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After having addressed the concept of tripartism and the issues of corporatism and incomes policies, the author examines the background to the imposition of controls and the subsequent tripartism debate. Finally, the author focuses on the main stages in the negociations over controls and tripartism, with particular reference to major shifts in CLC policy and strategy.
This article reviews the book, "Working People, An Illustrated History of Canadian Labour," by Desmond Morton & Terry Copp.
The author critically examines theoretical developments in industrial relations. Pluralism, the Systems approach and the radical perspectives are identified as the main contributions to the stream of thought in industrial relations theory.
The objective of this paper is to identify characteristics which distinguish first strike situations from other strike actions. It is based on both collective bargaining and conflict resolution litera- ture as well as the detailed analysis of a recent walkout by a public school teachers' union.
Job search theory has been offered in recent years as one explanation of unemployment. A key element of the theory requires that workers behave as if they operate on a reservation wage strategy. The authors verify this hypothesis.
This article reviews the book, "Chroniques impertinentes du 3ème (sic) Front commun syndical, 1979-1980," by François Demers.
After having examined three theoritical approaches, the author présents public policy relating to race and sex discrimination in employment and analyzes 74 cases decided by the boards of enquiry and courts.
This study attempts to verify the appropriateness of three existing taxonomies of need fulfillment by Maslow, Alderfer and lawler, respectively, in the area of nonwork.
Expresses appreciation to departing/arriving editorial board members, in particular Ross McCormack who also contributed in his capacity as President of the Canadian Committee on Labour History. Welcomes Bryan Palmer as review editor and Robert Babcock as incoming CCLH president. Takes note of two articles in the issue that were originally conference papers, the oral history project of Sudbury labour leader Jim Tester (his speech is published in the issue), the bibliography compiled by Douglas Vaisey and Marcel Leduc, and the report of recent archival acquisitions by Danny Moore.
This article reviews the book, "The Labour Companion : A Bibliography of Canadian Labour History, Based on Materials Printed from 1950 to 1975," compiled by G. Douglas Vaisey, John Battye, Marie De Youne, and Gregory S. Kealey.
This article reviews the book, "La durée du travail dans les pays en voie de développement," by D. Maric. This article reviews the book, "A Shorter Workweek in the 1980's," by William McGaughey, Jr.
Cet article examine le concept paritaire et son application historique dans les relations du travail, ainsi que ses nouvelles applications, particulièrement dans le domaine de la santé et de la sécurité ainsi que celui de la formation des travailleurs.
Saisi d'une requête en accréditation visant les employés de bureau d'un employeur oeuvrant dans une localité précise, le Conseil a décidé d'élargir l'unité proposée de façon à inclure tous les employés de bureau de la province à l'emploi de cette entreprise. Ce faisant, il a expliqué les raisons pour lesquelles la règle de l'ultra petita ne pouvait lui être opposée et la politique qu'il entendait suivre relativement aux avis à être donnés aux parties et aux employés lorsqu 'il agit de la sorte.
L'auteur analyse les résultats d'une étude faite auprès d'un échantillon de professeurs de l'Université de Montréal au sujet de leur satisfaction au travail. Les résultats révèlent des différences marquantes suivant l'aspect du travail considéré et les caractéristiques du professeur interrogé.