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This paper compares the attitudes to collective bargaining of a sample of Ontario and Wisconsin registered nurses. Contrary to expectations (in view of the general low rate of American nursing unionism), the Wisconsin nurses who where surveyed viewed collective bargaining at least as favourably as their Ontario counterparts.
The primary objective of this survey is therefore to collect enough data to in order that comparisons of absenteeism and labour turnover can be made within various regions and industries in Ontario. The study also provides general information on the extent, nature and relative importance of various human problems.
This article reviews the book, "L’indexation des salaires dans les pays industrialisés à économie de marché," by Bureau international du travail.
The history of women in the labour force is by and large a neglected area of study, especially with regard to trade unionism. For British Columbia in the early years of this century, while there are various accounts of men's union struggles, there does not exist at present any published secondary material on the union activity of women. This article will attempt to give a preliminary account of the organization of some women workers in Vancouver during the period from 1900 to 1915. --Introduction
This article reviews the book, "Grievance Arbitration of Discharge Cases, A Study of the Concept of Industrial Dsicipline and their Result," by George W. Adams.
This article reviews the book, "L’obligation d’obéir et ses limites dans la jurisprudence arbitrale québécoise," by C. D’Aoust & G. Trudeau.
This study demonstrates that a Negative Income Tax Plan can be expected to result in fairly large reductions in the supply of work effort in the case of younger workers. The potential reductions in labour supply of female workers appear to be particularly large.
This article reviews the book, "CETA: Manpower Programs Under Local Control," by William Mirengoff & Lester Rindler.
This paper examines examples of two different intellectual traditions within which Canadian strikes are interpreted. The distinctiveness of the two traditions becomes most clear in reactions to a paper by Crispo and Arthurs (1968) on industrial conflict in the mid i960*s. Each tradition involves assumptions about the nature of industrial conflict. In neither of the examples discussed from the two traditions, however, is the adequacy of the assumptions really established. Despite the fact that these two traditions assert entirely contradictory characterizations of Canadian strikes, there appears to be no serious dialogue between the exponents of either position.
The author examines the recent Canadian experience in wage and price controls» including an analysis of these controls, the problems confronting their implementation, and certain of their results.
This article reviews the book, "Les normes internationales du travail," by Bureau international du travail.
This article reviews the book, "La réforme des lois du travail," by neuvième colloque des relations industrielles.
Le congédiement d'un salarié au seul motif de sa participation à une grève illégale contredit-il le maintien légal du lien de salariat à la suite d'une grève? Comment l'envisager en regard de la protection de l'activité syndicale? S'agit-il de deux questions distinctes ou, ou contraire, d'une même réalité? La prise de position récente de la Cour d'Appel à ce sujet, à la suite de jugements parfois divergents du Tribunal du travail, est d'autant plus importante que le Code du travail prétend maintenant assurer expressément aux salariés le recouvrement de leur emploi à la suite d'une grève.
Les dispositions « anti-briseurs de grève » du Code du travail ont-elles modifié la détermination de la légalité d'un piquet de grève? Concrètement, l'association accréditée serait-elle maintenant habilitée à s'assurer de l'efficacité de l'arrêt de travail? Par ailleurs, quelles sont les conséquences juridiques du refus de travailler, par solidarité syndicale, de salariés se rattachant à des unités de négociations non visées par la grève?
This article reviews the book, "Accroissement de la productivité et psychologie du travail," by Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles.
This article reviews the book, "S’adapter à un monde en pleine évolution. Choix de textes sur la qualité de la vie au travail," by George F. Sanderson, Edited.
This article reviews the book, "Santé et sécurité au travail," by Gouvernement du Québec.
This article reviews the book, "International Labour Law Reports," by Zvi H. Bar-Niv, Benjamin Aaron, Thilo Ramm, Fokle Schmidt, Jean Maurice Verdier, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Peter Elman, Alphen ann den Rijn, Sijthoff & Noordhoff, Edited.
This article reviews the book, "La Contrattazione colletiva in Italia (1945-1977)," by Bruno Veneziani, Edited. This article reviews the book, "Democrazia politica e democrazia industriale," by Silvana Sciarra.