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This article reviews "Tax Basis for Managerial Decisions" by Robert S. Holzman.
L’auteur étudie en premier lieu la notion d'action politique syndicale. Après avoir relevé les divers usages du terme, il propose une définition fonctionnelle en distinguant entre objectifs et méthodes. L'action politique syndicale peut avoir une triple finalité et elle est de deux sortes. De là, l’auteur décrit trois modèles analytiques et les caractérise. Puis, se basant sur des considérations d'ordre empirique et d'ordre théorique, il fait un effort de prévision de l'évolution des mouvements syndicaux en cette matière.
Dans son rapport sur l'état de la recherche en relations industrielles dans les universités canadiennes, l’auteur s'intéresse plus spécialement aux problèmes d'ordre méthodologique, au syndicalisme, aux relations patronales-ouvrières, aux aspects législatifs et juridiques des relations industrielles et enfin à la main-d'oeuvre. En conclusion, il fait quelques commentaires qui se dégagent de sa démarche.
This article reviews "Labor Relations in the Lithographic Industry" by Fred C. Munson.
This article reviews "A History of British Trade Unions since 1889" Volume I – 1889-1920, by H.A. Clegg, Alan Fox and A.F. Thompson.
This article reviews "Labor Arbitration – A Dissenting View" by Paul R. Hays.
This article reviews "Psycho-sociologie du travail" by Pierre Jaccard.
This article reviews "Consentement ou Refus – Les travailleurs et les changements techniques" by Alain Touraine and collaborators.
The author exposes the union approach to research from the perspective of the research departments functions, distinguishing the functions of the research officers from their activities, their methods and techniques.
This paper is concerned with court decisions and statutory enactments which had an effect on active participation of trade unions in political action and, in particular, how the Legislatures, and the courts in interpreting the relevant statutes, attempted to prevent or regularize the use of union dues, levies or funds for political purposes.
The Canada Labour Relations Board and most of our provincial Boards are protected in the determination of the matters coming before them by « privative clauses ». The author questions the effect of such clauses on the endeavours of the Boards and more directly on their real jurisdiction.
On one hand, binational trade unionism seems to be the product of three features in Canadian-American economic relations: international trade, labor migration and American investments in Canada. On the other hand, the origin of Canadian unionism and conflicts within can be explained by economic nationalism, by a commitment to the teachings of the Church in Québec and by an opposition to the AFL-type of craft unionism outside Québec. The boundary issue is irrelevant to the explanation of both phenomenas. In this article, the author has gathered some evidence which tends to support those hypotheses.
Resource type
- Book (1)
- Journal Article (110)
- Thesis (1)