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The article reviews the book, "Beyond Service: State Workers, Public Policy and the Prospects for Democratic Administration," by Greg McElligott.
Reviews the book 'Rural Dimensions of Welfare Reform,' by Bruce A. Weber, Greg L. Duncan and Leslie A. Whitener.
The article reviews the book, "Psychologie du travail et comportement organisationnel," (2e édition) by Shimon L. Dolan, Éric Gosselin, Jules Carrière and Gérald Lamoureux.
Le 18 septembre 2003, la Cour suprême du Canada rendait un arrêt concernant la compétence juridictionnelle de l'arbitre de grief de s'enquérir néanmoins du respect des règles de droit public même si la convention collective privait un salarié congédié du droit à tout contrôle arbitral1. La prolématique sous-jacente mettait en opposition quelques dispositions de la convention collective privant expressément le salarié à l'essai du droit à l'arbitrage suite à la résiliation du contrat de travail par l'employeur et des dispositions des lois de l'emploi lui conférant certains droits spécifiques. One ne saurait être surpris qu'un arbitre de grief soit saisi d'une telle question tant en Ontario qu'au Québec alors que cette même problématique est soulevée en tous milieux de teravail au Canada. Il convient de rappeler le cheminement de l'affaire en chacune des quatre strates du systéme judiciaire puis de souligner les principales réponses données par la Cour suprême du Canada à la majorité de ses juges (7/9) et par la double dissidence. Nous faisons suivre le tout de nos commentaires au sujet des principales questions de droit qui y sont traitées.
The article reviews the book "Disorderly People: Law and the Politics of Exclusion in Ontario," edited by Joe Hermer and Janet Mosher.
The article reviews the book, "Interesting Times: A Twentieth-Century Life," by Eric Hobsbawm.
The article reviews the book, "Le Mouvement familial au Québec, 1960-1990. Une politique et des services pour les familles," by Denise Lemieux and Michelle Comeau.
The article reviews the book, "The Corporation As Family: The Gendering of Corporate Welfare, 1890-1930," by Nikki Mandel.
Reviews the book "At Home and Abroad: U.S. Labor Market Performance in International Perspective," by Francine D. Blau and Lawrence M. Kahn.
Reviews the book 'Immigration and American Unionism,' by Vernon M. Briggs Jr.
The article reviews the book, "Dog Days: James P. Cannon vs. Max Shachtman in the Communist League of America, 1931-1933," by Prometheus Research Library Staff.
This article offers a preliminary theoretical statement on the law as a set of boundaries constraining class struggle in the interests of capitalist authority. But those boundaries are not forever fixed, and are constantly evolving through the pressures exerted on them by active working-class resistance, some of which takes the form of overt civil disobedience. To illustrate this process, the author explores the ways in which specific moments of labour upheaval in 1886, 1919, 1937, and 1946 conditioned the eventual making of industrial legality. When this legality unravelled in the post-World War II period, workers were left vulnerable and their trade union leaders increasingly trapped in an ossified understanding of the rules of labour-capital-state relations, rules that had long been abandoned by other players on the unequal field of class relations. The article closes by arguing for the necessity of the workers' movement recovering its civil disobedience heritage.
The article reviews and comments on several books including "IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation," by Edwin Black, "Working for the Enemy: Ford, General Motors, and Forced Labor During the Second World War," by Reinhold Billstein, Karola Fings, Anita Hitler, and Nicholas Levis and "Hitler, der Westen und die Schweiz 1936-1945," by Walter Hofer and Herbert R. Reginbogin.
Reviews the book 'Personnel et DRH: l'affirmation de la fonction personnel dans les entreprises,' by Jean Fombonne.
The article reviews the book "No Plaster Saint: The Life of Mildred Osterhout Fahrni," by Nancy Knickerbrocker.
The article reviews the book, "Making Sweatshops: The Globalization of the U.S. Apparel Industry," by Ellen Israel Rosen.
Canada's oldest and largest public housing project. Regent Park in Toronto, was originally conceived as an ideal community for low-income families in housing hardship. By the 1990s, however, it had become virtually synonymous with socio-economic marginalization and behavioural depravity. Indeed, the broader social identity of Regent Park has become an accumulation and escalation of the stigma of its residents. The first section of this article charts the historical escalation of polarization between Regent Park residents and the Metropolitan Toronto population by comparing a series of broadly illustrative statistical traits over a 40-year period. This long-term historical perspective allows us to scrutinize the development of socio-economic marginalization both before and after the boom period of postwar capitalism from the 1940s to the 1970s. It confirms that Regent's resident population underwent a dramatic process of socio-economic divergence in comparison to the general Metropolitan Toronto population, which began in the mid to late 1960s before the onset of outright assaults on the welfare state. I flesh out the stark statistical portrayal by considering various qualitative sources such as oral testimony, letters to the author by former tenants, rare resident case files, and internal and public documents from the various housing authorities. In the second section, I explain the rise of socio-economic inequality. Contrary to currently popular underclass theories, I directly point the arrow of responsibility for rising poverty and inequality towards state housing policies, including wider urban renewal strategies and internal public housing practices, and neoliberal economic restructuring. Unlike most studies, I centre in a third section on the potently deleterious effects of stereotyping Regent Park as an outcast space. Stigmatizing renderings by extemal observers were not free-floating ideological representations but real reflections and shapers of spatial and social divisions with concrete economic and social consequences for tenants. I conclude by discussing what residents themselves thought about their homes and how they coped with stigmatization and material deprivation. Sometimes accepting and internalizing negative external representations and/or projecting these labels onto their neighbours and other times resolutely battling against these brutalizing depictions. Regent Park residents were always active players in building a meaningful living space.
We believe there is a need to move beyond simply privileging formal or informal organization as the most authentic expression of worker activity, but rather to recognize both and analyse the interrelationship between the two. The present article provides a method for achieving this as well as presenting the resultsof applying this method to a particular country and historical context [namely, workers in the Australian colonies from 1795 to 1850]. --From authors' introduction
The article reviews the book, "When Whites Riot: Writing Race and Violence in American and South African Cultures," by Sheila Smith.
The article provides a "contrapuntal reading" of Frederic M. Bell-Smith's painting, The Heart of the Empire (1909). Born in the UK, Bell-Smith emigrated to Canada at age 21 in the confederation year of 1867. Although Bell-Smith also painted country landscapes,The Heart of the Empire depicts a busy confluence in London's financial district known as Bank Junction. The author contrasts the painting with Niels Moeller Lund's 1904 work, which had the same title. Contextual themes of gender, industrialization (notably, the newspaper industry), nationalism, modernity, neo-imperialism, and post-colonialism are also explored. By pointing to the painting's layers of meaning, the author intends to promote dialogue on post-confederation Canadian art.