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A chapter of the book "Labour/Le Travail" is presented. It highlights the objective why people deny the proletarian character of slaves. It examines the relationship between history and politics. It mentions the attempt of the governments to establish universal suffrage and universal arming of the people.
The article reviews the book, "Max Shachtman and his Left: A Socialist's Odyssey Through the American Century," by Peter Drucker.
The article reviews the book, "Les almanachs républicains: Traditions révolutionnaires et culture politique des masses populaires de Paris," by Ronald Gosselin.
The editor apologizes for the deletion of figures as well as an error on page 126 of the article, "Strikes and Class Consciousness," published in the Fall 1994 issue.
Announces the launch of the Canadian Committee on Labour History's website and Michael Lonardo's Canadian labour history bibliography (English only), with the latter on the website of Memorial University. Sean Cadigan has joined the editorial team as assistant editor and Andrew Parnaby is doing an internship as did his predecessor Michael Butt. Donations were also received to establish the Eugene Forsey Prize for student essays on labour and working-class history and to continue the work on labour education.
This investigation interrogates State documents that were part of organizing the anti-homosexual security campaign in the late 1950s and 19605 in the Canadian civil service that led to hundreds of men and women being dismissed and transferred from their jobs. This critical analysis provides an entry point into the textually-mediated social organization of this security campaign. Crucial to this were ideological conceptualizations of `national security' and 'character weakness' that were used to mandate practices of surveillance, dismissal, and transfer. This security campaign led to the identification of thousands of suspected gay men and lesbians that moved far beyond the civil service; to state-funded research on identifying homosexuals called the 'fruit machine'; to debates within the security regime over how broad-ranging this campaign should be; and to non-cooperation from lesbians and gay men.
This article examines the Worker Educational Association's National Labour Forum radio series as it developed into a popular, and politically contentious, program with a weekly national audience of 100,000. The series quickly evoked the condemnation of CD. Howe. head of the powerful Department of Munitions and Supply, and embroiled the program and the WEA in the sectarian struggles of the labour movement. Eventually the WEA was expelled from its central role in the production of Labour Forum and control was transferred to the state's Wartime Information Board and its Committee of Industrial Morale. The Trades and Labour Congress and Canadian Congress of Labour bureaucrats slowly responded to a persistent chorus of protest from workers and union locals, withdrawing their support one year prior to its cancellation in 1944.
The article reviews the book, "Workers' Culture in Imperial Germany: Leisure and Recreation in the Rhineland and Westphalia," by Lynn Abrams.
The article reviews the book, "La qualité totale: nouvelle panacée du secteur public ?," by Gérard Éthier.
Avec ce numéro thématique, la revue Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations publie pour la première fois des articles en ergonomie. De ce fait, le présent article vise deux objectifs: définir l'objet d'étude, l'objectif et la méthodologie d'intervention propres à l'ergonomie et mettre en lumière les points de rencontre et les perspectives de collaboration entre relations industrielles et ergonomie. L'intérêt porté à la question de la collaboration entre ces deux disciplines est expliqué, entre autres, par une «coïncidence historique ». Du cóté de l'ergonomie, la popularité des volets « organisation du travail » et « gestion sociale de l'intervention ergonomique » succéderait à une période où les énergies ont été concentrées sur le développement de modalités concrètes de travail en commun avec les disciplines techniques comme l'ingénierie, l'informatique et l'architecture. Parallèlement à cela, du cóté des relations industrielles s'est développé un intérêt de plus en plus marqué pour les problèmes pratiques de gestion posés par les micromécanismes organisationnels que représente, dans l'entreprise, l'activité réelle et informelle des opérateurs. Trois formes concrètes de collaboration à faire naître entre ergonomes et spécialistes en relations industrielles sont proposées.
Two objectives are pursued: to define the object of study, the objectives and the methodology that are characteristic of ergonomics, and to highlight the common points and possibilities of collaboration between industrial relations and ergonomics. The interest inherent in a collaboration between these 2 disciplines is explained, among other things by a historical coincidence. On the ergonomics side, a period that concentrated on developing concrete ways of collaborating with technical disciplines like engineering, computing and architecture has given way to a focus on work organization and the social management aspect of ergonomics intervention. At the same time, industrial relations has developed a more pronounced interest in the practical management problems that are posed by micro-organizational processes within firms, namely, the informal work activities of operators.
The article reviews the book, "L'Europe des communistes," by José Gotovitch, Pascal Delwit, and Jean-Michel DeWaele.
The article reviews the books by Neville Kirk including "Labour and Society in Britain and the USA: Capitalism, Custom and Protest, 1780-1850" and "Labour and Society in Britain and the USA: Challenge and Accommodation, 1850-1939."
The article reviews the book, "The Prophet's Children: Travels on the American Left," by Tim Wohlforth
The Ontario Ministry of Culture, Tourism, and Recreation has provided funds for research, documentation, and publication of Ontario workplace heritage. In 1994, grants were disbursed for four projects, including a video production on the thirtieth anniversary of the postal workers' strike, a video and booklet focused on preserving workers' heritage in Ottawa, a video tour guide (entitled Mapping the Workers' City) on Hamilton, and a audio documentary on the history of the Northern Ontario labour movement. Takes note of a forthcoming labour conference at the University of Oregon.
Announces that records of the Laurentian University Faculty Association's 1989 strike have been deposited at the university's archives. Also announces a 60-page bibliography of British Columbia's labour history is available that was compiled by graduate students at Simon Fraser University. Briefly reported are recent conferences of the Pacific Northwest Labor History Association on labour and the environment (University of Oregon) and at the University of Northern British Columbia on new directions in BC history.
The article reviews the book, "Breaking from Taylorism: Changing Forms of Work in the Automobile Industry," by Ulrich Jurgens, Thomas Malsch and Knuth Dohse.
The article reviews the book, "Trade Unions and Community: The German Working Class in New York City, 1870-1900," by Dorothee Schneider.
The article reviews the book, "Contested Countryside: Rural Workers and Modern Society in Atlantic Canada, 1800-1950," edited by Daniel Samson.
The article reviews and comments on the books "Sweatshop Strife: Class, Ethnicity and Gender in the Jewish Labour Movement of Toronto, 1900-1939," by Ruth A. Frager and "Taking Root: The Origins of the Canadian Jewish Community," by Gerald Tulchinsky.