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Provides an introductory commentary on the significance of the document, "Notes historiques sur l'Association ouvrière de Hull," by Révérend Père Joseph Bonhomme of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI), of Hull, Quebec. Written in 1921, the document discusses the formation and evolution of the Hull Catholic workers' organization, of which Bonhomme was appointed the chaplain in 1918. The commentary argues that Hull was the exemplar of developments in other Quebec centres. It concludes that the document sheds light on the complex relationship between church and worker as well as the quest for social justice. Includes three photos.
This article reviews two books, "The Organizer: A Canadian Union Life," by Rick Salutin and Kent Rowley, and "An Account to Settle. The Story of the United Bank Workers," by the Bank Book Collective.
This article reviews the book, "Worker Participation: Prescription for Industrial Change," by Frank R. Anton.
This article reviews the book, "Big Steel: Black Politics and Corporate Power in Gary, Indiana," by Edward Greer.
The focus of this paper is on the information disclosed by companies in theprivate sector to trade unions in North America, with particular référence to Canada.
This study explores the nature of relationships between moonlighting and several dépendent variables, such as need fulfillment in work and non-work, mental health, participation in voluntary organizations, job performance, absenteeism, antici- pated turnover and flex-time and short work week préférences.
What follows is an index to the first ten years of publications of the Committee on Canadian Labour History (CCLH). Founded in 1972 as a committee of the Canadian Historical Association, the CCLH commenced the publication of a Newsletter, which appeared seven times between 1972 and 1975 under the editorship of André LeBlanc. In 1976 the CCLH began two new publications — the Bulletin, edited by John Battye, which ran to 8 issues, ending in 1979, and Labour/Le Travailleur, which appeared as an annual until 1980 when it began to appear twice a year, incorporating the Bulletin. --Editor's introduciton
Notes the contributions to scholarly debates in the issue as well as expanded editorial support for book reviews in the French language, the new section on work poetry, and bibliography of labour studies resources in the French language. Changes to the editorial board are also noted. The tenth anniversary of the Committee on Canadian Labour History is marked with an index of its publications.
This essay is a contribution to the debate concerning the direction of social and working-class history. Comments are made on periodization, regionalism, ethnicity, and culture. Class analysis and the utility of culture for the study of Canadian workers are strongly defended.
The Order of the Knights of Labor played a determining role in the organization of the world of work at the end of the nineteenth century. Social movement more than union than a trade union, the order addressed all workers without consideration of of sex, ethnic or racial origin, and trade qualification. The Order thus represented to industrial capitalism the most important challenge it had to face in North America. In Ontario, this challenge was as much political and cultural as it was economic as well as in economic matters. We present here the history of the Order of the Knights of Labor in Ontario from 1880 to 1902; in the context of the industrial development of the of the industrial development of the province, the internal structures of this movement and the and the actions that it exercised in the economic, political and cultural fields. [Translation of the French resumé]
Provides an overview of the current issue, in particular the contributions to the ongoing discussion of the writing working-class and labour history in Canada. Changes to the structure and membership of the editorial board are discussed, with appreciation expressed to departing members, notably David Bercuson. The advisory board has been discontinued.
This article reviews the book, "Les femmes et le syndicalisme," by Julie White.
This article reviews the book, "The Working Mother, A Survey of Problems and Programs in Nine Countries," by Alice H. Cook.
Compilation of recent English/French publications on Canadian labour history that emphasize the period 1800-1975. Materials pertaining to the post-1975 period may also be included, although more selectively. [See the database, Canadian Labour History, 1976-2009, published at Memorial University of Newfoundland.]
This article reviews the book, "Urban Growth and City-Systems in the United States, 1840-1860," by Allen Pred.
This article reviews the book, "La grève de la United Aircraft, Collection histoire des travailleurs Québécois, no. 8," by Michel Pratt.
This article reviews the book, "Les syndicats nationaux au Québec de 1900 à 1930," by Jacques Rouillant.
This article reviews two books: "Rise Gonna Rise: A Portrait of Southern Textile Workers," by Mimi Conway, and "If All We Did Was To Weep At Home: A History of White Working-Class Women in America," by Susan Estabrook Kennedy.
This article reviews the book, "'The Whole World Is Watching': Mass Media in the Making and Unmaking of the New Left," by Todd Gitlin.