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Après avoir présenté le contenu et les principales recommandations du rapport d'un Comité technique sur les méthodes d'enquêtes du Bureau de recherche sur la rémunération (1978), les auteurs explorent une nouvelle approche de travail concernant la comparabilité de la rémunération entre les secteurs public et para-public et le secteur privé.
This article reviews the book, "Relations Industrielles," by Dimitri Weiss.
,,,The Amherst general strike resulted from the interaction of two broad historical processes which began prior to the First World War. First, the impact of the de-industrialization that accompanied the centralization of power and wealth in central Canada affected Amherst's working class in immediate terms as working conditions, wages, and living standards fell behind those of other Canadian workers. Particularly ominous for local workers were the signs pointing toward the complete economic collapse of the town. Second, the local labour movement, partly because of previous failures, began to move toward a more radical response to these economic developments. In 1919, the merging of these two forces forged a new working class solidarity in Amherst, which found expression in the rise of the Amherst Federation of Labor, the renewed interest in socialist ideas and, of course, the three week general strike. --From introduction
À la lumière des événements depuis dix ans, l'auteur passe en revue ce que l'on pensait des tendances prof ondes dans le système des relations professionnelles, alors que beaucoup étaient convaincus de l'existence d'un modèle de portée suffisamment générale pour que l'on puisse expliquer les cas déviants. Il se demande que vaut aujourd'hui ce modèle, quelles critiques il soulève, quelles corrections il faut lui apporter et quelles leçons de méthode on peut en tirer.
This study investigates the effects of strikes and strike length on negotiated wage settlements in Canada using a large body of individual contract data. The main novelty of the paper is the inclusion of both a strike/no strike dummy variable and the length of the strike if one occurred in an equation explaining wage changes. This allows for the possibility (and thus tests the hypothesis) that the occurrence or non occurrence of a strike and the length of the strike if one occurred have separate effects on the negotiated settlement.
This article reviews the books, "The Precipitous Path, Studies in Political Sects," by Roger O'Toole, and "RCMP, The Real Subversives," by Richard Fidler.
This article reviews the book, "Analyse empirique des décisions de rémunération de la Commission de lutte contre l’inflation," by David K. Foot & Dale J. Poirier.
This article reviews the book, "Current Problems in Labour Arbitration – 1978," by The Continuing Legal Education Society of B.C.
This article reviews the book, "Rapport de la Commission d’enquête sur la négociation sectorielle," by Frances Bairstow, Murray Dubinsky & Richard C. Smith.
This article reviews the book, "Unemployment in History," by John A. Garraty.
First published in 1980, Rick Salutin's biography captures Kent Rowley's unforgettable personality and details his life struggle: an epic tale in which one man's life intersects with all the major issues of his time. Kent Rowley's remarkable odyssey through Canadian history began with a Montreal high school strike. In the depths of the Depression he organized office workers. He was interned under the War Measures Act in 1940, emerging from jail to take on Premier Maurice Duplessis and the textile giants of Quebec alongside Madeleine Parent, a brilliant and influential union organizer. He survived fifteen years in the wilderness during the Cold War; and his stubborn opposition to international unions culminated in the founding, in 1968, of the Confederation of Canadian Unions dedicated to fight for independent Canadian trade unionism. Kent Rowley is a brilliant examination of the career of one of the great figures of Canadian labour history.
This article reviews the book, "Les syndicats nationaux au Québec de 1900 à 1930," by Jacques Rouillard.
In and around the site of the town of Minto lie New Brunswick's only major coal deposits. From the Laurier period to World War II the district experienced a process of industrial development, accompanied by the emergence of a working-class community, dominated at the time of World War I by immigrant mine labour, later, by native-born workers drawn into the industry from the surrounding rural areas. Like colliers in Nova Scotia or the western regions, Minto's workers sought relief from the worst abuses of industrial-capitalist development through trade union organization. This met with fierce resistance from the employers, resulting in major coal strikes in 1920, 1926, 1934, and 1937-38. In Minto, however, a specifically political response, easily observable in other coal-mining regions was largely lacking. Radicalism in particular was weak, the political activity of Minto's workers being mainly confined to attempts to influence the policies and practices of the existing authorities. The paper attempts an explanation of the particular characteristics of Minto's working-class movement through reference to the interaction of local factors of culture and structure, and the evolution of the complex relationships between labour, business, and the state.
Dans le présent article, les auteurs tentent de situer la place de la politique de main-d'oeuvre à l'intérieur de l'éventail des différentes politiques publiques, notamment les politiques économiques et les politiques sociales.
Assesses the Windsor conference versus the London meeting of the previous year, as well as the meaning of the Windsor conference for blue-collar workers. Concludes that the Windsor conference, with its sessions on industrial conflict and on the past and futue of the Canadian working class, was more firey; and that academic work, including theory, must also be relevant and accessible to workers and their struggles.
This article reviews the book, "Les protocoles de retour au travail : une analyse juridique," by Claude D’Aoust & Louis Leclerc.
Cette recherche a pour but d'expliciter les mécanismes du stress et d'établir puis valider une échelle hiérarchique des différents agents de stress dans les organisations.
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- Book (11)
- Journal Article (159)
- Thesis (3)
- Video Recording (1)