, 14, 319–323. http://www.lltjournal.ca/index.php/llt/issue/view/305
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