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The article reviews the book, "Les Débardeurs au Port de Québec: Tableau des luttes syndicales, 1831-1902," by Peter C. Bischoff.
The article reviews the book, "Minds of Our Own: Inventing Feminist Scholarship and Women's Studies in Canada and Quebec, 1966-76," edited by Wendy Robbins, Meg Luxton, Margrit Eichler, and Francine Descarries.
The article reviews the book, "Some Like It Cold: The Politics of Climate Change in Canada," by Robert C. Paehlke.
Competitive pressure and desire for success drive enterprises in general to involve in knowledge acquisition and dissemination activities that are becoming increasingly significant in the rapid changing and globalising economic world. In addition, with the increased mobility of information and the global labour force, knowledge and experience can be transferred instantaneously around the globe; thus, any advantage gained by one company can be eliminated by comparative improvements overnight. Therefore, the only comparative advantage a particular company will face will be its process of innovation – combining market and technology know-how with the resourceful talents of knowledgeable labour to solve a constant stream of competitive problems- and its ability to derive value from information. In this context, internal and external knowledge acquisition, intra-firm knowledge dissemination and management decisions taken in response to the significant information generated and subsequently filtered became the key factors of entrepreneurial success. This thesis explores how market orientation, learning orientation and entrepreneurial orientation systematically contribute to and are sources of competitive advantage in growth-oriented SMEs. The objective of this study was to investigate the likelihood of a growth-oriented enterprise established in Atlantic Canada to be involved in knowledge acquisition and dissemination activities and to succeed conditional on numerous internal and external factors. A ‘mixed-methods’ research approach was used in this study, comprised of: 1) a web-based questionnaire to study the knowledge management process and other aspects of entrepreneurial success and 2) ‘semi-structured’ interviews with a sample of the responding entrepreneurs. The findings suggest that knowledge management practices: external acquisition, intra-firm dissemination and responsiveness, do vary across the levels of entrepreneurial performance among the Atlantic Canadian SMEs investigated in the study. Having a market orientation and investing in human resources of the firm were found to be critical drivers of innovation leading to potential competitive advantage.
During World War II thousands of workers entered the employ of wartime shipyards in British Columbia. Most Vancouver-area shipyards, following general practice in the United States along the Pacific Coast, operated on the basis of a closed shop, whereby membership was required in recognized labour unions holding agreements with the companies. Management at one shipyard, West Coast Shipbuilders Company Limited, however, bucked this trend and maintained an open shop in the face of growing pressure by the unions, in particular the marine boilermakers, to have a closed one. William McLaren, the main antagonist, reflected enduring older values among some employers in antithesis to labour-management cooperation prevalent in the United States and Canada in support of war production. Though the matter went to conciliation, the drawbacks of a legal approach were readily apparent when a board turned down labour’s request, and negotiations assisted by a judge resulted in adoption of a lesser maintenance of membership clause instead of the closed shop. Worker militancy and aggressive organizing, in the end, could not deliver the closed shop at West Coast Shipbuilders before war contracts concluded and shipbuilding contracted in the province. Taking a local, regional, and industry-specific perspective, this study argues that the union struggle for recognition and accommodation from employers in wartime Canada faltered in the case of obtaining a closed shop at this British Columbia wartime shipyard.
Human Rights in Labor and Employment Relations: International and Domestic Perspectives, edited by James A. Gross and Lance Compa, is reviewed.
The European Sectoral Social Dialogue: Actors, Developments and Challenges, edited by Anne Dufresne, Christophe Degryse and Philippe Pochet, is reviewed.
S’appuyant principalement sur une recension de données qualitatives, cet article vise à mettre en lumière les façons selon lesquelles les agents de service d’un centre d’appel de la région de Montréal parviennent à se dégager certains espaces d’autonomie pour s’engager activement dans le rôle associé à leur travail. Les résultats qui y sont présentés suggèrent que leur activité de travail s’articule autour des notions d’engagement et de distanciation dans une perspective duale. En fait, puisque leur prestation de service se déroule à la frontière de l’organisation et du marché, ils parviennent à mobiliser certaines ressources dans cette zone pour se réapproprier les contraintes pesant sur eux. Ils opérationnalisent cette réappropriation en appliquant les principes d’un engagement instrumental envers l’organisation et de distanciation envers la clientèle ou d’engagement envers la clientèle et de distanciation sociale envers leur entreprise, et ce, selon les comportements des clients qui sont en ligne avec eux. Ces stratégies génèrent des effets bénéfiques temporaires pour eux sur le plan d’une réhabilitation de leur subjectivité puisqu’elles contribuent à les protéger des clients désagréables et à actualiser une volonté de s’affirmer socialement dans leur rôle d’agent de service. En somme, ce jeu de l’engagement et de la distanciation mène à l’édification d’un engagement de leur part envers leur métier. Cet article contribue à l’avancée des connaissances scientifiques puisque, d’une part, il démontre qu’il demeure possible pour ce type de salariés de développer un engagement envers leur métier à partir de l’articulation duale de deux notions a priori contradictoires et, d’autre part, il repousse les courants de l’habilitation et de la domination sociale pour approfondir celui de la dualité en démontrant que ces salariés peuvent se réapproprier les contraintes pesant sur eux même si leur espace d’autonomie s’avère mince et fragile.
Globalization has created a whole new working class - and they are reliving stories that were first played out a century ago. In Live Working or Die Fighting, Paul Mason tells the story of this new working class alongside the epic history of the global labour movement, from its formation in the factories of the 1800s through its near destruction by fascism in the 1930s and up to today's anti-globalisation movement. Blending exhilarating historical narrative with reportage from today's front line, he links the lives of 19th-century factory girls with the lives of teenagers in a giant Chinese mobile phone factory; he tells the story of how mass trade unions were born in London's Docklands - and how they're being reinvented by the migrant cleaners in skyscrapers that stand on the very same spot. It is a story of urban slums, self-help co-operatives, choirs and brass bands, free love and self-education by candlelight. And, as the author shows, in the developing industrial economies of the world it is still with us. Live Working or Die Fighting celebrates a common history of defiance, idealism and self-sacrifice, one as alive and active today as it was two hundred years ago. --Publisher's description
In the mid-nineteenth century, the construction of wooden sailing vessels became the single most important employer in Québec City. Thousands of people worked as shipwrights in the shipbuilding industry, but ship carpenters were the backbone of the trade. These workers displayed an extraordinary capacity for mobilization, being responsible for some of Canada's earliest labour organizations, starting in 1840 with the Société amicale et bienveillante des charpentiers de vaisseaux de Québec. This study demonstrates that ship carpenters' impressive capacity for organization was the result of the trade's remarkable ethnic homogeneity, as no less than 90% of ship carpenters were French Canadian, and most lived together in the working class suburb of Saint Roch. This homogeneity allowed ship carpenters to avoid the bitter internecine conflict that plagued the early labour movement, and allowed them to become part of the vanguard of the Canadian working class.
This book examines life in Canada for the estimated 5,000 blacks, both African Americans and West Indians, who immigrated to Canada after the end of Reconstruction in the United States. Through the experiences of black railway workers and their union, the Order of Sleeping Car Porters, the author connects social, political, labor, immigration, and black diaspora history during the Jim Crow era. By World War I, sleeping car portering had become the exclusive province of black men. White railwaymen protested the presence of the black workers and insisted on a segregated workforce. Using the first-hand accounts of former sleeping car porters, the author shows that porters often found themselves leading racial uplift organizations, galvanizing their communities, and becoming the bedrock of civil rights activism. Examining the spread of segregation laws and practices in Canada, whose citizens often imagined themselves as devoid of racism, she historicizes Canadian racial attitudes and explores how black migrants brought their own sensibilities about race to Canada, participating in and changing political discourse there. --Publisher's description. Contents: Introduction. Birth of a nation: race, empire, and nationalism during Canada's railway age -- Drawing the line: race and Canadian immigration policy -- Jim Crow rides this train: segregation in the Canadian workforce -- Fighting the empire: race, war, and mobilization -- Building an empire, uplifting a race: race, uplift, and transnational alliances -- Bonds of steel: depression, war, and international brotherhood. Includes bibliographical references (pages 249-267) and index.
Historians who have examined the BC socialist and labour movement have generally overlooked the First World War period, assuming that the left uniformly opposed the war. In reality, close attention to archival sources and newspapers has revealed that the war created a crisis of commitment for BC leftists between their commitment to socialist internationalism and thus opposition to the war, and their support for the British Empire and the war it was engaged in. Eventually, the need for socialist internationalism to protect ethnic Canadian socialists led the BC Federation of Labour to elect a new anti-war leadership coalition. This coalition built several new organizations, including the Federated Labour Party and the One Big Union, as well as led the general strikes in Vancouver and Winnipeg in 1918 and 1919. This study is the first to demonstrate the central importance of socialist internationalism to the success of the post-war left.
The story of the expansion of European civilization into the wilderness continues to shape perceptions of how Aboriginal people became part of nations such as Canada. This groundbreaking study subverts this narrative of progress and modernity by examining Canadian nation building from the perspective of a northern community and its residents. Drawing on decades of research and fieldwork, Patricia McCormack argues that Fort Chipewyan--established in 1788 and situated in present-day Alberta--was never an isolated Aboriginal community but a plural society that stood at the crossroads of global, national, and indigenous cultures and economies. The steps that led Aboriginal people to sign Treaty No. 8 and accept scrip in 1899 and their struggle to maintain autonomy in the decades that followed reveal that Aboriginal peoples and others can - and have - become modern without relinquishing cherished beliefs and practices. --Publisher's description. Contents: Writing Fort Chipewyan history -- Building a plural society at Fort Chipewyan: a cultural Rababou -- The fur trade mode of production -- The creation of Canada: a new plan for the Northwest -- Local impacts: state expansion, the Athabasca District, and Fort Chipewyan -- Christian missions -- The ways of life at Fort Chipewyan: cultural baselines at the time of treaty -- Treaty no. 8 and the Métis script: Canada bargains for the North -- The government foot in the door -- Fort Chipewyan and the new regime -- Epilogue: Facing the future -- Appendix: Personal testimony from Fort Chipewyan residents and related persons: memoirs and interviews.
The article reviews the book, "Becoming British Columbia: A Population History," by John Douglas Belshaw.
The article reviews the book, "Global Unions, Global Business: Global Union Federations and International Business," by Richard Croucher and Elizabeth Cotton.
While the union's duty of fair representation (DFR) toward its members is well established in Canadian labour law, relatively little research has examined Canadian DFR cases or factors that may affect the outcome of DFR complaints. This paper examines 138 DFR cases filed with the British Columbia Labour Relations Board between 2000 and 2006. Only eight of the 138 cases resulted in a decision in favour of the complainant The most common reasons for DFR complaints were the union's alleged failure to pursue grievances relating to termination or to pursue grievances relating to job changes. The majority of complainants represented themselves in the process. Future research could expand upon these findings to improve understanding of the duty of fair representation and its application.
Black Canadians provides an authoritative reference for teachers, students and the general public who seek to know more about the Black Diaspora in North America. Arguments made in this book may be unpleasant for those with little appetite for pointed, provocative views and analysis from the standpoint of Black people. For those with a genuine interest in venturing beyond established orthodoxies and simplistic solutions to the contentious ethno-racial problems in Canada, this book will be insightful and worthy of close attention. This new edition expands the regional coverage of Black history, updates all the statistics with the 2006 census data, and adds important new material on multiculturalism and employment equity. --Publisher's description
Ce livre dresse un portait pénétrant de la complexité des valeurs, des attitudes et des croyances relatives au travail de la population active québécoise. Quelle importance et quelle signification revêt le travail aujourd’hui ? Le travail est-il de plus en plus un lieu de réalisation de soi ou n’est-il qu’une valeur en perdition, voire un simple moyen en vue de financer la vie à l’extérieur du travail ? Quel est le modèle de travail idéal auquel aspirent les travailleurs et quelles sont leurs attitudes envers les nouvelles normes et pratiques de gestion mises de l’avant par les employeurs au cours des deux dernières décennies ? Plus fondamentalement, de quelle manière l’identité personnelle est-elle reliée ou dissociée du rôle professionnel ? Issu d’une vaste enquête auprès d’un millier de travailleurs québécois, ce livre montre que le travail est toujours une valeur importante, mais que la réalisation de soi et la quête d’équilibre entre la vie privée et la vie professionnelle sont des aspirations de plus en plus partagées par les individus. Les grands schèmes de valeurs et d’attitudes par rapport au travail mis au jour dans l’ouvrage témoignent de changements culturels récents ainsi que de la diversité des situations de travail vécues. À des degrés divers, ces schèmes convergent vers les exigences du modèle productif contemporain ou s’en distancient : ils contribuent à l’émergence d’un nouveau monde du travail. Cet ouvrage a été réalisé par une équipe de recherche de l’Université Laval et de l’Institut national de la recherche scientifique, sous la direction de Daniel Mercure et de Mircea Vultur, avec la collaboration de Marie-Pierre Bourdages-Sylvain, Charles Fleury et Lilian Negura. --Publisher's description
The article reviews the book, "Power Struggles: Hydro Development and First Nations in Manitoba and Quebec," edited by Thibault Martin and Steven M. Hoffman.
Through late 1973, the Artistic Woodwork strike captivated not only the left-wing milieux of Toronto - from young New Leftists, to rank-and-file union members, to activists from a plethora of political groups - but also the entire city. Artistic was a first contract strike by immigrant workers organized by the Canadian Textile and Chemical Union (CTCU). The narrative of the strike came to be dominated by supporters after many of the workers picketing left due to both fear and the availability of alternative employment. By November, mass pickets of four hundred people added to political pressure and helped secure a first contract settlement. Coming at the end of a period of intense political debate and discussion concerning the agent of social change and the role of the working-class, Artistic assumed special significance in the personal trajectories of many supporters. On these violent picket lines, supporters had an opportunity to act out the prevailing Marxist sociology of the time. Artistic demonstrates the confluence of a variety of forces at the end of the long sixties: the widespread turn towards Marxism and the working-class as a necessary component of social and political change; the importance of nationalism as a unifying feature between some New Leftists and unions such as the CTCU; and the continuing social responsibility of the student and the intellectual. While Artistic was decertified in 1975, we can take valuable lessons from the strike concerning the impact of allowing strikebreakers as well as the power and importance of a social network in garnering widespread strike support.
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