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This article reviews the book, "Foucault, Marxism and History: Mode of Production versus Mode of Information," by Mark Poster.
This article reviews the book, "Technological Change : The Tripartite Response, 1982-85," by B.I.T.
This paper examines the factors considered in proving sexual harassment and in determining compensation and remedies
This article reviews the book, "Terveisiä Ruusa-tädiltä: Kanadan suomalaisten ensimmäinen sukupolvi," edited by Varpu Lindstrom-Best & Charles M. Sutyla.
This article reviews the book, "Late Marx and the Russian Road: Marx and 'The Peripheries of Capitalism'," edited by Teodor Shanin.
This article reviews the book, "La participation". Enciclopedia de Dirreccion y Administracion de la Empresa, Fasciculo 82," by Dimitri Weiss.
This article reviews the book, "Miners, Peasants and Entrepreneurs: Regional Development in the Central Highlands of Peru," by Norman Long and Bryan Roberts.
This article reviews the book, "What Do Unions Do?," by Richard B. Freeman and James L. Medoff.
Notes that the journal is celebrating its 10th anniversary and will be hosting two sessions at the annual meeting of the Canadian Historical Association in Winnipeg.
This article reviews the book, "Work for Mother: The Ironies of Household Technology from the Open Hearth to the Microwave," by Ruth Schwartz Cowan.
A study examined the effect on grievance resolution of differences in supervisors' training and degree of experience. The study also looked at the variances in the grievance process interaction between supervisors and union representatives and other management. Eight workplace-level case studies were examined. A total of 181 first-line supervisors completed questionnaires. In addition, interviews were conducted with the industrial relations staff at each location. Results indicated that much of the variance in the rate of informal grievance resolution among first-line supervisors is traceable to differences in individual supervisors' experience and behavior in the grievance process. The most powerful influence on grievance resolution was the degree to which informal consultation occurred between supervisors and union representatives before the grievance transactions concluded.
The paper specifies an alternative model of union growth which builds on the strengths of the popular A/P andB/E models and incorporates several hypotheses relating aggregate union membership growth to changes in key business cycle variables, the legislative framework, and the inter-industry and male-female composition of the labour force.
This paper examines the hypothesis of a positive relationships between strikes and the level of negotiated wage agreements.
This article reviews the book, "The Rise of the French Communist Party, 1920-1947," by Edward Mortimer.
Declining real wages and pressure to increase productivity pushed Canadian postal workers to a national wildcat strike in 1965. After this achievement they began a series of day-to-day battles to extend their shopfloor power. Reacting to this, postal management embarked on a mechanization project to transform the labour process. New federal labour laws were enacted which stifled the expression of workers' power through their union. The national union officials proved unable to break out of these bureaucratic structures that cut them off from the rank and file. An abrupt national wildcat/sitdown strike in 1974 resulted in a change in the national union leadership. Solid victories were won dealing with the transition to new mechanized plants. However, management began a counterattack aimed a weakening worker solidarity by hiring non-union workers and refusal to honour the collective agreement. The stage is then set for a series of local wildcats in the late 1970s, the Toronto strike of December 1977, and the national strike in 1978. The postal workers' past and present is summed up with a view to future struggles.
On the Line : Women and Fish Plant Jobs in Atlantic Canada.
This article reviews the book, "Marx et Aristote. Perspectives sur l'homme," by Jacques de Monléon.
Reports on a journal readership survey including age, occupation, gender, how they became acquainted with the journal, why they read it, its utility, and what they read. Although there was criticism that French-language material was sparse, the overall level of satisfaction was high. Includes appendices of the questionnaire, the data, and comments received.
This article reviews the book "The New Reality: The Politics of Restraint in British Columbia," edited by Warren Magnusson, et al.
This article reviews the book, "The Artisan Republic-Revolution: Reaction and Resistance in Lyon, 1848-1851," by Mary-Iynn Stewart-Mac Dougall.