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À partir d'une enquête faite dans le milieu québécois sur des programmes de formation du personnel, l'auteur étudie leur nature, leur organisation, les besoins auxquels ils répondent et enfin relève les méthodes d'évaluation utilisées.
L'histoire de la jurisprudence constitutionnelle canadienne, comparée à celle des Etats-Unis, illustre la faiblesse des lois et des structures juridiques aux prises avec la réalité historique et sociale. Sous l'apparence d'une lutte entre deux conceptions du régime fédéral, il y eut un conflit plus fondamental entre les partisans de deux idéologies: les individualistes et les collectivistes.
The purpose of this article is to extract from the writings in the labor literature some of the basic concepts which have developed within unionism in the United States. Periodically, such a summary is desirable because of the diverse set of disciplines which are involved. The deficiencies in securing better understanding in this area of thought are not the result of a lack of profound and incisive study by specialists, but are the result of the lack of awareness by practitioners of the underlying threads of thought which have been spun already. This will be an attempt to weave some of these threads into pieces of cloth; it will be an integration of some concepts into a hypothesis of unionism in the United States.
In this elegant and rigorously researched work, Kenneth McNaught details the life, work, and principles of J.S Woodsworth and shows the powerful moral and political force that the pacifist, Methodist thinker exerted on Canadian politics. Woodsworth first went to the House of Commons in 1922, and became leader of the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation at its formation in 1933. A socialist to the end, he exhibited his anti-war convictions to Parliament, when, in 1939, he alone spoke out against joining the war in Europe. Woodsworth's ideas and strong social conscience helped to shape the development of the welfare state in Canada, and have left an intellectual legacy in both socialist and liberal circles. A Prophet in Politics marks the progress of socialism in Canada, as well as the economic and political conditions in the first half of the twentieth century. McNaught, who died in 1997, is himself an important figure in Canadian history, having fought as a professor of history for academic freedom and having brought the scholarly discussion of national politics into the public sphere. At the time of its original publication, Globe and Mail reviewers called it 'a definitive biography that in drama and organization ranks with the best books about the makers of Canada.' This edition, presented in the 'Reprints in Canadian History' series, includes a new introduction by Allen Mills. --Publisher's description, 2017 reprint edition
An article from Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, on Érudit.
Le niveau élevé de chômage et la lenteur de la reprise des affaires laissent croire que certains facteurs négatifs ont plus de portée qu'on osait le croire au début de la présente récession!
Une sentence arbitrale de monsieur le juge Albert Dumontier en marge d'un grief se rapportant aux changements de « routine » soulève plusieurs importantes questions pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent aux relations industrielles et aux normes de l'arbitrage.
An article from Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, on Érudit.
The author proposes (1) to define the terms « attitude » and « management »; (2) to consider some of the influences which have affected management attitudes generally; (3) to outline a few of the factors which have contributed to the growth of fringe benefits in recent years; and (4) to examine some of the factors determining the nature of management's attitudes towards fringe benefits.
L'auteur analyse les divers facteurs qui ont donné lieu à la grève. Il signale les positions prises initialement par les deux parties et dans quelle atmosphère de solidarité syndicale fut établie la ligne de piquetage. Les diverses étapes de la grève, le recul de la Société Radio-Canada et le rôle du médiateur. Les conséquences du conflit et les principaux phénomènes auxquels il donne lieu.
Although the volume of research in the labor field is increasing all the time, there is a pressing need for more studies using a comparative approach. In this article the author outlines what he considers to be a useful framework for making comparative studies of labor movements and illustrates it by applying it to an analysis of the American labor movement with some suggestions as to its application in other countries.
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- Book (1)
- Journal Article (93)