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The article reviews the book, "L'avènement de la linotype: les cas de Montréal à la fin du XIXe siècle," by Bernard Dansereau.
The work of Boivin (1992) and Meltz (1992) on the issue of industrial relations as a discipline is expanded by exploring the implications of this debate for graduate curricula. The debate over whether industrial relations constitutes a discipline is presented, and then some of the implications of the outcome of this debate for the development of industrial relations teaching units and curriculum content are discussed. The alternative organizational approaches to graduate-level study of industrial relations in Canada and the US are broadly characterized. Some of the factors giving rise to the wide variety of programs observed in both countries are presented. Like Boivin, undergraduate labor studies programs are not considered. Some of the factors influencing changes in program content are considered, and the implications of these for the future study of and instruction in industrial relations are discussed.
A labor shortage in 1922, the promise of a bumper yield in 1923, and increased imperialist sentiment resulted in the recruitment of nearly 12,000 British workers to assist Canadian harvesters with the 1923 prairie wheat crop. Since most of them came from the cities they found the transition to western agriculture difficult and their complaints about the treatment they endured caused considerable damage to Canada's image abroad. Nevertheless, many persevered and returned home after the harvest satisfied. Those who remained to make a new life for themselves had a harder time since they were forced to take farm work at subsistence wages for the winter. Others chose to seek work in their own trades in Canada's cities. Like many, those in Toronto faced unemployment but, with the help of area radicals, the militants among them decided to lead a long march to demand work at reasonable wages from the Mackenzie King government. Despite unrelenting harassment from public officials they remained united and, with the assistance of citizens in the communities along the way, they reached the capital bedraggled but defiant a fortnight later. While their march proved futile in the short term, it was an early example of escalating militancy among the unemployed, both domestic and immigrant, which helped to focus attention on both the plight of unskilled labor in a national economy and on the short-sighted, employer-driven immigration policies.
The article reviews the book, "Corporate Canada: An Historical Outline," by Gerry van Houten.
The article reviews the book, "Gender Conflicts: New Essays in Women's History," edited by Franca Iacovetta and Mariana Valverde.
The results of research on the determinants of unemployment spell durations of individuals experiencing job separations in each year from 1978 to 1980 and from 1982 to 1985 are presented. Accelerated failure time models that incorporate explicit assumptions concerning the functional form of the baseline hazard are estimated for each year, and for a variety of functional forms. Cox's (1972) proportional hazards procedure is also employed. The results obtained are robust to the functional form assumed, but not necessarily to the year of data used. It is found that the average duration of an unemployment spell increased significantly as the economy moved into recession during the early 1980s, and that, for the most part, it decreased during the subsequent recovery. However, even though the aggregate unemployment rate fell between 1984 and 1985, the average duration of an unemployment spell increased. For some demographic groups, economic recovery does little to reduce unemployment spell durations. Most notable in this regard is the change in the relationship between age and spell duration.
The article reviews the book "Solidarité inc: Un nouveau syndicalisme créateur d'emplois," by Louis Fournier.
Examines the struggle for equal pay for women in a large office union composed of female clerical and male technical and manual workers. The Office and Technical Employees' Union pursued "equal pay for equal job evaluation" for over thirty years from 1949 to 1981, while the employer, B.C. Electric/Hydro, systematically restructured unequal pay. At the same time, union negotiating practices and priorities also reinforced the gendered hierarchy in the workplace, and equal pay for women remained a sectoral "women's issue" rather than a core general union issue.
The article reviews the book, "Working Class Experience: Rethinking the History of Canadian Labor, 1800-1991," by Bryan D. Palmer.
The article reviews the book, "Le traité du recours à l'encontre d'un congédiement sans cause juste et suffisante," by Pierre Laporte.
Analyzes through the use of tables the principle characteristics of the 181 strikes that took place in the resource-based economy of northern Ontario between 1900 and 1945. Concludes that the strike frequency reflected the pattern of others in the country during the period, that the strikes nvolved mostly workers in the mining, metal, forestry, and pulp and paper industries, that the core issues were union representation and compensation, and that the employer generally won, especially in mining.
The article reviews the book, "Chronologie du Québec," by Jean Provencher.
The author reflects on her teaching experiences while a part-time instructor in McMaster University's labour studies program. Focuses on the classroom behaviour of some male students who were hostile toward labour unions and political correctness. Also describes a related incident where a student wrote an exam under false pretenses, for which there was no significant sanction from the administration.
The article reviews and comments on Alan Dawley's 'Struggles for Social Justice: Social Responsibility and the Liberal State' (1991) and 'The Rise and Fall of the New Deal Order, 1930-1980' (1989), edited by Steve Fraser and Gary Gerstle.
The article reviews the book, "Femmes et pouvoir dans I'Église," by Anita Caron.
The article reviews the book, "Alternatives to Lean Production. Work Organization in the Swedish Auto Industry, by Christian Berggren.
The article reviews the book, "À la recherche d'un monde oublié. Les communautés religieuses de femmes au Québec, de 1900 à 1970," by Nicole Laurin, Danielle Juteau, and Lorraine Duchesne.
The article reviews the book, "History Workshop: A Collectanea, 1967-1991," edited by Raphael Samuel.
An analysis of adjudicator decisions dealing with complaints of unjust dismissal under the Canada Labour Code is provided. Sections 240 et seq. of the code provides statutory protection against unjust dismissal for nonunionized employees in the federal jurisdiction. The main objective of the study is to determine whether the concept of progressive discipline has been adopted by adjudicators acting under the code. In addition, how adjudicators have viewed progressive discipline, that is, its definition, application, and purpose, is discussed. Data were collected from decisions rendered under the code from its beginning in September 1978 to March 1989. Logit analysis was employed to identify the significant predictors of the dichotomous dependent variable, the probability of the complaint being sustained or denied. The results reveal that adjudicators have adopted the approach to discipline by arbitrators in the unionized sector. The adoption of this principle is questioned, given the potential negative effects of discipline as illustrated in the organizational behavior literature.
The article reviews the book, "Guide Mercer sur la gestion de la rénumération : théorie et pratique," by Roland Thériault Roland.