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Minutes of the annual meeting held in Saskatoon, June 4, 1979.
This article reviews the book, "The Double Ghetto: Canadian Women and Their Segregated Work," by Pat and Hugh Armstrong.
Après quinze ans d'expérimentation au Québec, un ancien ministre du travail sous deux gouvernements se demande s'il ne faudrait pas reconsidérer certains principes et certaines modalités du régime de négociation collective dans les secteurs gouvernemental et para-gouvernemental.
This article reviews the book, "Fragile Federation: Social Change in Canada," by Lorna R. Marsden and Edward B. Harvey.
L'auteur analyse la nature, l'origine, la fragilité et la portée des diverses expériences de modifications dans l'organisation du travail ainsi que le contexte dans lequel ces initiatives se sont développées. Elles présagent des changements sans que l'on puisse les prévoir avec précisions. Une chose est certaine, c'est que certaines formes de travail ne seront plus admises.
Since the end of World War II, worker participation in management has expanded in varying degrees, in different forms, and at different levels. In West Europe both collective bargaining and mutualism have expanded dramatically and workers participation in management seems destined to advance. In Britain and North America the adversary System of collective bargaining has predominated. Mutualistic schemes have been in the small minority. The attitudinal climate has not been conducive to consensus thinking in industrial relations.
Presents two reports on the Knights of Labor Centennial Symposium held in Chicago in May 1979. The symposium focussed on the Knights of Labor in the US. Dick's wide-ranging commentary (pages 185-190) noted British historian E.P. Thompson's influence on the work of symposium leaders Herbert Gutman and David Montgomery as well as several of those who gave papers. Reilly (pages 190-92), in contrast, reported on the three papers on the Knights of Labor in Ontario given by Canadian historians Russell Hann, Gregory Kealey, and Bryan Palmer. The latter two's presentations consisted of selections from their forthcoming book, "Dreaming of What Might Be: The Knights of Labor in Ontario, 1880-1900."
This article reviews the book, "Le forgeron er le ferblantier," by Jean-Pierre Hardy.
This article reviews the book, "A Dictionary of Canadian Economics," by David Crane.
This article reviews the book, "Industrial and Labor Relations Terms : A Glossary," by Robert E. Doherty.
This article reviews the book, "Les syndicats et l’OIT," by Bureau international du travail.
This article reviews the book, "Les syndicats indépendants au Québec : un aperçu de leur situation," by François Delorme & Diane Veilleux.
This article reviews the book, "Sept syndicalismes," by Gilles Martinet.
This article reviews the book, "Essays in Scottish Labour History: A Tribute to W.H. Marwick," edited by Ian MacDougall.
This article reviews the book, "Analysing Jobs," by M.B. Youngman, R. Oxtoby, J.D. Monk & J. Heywood.
This article reviews the books, "The Union Politic, The CIO Political Action Committee," by James C. Foster, and "Political Ideologies of Organized Labor," by Ruth L. Horowitz.
The trade unions’ reluctance to accept the reforms envisaged in the Industrial Relations Act 1971 is cited as an important example of trade unions* intransigence and arrogance and of the fact that they consider themselves to be above law. But the way the trade unions fought the Act appears to be quite in keeping with the democratic procedure and the rule of law.
This article reviews the book, "Trade Unions Under Capitalism," edited by Tom Clarke and Laurie Clements.