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This article reviews the book, "Let Us Rise: A History of the Manitoba Labour Movement," by Doug Smith.
This article reviews the book, "Part-time, Casual and Other Atypical Workers: A Legal View. Research and Current Issues Series," by Geoffrey England.
This article reviews the book, "Image Worlds: Corporate Identities at Genera! Electric," by David E. Nye.
This article reviews the book, "The History of the German Labour Movement: A Survey," by Helga Grebing.
The article reviews and comments on "The Miners of Decazeville: A Genealogy of Deindustrialization," by Donald Reid.
This article reviews the book, "Women in the Workplace: Effects on Families," edited by Kathryn M. Borman, Daisy Quarm, and Sarah Gideonse.
L'auteur passe en revue certaines caractéristiques générales des études économétriques des effets du salaire minimum sur l'emploi et présente un bilan des résultats des études canadiennes et québécoises sur le sujet tout en référant à l'occasion à la littérature empirique américaine.
Provides a biography of Charles Kerr, whose Chicago publishing house began to publish socialist rather than religious materials in the wake of the Pullman Strike of 1894; the left-wing press celebrated its centenary in 1986. See also the obituary of Fred Thompson (Fall 1987, no. 20), who was on the company's board of directors.
In this article the author analyzes the last decade's work in the social history of the working class in the United States and Canada. Utilizing the dual themes of structures of meaning and structures of power, he surveys many of the major works published since 1976.
This article reviews the book, "Women in the Campaign to Organize Garment Workers, 1880-1917," by Carolyn Daniel McCreesh.
This article reviews the book, "Labour Law. Cases, Material and Commentary," by The Labour Law Casebook Group.
This article reviews the book, "Les normes du travail," by Jean-Louis Dubé & Nicola Di Lorio.
The article reviews and comments on "Invitation to Industrial Relations" by T om Keenoy, "Working Order," by Eric Batstone, "Unions on the Board," by Eric Batstone, Anthony Ferner, and Michael Terry, and "Consent and Efficiency: Labour Relations and Management Strategy in the State Enterprise," by Eric Batstone, Anthony Ferner, and Michael Terry.
This article reviews the book, "'In Our Time': Socialism and the Rise of Labor, 1885-1905," by Verity Burgmann.
This paper attempts to identify and to test the effects of a number offactors on the occurrence of wildcat strikes in Canada.
This article reviews the book, "Labor of Love, Labor of Sorrow: Black Women, Work, and the Family from Slavery to the Present," by Jacqueline Jones.
This article reviews the book, "The Transplanted: A History of Immigrants in Urban America," by John Bodnar.
This paper attempts to determine the extent to which the concept of «intra-organizational bargaining», suggested by Walton and McKersie, among others, is useful in analyzing wage differentials between sub-groups within a local union. Based on historical data for public schoolteachers in Saskatchewan, the results show that the relative power of sub-groups within the union has a much stronger bearing on internal wage differentials than do the economic variables. This lends strong support to the intraorganizational bargaining model of internal wage differentials.
Analyzes 36 tables of data compiled on labour protest and organization in the nineteenth century including riots, strikes, occupations of strikers/rioters, regionalism, calendar of strikes, causes, strikes in major cities, and local and international unions. Labour unrest often took the form of riots in the early period, with strikes becoming more prevalent as workers became organized. The culmination was the strike wave of the 1880s known as the Great Upheaval, with the Knights of Labor, which was by far the largest organization of the period, leading the way.
This article reviews the book, "The Retreat From Class: A New 'True' Socialism," by Ellen Meiksins Wood.