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This article reviews the book, "The Legend of Red Clydeside," by Iain McLean.
This article reviews the book, "Beating the Fascists? The German Communists and Political Violence, 1929-1933," by Eve Rosenhaft.
This paper outlines and evaluates some of the more important developments that have taken place in the past three decades in Ontario public hospital labour relations.
This article reviews the book, "Black Diamonds: Life and Work in Iowa's Coal Mining Communities 1895-1925," by Dorothy Schwieder.
Lors de la célébration de cet anniversaire, en février 1985, le recteur de l'Universite de Montréal a brossé une esquisse historique de cette institution et décerné la Médaille de l'Universite à son fondateur, le R.P. Émile Bouvier.
This article reviews the book, "Les "Chinois" de l'Est ou la vie quotidienne des Québecois émigrés aux États-Unis de 1840 à nos jours," by Normand Lafleur.
Decisions rendues par le Conseil canadien des relations du travail.
Decisions rendues par le Conseil canadien des relations du travail.
Presents work poems including "West Coast — For Howie White," "Vengeance," "At This Time of Year," "At This Time of Year 2," and "where the money fish live — for M."
This article reviews the book, "Economics for Canadian Trade Unionists," by Sidney H. Ingerman.
This article reviews the book, "Trade Unions and Society," by John T. Addison & John Burton.
This article reviews the book, "Le travailleur minier, la culture et le savoir ouvrier: quatre analyses de cas," by Jean Bourassa.
Compilation of recent English/French publications on Canadian labour history that emphasize the period 1800-1975. Materials pertaining to the post-1975 period may also be included, although more selectively. [See the database, Canadian Labour History, 1976-2009, published at Memorial University of Newfoundland.]
This article reviews the book, "Socialistes et pacifistes — l'intenable dilemme des socialistes français (1933-1939)," by Michel Bilis.
Presents excerpts from the 20-hour oral history (recorded in 1977) of the Communist labour organizer, Patrick Lenihan, who reminisces about his time in the mining camps of Alberta and British Columbia in the 1930s. Also discusses the Communist effort to unite the Canadian and US mine worker unions in the late 1930s. Includes a photo of Lenihan.
This article reviews the book, "No Fault of Their Own: Unemployment and the Canadian Welfare State 1914-1941," by James Struthers.
This article reviews the book, "Eight Hours for What We Will: Workers and Leisure in an Industrial City 1870-1920," by Roy Rosenzweig.
This article reviews the book, "Irish Peasants: Violence and Political Unrest 1970-1914," edited by Samuel Clark & James S. Donnelly Jr.
This article reviews the book, "White Collar Workers in Transition: The Boom Years 1940-1970," by Mark McColloch.
This article reviews the book, "The Electrical Workers: A History of Labor at General Electric and Westinghouse 1923-60," by Ronald W. Schatz.
Resource type
- Book (5)
- Film (1)
- Journal Article (218)
- Thesis (4)