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During the 1930s the Communist Party of Canada organized and promoted the working-class struggle against conditions resulting from the Depression. And while some have argued that the state's intelligence community paid little attention to the efforts of the communists between the wars, the evidence reveals a major operation on the part of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to watch and suppress Communist Party activities. By tracing the involvement of World War I veteran and Communist Party activist, Stewart O'Neil, in four radical movements - the Workers Ex-Servicemen's League, the On-to-Ottawa trek, the workers' theatre movement, and the Spanish Civil War- this paper demonstrates the extent of, and the tactics used by, the RCMP in its surveillance and suppression of these radical movements.
Compilation of recent English/French publications on Canadian labour history that emphasize the period 1800-1975. Materials pertaining to the post-1975 period may also be included, although more selectively. [See the database, Canadian Labour History, 1976-2009, published at Memorial University.]
A study examines the relationship between stressful working conditions, social support at work, employee distress, and union members' (dis)satisfaction with their union. It might be assumed that under stressful working conditions, unionized workers would turn to their union to seek better working conditions and would have a positive orientation toward their union. However, it is also possible that stressful working conditions and distressed, alienated employees will become dissatisfied not only with their job but also with their union. The data for the study come from a survey of unionized postal workers employed by Canada Post Corporation in Edmonton in 1983.
The article reviews the book, "Advocate and Activist: Memoirs of an American Communist Lawyer," by John J. Abt.
A study attempts to identify determinants of executive compensation in Canada while comparing how they differ between Canada and the US. Results suggest that firm size, firm performance, and firm ownership structure all determine executive compensation in Canada. However, several differences between the determinants of executive compensation in Canada and the US are identified.
The article reviews the book, "Relations professionnelles, emploi et formation au Québec," published by Critique Régionale, nos. 23-24, 1994, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
The article reviews the book, "Reimagining Canada: Language, Culture, Community and the Canadian Constitution," by Jeremy Webber.
Creating Economic Opportunities: The Role of Labour Standards in Industrial Restructuring, edited by Werner Sengenberger and Duncan Campbell, is reviewed.
The article reviews the book, "The Centralia Tragedy of 1919: Elmer Smith and the Wobblies," by Tom Copeland.
The article reviews the book, "Copper Crucible: How the Arizona Miner's Strike Recast Labor-Management Relations in America," by Jonathan D. Rosenblum.
The article reviews the book, "In Subordination: Professional Women, 1870-1970," by Mary Kinnear.
The article reviews the book, "Le droit disciplinaire des corporations professionnelles," by Mario Goulet.
The article reviews and comments on the books "Don't Call Me Servant: Government Work and Unions in Ontario, 1911-1984," by Wayne Roberts, and "Lives in the Public Service: A History of the Manitoba Government Employees' Union," by Doug Smith, Jock Bates and Esyllt Jones.
The article reviews the book, "La Prostitution féminine à Montréal, 1945-1970," by Danielle Lacasse.
The article reviews several books including "Labor Visions and State Power: The Origins of Business Unionism in the United States," by Victoria C. Hattam, "The Experience of Workers in the United States With Democracy and the Free Market During the Nineteenth Century," by David Montgomery and "The State and Labor in Modern America," by Melvyn Dubofsky.
The article reviews the book, "My Past Is Now: Further Memoirs of a Labour Lawyer," by John Stanton.
The article reviews the book, "Hoffa," by Arthur A. Sloane.
The article reviews the book, ÈLa dimension humaine des organisations, by Nicole Côté, Laurent Bélanger and Jocelyn Jacques.
The article reviews the book, "Alex in Wonderland," by Alex Macdonald.
The article briefly reviews "Canada and the United States," edited by John Herd Thompson and Stephen J. Randall," "O'Callaghan: The Making and Unmaking of a Rebel," by Jack Verney, "'We're Rooted Here and They Can't Pull Us Up': Essays in African Canadian Women's History," by Peggy Bristow et al., "Crime and Criminal Justice: Essays in the History of Canadian Law," edited by Jim Phillips, Tina Loo, and Susan Lewthwaite, "Matters of the Mind: The University in Ontario, 1791-1951," by A.B. McKillop, "R.C.M.P. Security Bulletins: The Early Years, 1919-1929," edited by Gregory S. Kealey and Reginald Whitaker, "Ethnic Cultures in the 1920s in North America," by Wolfgang Binder, "The 'Lower Sort': Philadelphia's Laboring People, 1750-1800," by Billy G. Smith, "Transforming Rural Life: Dairying Families and Agricultural Change, 1820-1885," by Sally McMurry, "Labor's Struggles, 1945-1950," by Irving Richter, "Participant Observer: An Autobiography," by William Foote Whyte, "Newcomers in the Workplace: Immigrants and the Restructuring of the U.S. Economy," edited by Louise Lampbere, Alex Stepick, and Guillermo Grenier, "Restoring the Promise of American Labor Law," edited by Sheldon Friedman, et al., "The Life and Literary Pursuits of Allen Davenport with a further selection of the author's work," edited by Malcolm Chase, "UK Labour Market: Comparative aspects and institutional Developments," edited by Ray Barrell, "Social Structures of Accumulation: The Political Economy of Growth and Crisis," edited by David M. Kotz, Terrence McDonough, and Michael Reich, "Women, Work, and Place," edited by Audrey Kobayashi, "Color, Class and Country: Experiences of Gender," edited by Gay Young and Bette J. Dickerson, "Making Labour Law in Australia: Industrial Relations, Politics, and Law," by Laura Bennett, and "Making Workers Soviet: Power, Class and Identity," edited by Lewis H. Siegelbaum and Ronald Gregor Suny.