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The article reviews the book, "Passive Smoke: The EPA's Betrayal of Science and Policy," by Gio B. Gori and John C. Luik.
The article reviews the book, "The End of Parliamentary Socialism," by Leo Panitch and Colin Leys.
The Montreal fur trade labour system was organized around indentured servitude, patemalism, and cultural hegemony. French Canadian labourers signed legal contracts promising to obey their master in exchange for board and wages. These legal contracts were overshadowed by "social contracts" which signified continual negotiating for fair working conditions. Although voyageurs did not challenge the structure of the master and servant relationship, they continually pushed at the boundaries of their rights as workers. They diminished master authority through a "counter-theatre" of resistance, which inctuded working slowly, complaining, stealing provisions, and desetting the service.
The article reviews the book, "Labor and the State in Egypt: Workers, Unions, and Economic Reconstruction," by Marcia Pripstein Posusney.
The article reviews the book, "Growth in Disability Benefits: Explanations and Policy Implications," edited by Kalman Rupp and David C. Stapleton.
The Toronto Mechanics' Institute (1831-1883) served as one of the principle institutions of art instruction, the employment of artists (female and male), and exhibition of art in 19th century Toronto. Artists and illustrators now well known in the annals of Canadian art including Laura Bell, Mary Cooper, Richard Baigent, William Bengough, Robert Gagen, William Hind, Henry Martin, George Reid, Kivas Tulley, John Tully, and E. K. Westmacott were amongst the list of teachers and exhibitors at this Institute which attracted 6,000 to 9,000 people and as many as 700 paintings and photographs to its Annual Exhibition by mid-century. Founded for the advancement of worker self-education in the period prior to the Rebellion, the Toronto Mechanics' Institute continued to play a vital role for the Toronto working class in both practical design and fine art throughout the century until the emergence of public adult educational provisions in the latter quarter of the century. The minute books and annual reports of the Mechanics' Institute provide an instructive source for the researcher and demonstrate that contrary to some received wisdom that the mechanics' institutes were middle-class institutions, the Toronto Mechanics' Institute witnessed many lively debates on relevant social topics and remained committed to a working-class orientation throughout its existence despite the changing compositions of its Board. This article sets forth some archival findings and makes some theoretical refinements to the debates on the Mechanics' Institute in the hope of contributing to the on-going research.
The Ontario Public Service Employee Union (OPSEU) was an early target of the Mike Harris Common Sense Revolutionaries, neo-conservatives on a mission to shrink the social safety net, radically reduce social programs, and subvert Ontario's collective bargaining regimes. In No Justice, No Peace David Rapaport uses detail, insights, and anecdotes from over 150 interviews - with picket line captains, local executives, union leadership, journalists, mediators, and union and management negotiators among others - to provide an insider's view of the strike and its political and economic contexts, often told in the strikers' own voices. Vice-president from 1991 to 1997 of OPSEU's huge Region 5, covering Toronto, Rapaport describes how the election of the Harris government and the early "Common Sense Revolution" cutbacks led to a large opposition movement, the labour/social justice coalition, the Days of Action, and the province-wide OPSEU strike. No Justice, No Peace traces the politics involved, from ideology and belief in free trade to the downsizing of public and private enterprises, from the restructuring and privatization of the public sector to collective bargaining between OPSEU and the Ontario Government, and, finally, to the strike vote and the picket line. --Publisher's description
The article reviews the book, "McLibel: Burger Culture on Trial," by John Vidal.
The article reviews the book, "T. A. Crerar: A Political Biography," by J.E. Rea.
The article reviews the book, "Democracy is Power: Rebuilding Unions from the Bottom Up ," by Mike Parker and Martha Gmelle.
The article reviews the book, "Poverty and Inequality: The Political Economy of Redistribution," by Jon Neill.
The article reviews the book, "Caring for Profit: How Corporations Are Taking Over Canada's Health Care System," by Colleen Fuller.
The article reviews the book, "Health and Social Organization: Towards a Health Policy for the 21st Century," edited by David Blane, Eric Brunner, and Richard Wilkinson.
The article reviews the book, "Relever les défis de la gestion des ressources humaines," by Sylvie St-Onge, Michel Audet, Victor Haines and André Petit,
Le syndicat SUD-PTT est une scission récente (1989) de la CFDT, la deuxième centrale syndicale en France. Il est animé par une génération de militants marqués par Mai 1968, politiquement proches de l'extrême gauche. Mais ces militants sont aux prises avec une génération de nouveaux adhérents, dans un contexte d'urgence sociale. Idéologie et préférence partisane sont mises de côté au nom du pragmatisme, tandis qu'un sens élevé des questions transversales aboutit à un syndicalisme sociétal original, qui a fait école dans différents secteurs.
The article reviews the book, "Die unheimliche Macht des Geldes: Finanzierungsstrategien der Bürgerlichen Frauenbewegung in Deutschland zwischen 1865 und 1933," by Gilla Dölle.
The article reviews the book, "Frauen und Staat/Les Femmes et l'État," edited by Brigitte Studer, Regina Wecker, and Beatrice Ziegler.
The article reviews the book, "The Politics of Retirement in Britain, 1878-1948," by John Macnicol.
The article reviews the book, "Négociation en relations du travail: nouvelles approches," by Pierre Deschênes, Jean-Guy Bergeron, Reynald Bourque and André Brand.
Cet article traite des exclusions légales et sociales qui affectent la main-d’œuvre agricole saisonnière véhiculée quotidiennement au Québec, dont la grande majorité sont des immigrants résidant à Montréal. Une recherche sociale sur le terrain a révélé, sur certaines fermes, un haut roulement de main-d’œuvre et des conditions de travail en deçà du seuil légalement et humainement admissible : non-respect des personnes, du temps de travail, des normes de santé et sécurité, discrimination. À partir des résultats de cette étude, de recherches sur les modifications de l'agriculture québécoise au XXe siècle ainsi que de l'analyse de contenu de mémoires de l'Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA), les auteures mettent en lumière le rôle de l'UPA dans les exclusions légales successives des salariés agricoles et remettent en question son discours sur la pénurie de main-d’œuvre, contredite par la recherche.
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- Book (14)
- Book Section (1)
- Journal Article (166)
- Magazine Article (1)
- Thesis (8)
- Web Page (1)