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Même quand on a réussi à réduire au minimum le travail nécessaire à la fabrication d'un produit, il subsiste encore de nombreux points qui sont autant de sources de temps perdu, sur lesquelles le travailleur a peu de prise, mais que par de bonnes méthodes de gestion et d'organisation la direction peut en partie éliminer.
Pending the results of such further research it can only be concluded at this juncture that, given the nature of the Canadian economy and the system of wage determination, there is no reason to believe that the contribution of collective bargaining to recent price developments was any greater than that of other factors in the inflationary process.
The author makes a few general comments about the work of the CLC Commission on Constitution and Structure and about a few of the recommendations which seem to be of most importance in the face of the realities of industrial relations and collective bargaining in the 1960’s.
This article reviews "Ethics for an Industrial Age : A Christian Inquiry" by Victor Obenhaus.
This article reviews "Management at the Bargaining Table" by K.O. Warner and M.L. Hennessy.
This article reviews "Managing Intergroup Conflict in Industry" by Robert R. Blake, Herbert A. Shepard and Jane S. Mouton.
This article reviews "Comment organiser le classement et les archives" by Giuseppe Continolo, translated from the Italian by J.-E. Leymarie.
This article reviews "L’année sociale 1967" by Guy Spitaels and Simone Lambert.
This article reviews "La lutte contre la discrimination dans le travail" from the Bureau International du Travail (Genève).
This article reviews "La mobilité des travailleurs urbains" by Laurence C. Hunter and Graham L. Reid.
This article reviews "La population active et sa structure" from Statistiques internationales rétrospectives, volume I, under the direction of P. Bairoch.
This article reviews "Le mouvement ouvrier aux États-Unis 1867-1967" by Daniel Guérin.
This article reviews "Ordinateur et décentralisation des décisions" by Max Rouquerol.
This article reviews "Réflexions d’un citoyen sur l’avenir du Québec – sur quelques aspects de l’expérience suédoise" by Jean-Paul Lefebvre.
This article reviews "Rotation des stocks et marge bénéficiaire à l’américaine" by John P. D’Anna.
This article reviews "Comment étudier un problème" by Roland Caude.
It seems appropriate for students of industrial relations to look back on the events of the last thirty years to see what where the major influences shaping the labor movement over this time and to look ahead a decade or so and speculate on the major issues which will have to be faced by labor in the foreseeable future.
It remains that the main problem of an incomes policy as a mean of restraining inflation in a full employment economy is that of the long run. It is, I believe, fair to point out that this problem has hardly been tackled so far and that the tendency to look at incomes policy in the light of temporary emergencies has blocked rather than opened the road to a solution.
Après avoir fait état des aspirations engendrées par notre système d'éducation au Québec, l'auteur, un économiste bien connu, étudie l'ordre des centres de décision, et donc du pouvoir économique dans notre province. Ces deux prémisses l’amènent finalement à faire trois propositions en vue d'assurer des possibilités de travail en français chez nous.
Resource type
- Book (5)
- Journal Article (120)
- Thesis (1)