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This paper looks beneath the national unemployment numbers to examine in detail the dimension of Canada’s youth unemployment problem. After an outline of the empirical dimensions of youth unemployment in Canada, a theoritical framework is set out to explain the particular characteristics of youth unemployment. Finally, some policy recommendations are presented.
This article reviews "Le changement du lieu de travail – étude d’un cas de reclassement" by Grégoire Tremblay with the collaboration of Isabel Romao.
This paper presents the union point of view on collective bargaining costing.
Year by year the trade union movement assumes new significance. [This book] records labour's progress through about 130 years of Canadian history. During these years there were thousands of strikes, negotiations, organizing campaigns, legislative and political struggles. Many of the outstanding events are described here. One of the important features of this book is its outline of how Canadian unions came to form connections with United States unions - the origins, status, and significance of International Unions in Canada. The writer has sought to give an account of trade union evolution as a whole from the period 1827-1959. In addition he has outlined certain continuing spheres of Labour's effort, such as organization of the unorganized, the fight for better conditions, legislative and political action, peace and Canadian independence. -- Publisher's description
Table of contents: Introduction -- Chronology of the Vancouver Strike and the On to Ottawa Trek, 1935. Part 1: Recollections of the On to Ottawa Trek. A Note on Editing, part 1. Prelude to Struggle -- The Origin of the Family -- The Slave Camps -- Strike -- The Trek. Part 2: Documents Related to the Vancouver Strike and the on to Ottawa Trek. A Note on Editing, part 2. The Report of the Macdonald Commission -- The Vancouver Relief Camp Strike -- The On to Ottawa Trek -- The Interview Between the Delegation of Strikers and the Prime Minister and His Cabinet, June 22, 1935 -- Continuing Documents on the Trek -- The Regina Riot -- Debate in the House of Commons . Footnotes for Part 1. Suggestions for Further Reading.
In this paper, the author relates his practical experience with fringe benefit costing in British Columbia.
This job very much needed doing, and Dr. Masters has done it in a scholarly, judicial, yet forthright manner. The hysteria engendered by the Winnipeg general strike of 1919, heightened by the singularly unenlightened form that government intervention took, continues to trail clouds of distortion and bitterness. By careful analysis of facts, circumstances, and personalities of the strike leaders, Dr. Masters has cleared away the haze and given us a historical record of the utmost value. --review, Canadian Forum (on paperback book's back cover)
An earnings identity may be constructed to relate consistently changes in factor earnings, share of income, productivity, unit costs and price deflator. The case of labour is the most relevant, and is readily illustrated by using GNP and Labour Force statistics. These 'global' changes may be linked up in workable fashion with changes in the Consumer Price Index and wage statistics. The attempt to refine the terms of the identity introduces problems of consistency of definition and improves Utile on the crude results.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the geographic origins, the social and educational backgrounds and the occupational and career patterns of top executives in Canadian Companies.
This article reviews "The Docks After Devlin" by Michael Mellish.
This article reviews "Competition and Collective Bargaining in the Needle Trades, 1910-1967" by Jesse Thomas Carpenter.
In this paper, the author reviews some viewpoints on the quality of working life and indicates research issues.
Après avoir énoncé les motifs qui militent en faveur d'une évaluation des coûts-avantages de la négociation collective, l’auteur propose la création d'une Banque de données, explique ce qu'elle devrait contenir et indique les usages que l'on pourrait en faire.
This article reviews "Relations industrielles : Acteurs, auteurs, faits, tendances" by Dimitri Weiss
This article reviews "Management Decisions and Behavior" by Max D. Richards and Paul S. Greelaw.
L'hypothèse qui consiste à soutenir que la technologie exerce une influence déterminante sur les structures administratives et les modes d'adaptation des individus à l'organisation doit être révisée. Elle met trop facilement de côté, sans que les auteurs concernés ne le justifient, l'aspect institutionnel des structures administratives dont résultent justement les modes d'adaptation des individus à l'organisation. C'est en ces termes que l'auteur fait l'examen critique des recherches axées sur la variable« technologie ».
The author traces the changes which have occurred in Italy's industrial relations systems as a result of the great wave of strikes of 1969. Special emphasis is placed on the emergence of new structures of workers' representation at the plant level, and on the effect these have had on the method of negotiation.
L'auteur passe en revue les principaux travaux récents sur la relation d'arbitrage et souligne les incertitudes qui entourent cette notion et son utilisation pour la prise de décision. Suite à une brève présentation de résultats obtenus à partir d'un modèle plus complexe que les traditionnelles relations bi-dimensionnelles d'arbitrage, l'auteur s'attache aux conséquences pour la politique économique de la mise en question de la stabilité et de l'existence même de cette relation. Il souligne alors l'importance des politiques de gestion de la demande et compare les coûts respectifs de l'inflation et du sous-emploi.
This article reviews "Workers’ Management and Worker’s Wages in Yugoslavia – the Theory and Practice of Participatory Socialism" by Howard M. Wachtel.
Resource type
- Book (8)
- Journal Article (115)
- Thesis (1)