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The ideologies of Canadian industrial relations (IR) scholars are analyzed. At the descriptive level, it would appear that a considerable majority of the scholars, perhaps as high as 70%, adhere to beliefs consistent with either a liberal-reformist or a radical ideology, even though there is widespread support for many of the arguments associated with the "new cooperativism." It would also appear that, whatever the content of ideology, its structure remains by and large one-dimensional. The findings also suggest that scholars who report that they specialize in IR or are affiliated primarily with an IR school tend to be more left-wing than their counterparts in economics and management. This would appear to reflect an ideological partitioning of the field among different schools. In turn, ideology would appear to have important implications for the pedagogy of scholars and the orientation they are likely to convey to future decision makers.
Le syndicat des employé(e)s de magasins et de bureaux de la SAQ a organisé la première grève dans le secteur public. Pierre Godin rend hommage à ce syndicat d'avant-garde en commémorant son évolution. --Description de l'éditeur
The article reviews the book, "Filles et familles en milieu ouvier: Hull, Québec à la fin du XIXe siècle," by Odette Vincent Domey.
This is a case study of one Native community that attempted to end the cycle of poverty and underdevelopment by encouraging investment by a multinational corporation. The authors examine the impact the investment has had on social relations within the community. Specifically it is argued that this path of development has followed modernization principles similar to those undertaken in many Third World countries. While such investment creates jobs in the community, it also leads to economic exploitation and dependency, while furthering factionalization in terms of politics and culture.
The article reviews the book, "Industrial Relations in Canadian Industries," edited by Richard P. Chaykowski and Anil Verma.
The article reviews the book, "School Teaching In Canada," by Alexander Lockhart.
Beyond Regina examines the reaction in Manitoba and Ontario to the On to Ottawa Trek, specifically in the cities the marchers would have passed through had they not been stopped in the capital of Saskatchewan: Winnipeg, Fort William and Port Arthur, Sudbury, Toronto and Ottawa. Two major studies on the Trek appeared in the 1980s, Victor Howard's We Were the Salt of the Earth and Lome A. Brown's When Freedom Was Lost. Both monographs offer copious detail on the Trekkers and their journey from Vancouver to Regina, something necessary to provide true context to the event. A national mantle is claimed for the march by the respective authors but the lack of substance in this area effectively renders the event a regional protest movement. The thesis examines in particular the extent and nature of Trek support in various Manitoba and Ontario cities. It seeks to provide a broader perspective on the On to Ottawa Trek and therein a more comprehensive portrait of the event.
The article reviews the book, "Importing Foreign Workers: A Comparison of German and American Policy," by John Bendix.
Helena Gutteridge was a socialist and feminist whose vision helped to shape social reform legislation in British Columbia in the first decades of the twentieth century, and also one of the first women there to hold high public office." "She was born in England in 1879. A militant suffragist, tutored by the Pankhursts, she learned the politics of confrontation early. Emigrating to Vancouver in 1911, she found the suffrage movement there too polite and organized the BC Woman's Suffrage League to help working women fight for the vote. And she kept on organizing. As a journeyman tailor she was a power in her union local, and as the only woman on the Vancouver Trades and Labor Council - their 'rebel girl' - she championed the rights of workers and organized women to fight for themselves. In the 1930s, as a member of the feisty new political movement, the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, she joined in the struggles of the unemployed for work and wages. Then, in 1937, as the first woman ever elected to Vancouver City Council, she led the fight for low-income housing." "As was typical for women of her class and time, Helena did not keep personal records, nor did organizational records exist to any extent. Irene Howard made it her task, over a period of years, to search out and assemble details of Helena's life and career, and to interview old comrades who knew Helena and the turbulent times in which she lived. Herself a miner's daughter, the author brings to her subject an affectionate regard and sympathy qualified by the larger view of the scholar and researcher. The result is a lively biography, shot through with humour and pathos, that pays homage to Helena Gutteridge and to many of the people who have been inspired by a cause and who have taught us about the politics of caring."--Publisher's description
The article reviews the book "The Rise and Fall of the White Republic: Class Politics and Mass Culture in Nineteenth-Century America," by Alexander Saxton and "The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class," by David Roediger.
the article reviews the book, "Les Enjeux du Travail à l'Alcan, 1910-1951," by Luc Côté.
The article reviews the book, "The Re-education of the American Working Class," by Steven H. London and Joseph F Wilson.
The article reviews the book, "Industrial Restructuring with Job Security: The Case of European Steel," by Susan N. Houseman.
Introduces five sets of documents that shed light on the early years of the Communist Party of Canada and the RCMP security apparatus that surveilled and infiltrated it. The materials include in-camera CPC bulletins and reports, transcripts of secret speeches by Pan-American Bureau agent Charles Scott to party members in Regina and Edmonton, RCMP correspondence with the UK's Special Branch, and RCMP security bulletins. The materials were released by the Public Record Office in London, England, and through a freedom-of-information request with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. Concludes that the documents are indicative of the close relationship between Canadian and British security agencies and their joint preoccupation with the threat of international communism.
The article reviews the book ,"Family Violence and the Women's Movement: The Conceptual Politics of Struggle," by Gillian A. Walker.
Resource type
- Book (12)
- Journal Article (175)
- Thesis (8)