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Le facteur humain est un sujet de préoccupation constant pour les chefs d'entreprise. La turbulence de l'environnement force les entreprises à s'adapter aux changements de façon à se prémunir contre les menaces et à profiter des opportunités. La littérature en gestion des ressources humaines suggère que la perception d'un degré élevé de turbulence de l'environnement pousse les dirigeants d'entreprises à percevoir favorablement les ressources humaines. Nous avons exploré cette hypothèse auprès des propriétaires-dirigeants de supermarchés d'alimentation québécois.
The article reviews the book, "Les relations du travail au Québec : une analyse de la situation dans le secteur public," by Michel Leclerc and Michel Quimper.
Symposium on the book, "Industrial relations theory: its nature, scope and pedagogy," edited by Roy J. Adams and Noah M. Meltz. Introduction to the symposium by Jean Boivin, with commentaries by Mark Thompson, Richard B. Peterson, and Jean Boivin.
Cet article examine les développements récents de la négociation collective et de l'organisation du travail dans l'industrie québécoise du papier. L'analyse des négociations menées ces dernières années par les syndicats du papier affiliés à la CSN révèle le caractère central des stratégies de flexibilisation du travail chez les employeurs, et de protection de l'emploi du côté syndical. La flexibilité fonctionnelle constitue l'aspect essentiel des changements en cours dans cette industrie depuis la fin des années 1980, les employeurs cherchant à améliorer l'efficacité productive par une rationalisation des tâches et une réduction des emplois. Dans certaines usines, la réorganisation du travail a suscité un renouveau de l'action syndicale à travers l'implication des salariés et de leur syndicat dans la gestion de l'entreprise.
The article reviews the book, "The Westray Tragedy: A Miner's Story," by Shaun Comish.
Quelles seront les incidences du nouveau Code civil sur la Loi sur les normes du travail ? De même que sa réciproque, quel sera l'effet de la Loi sur les normes sur l'interprétation des dispositions du Code ? Cette relation synergique qui devra s'établir entre les textes des deux législations fait l'objet de la présente étude. Cette analyse est à la fois comparative et prospective. L'auteur a retenu six points de comparaison : la prééminence des textes, la notion de salarié, le service continu, la rupture du lien d'emploi, le certificat de travail et l'aliénation d'entreprise.
The author estimates the influence of foreign corporate ownership and international unionism on strike activity in Canadian manufacturing between 1965 and 1985, controlling for several other determinants of strike activity that were largely ignored in previous studies. He finds, contrary to the results of other studies, that the incidence and duration of strikes did not differ significantly between foreign-owned and domestically owned firms or between international and national unions. Strike incidence was significantly lower, however, among unions affiliated with the AFL-CIO than among unions affiliated with a Canadian federation.
The articler reviews the book, "Retraining - Not Redundancy. Innovative Approaches to Industrial Restructuring in Germany and France," by Gerhard Bosch.
The article reviews the book, "The Politics of Work: Gender and Labour in Victoria, 1880-1939," by Raelene Frances.
The article reviews the book, "The Battle for Coal: Miners and the Politics of Nationalization in France, 1940-1950," by Darryl Holter.
The article introduces the edited transcript of sessions of the Mine Mill Centennial Conference held in Sudbury, Ontario, in May 1993. The conference, which commemorated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers' Union, was attended by 200 people including union stewards, academics, labour leaders, and retired workers. The sessions provided a forum for retired activists to reflect on their lifetime of experience in the union movement as well as to address current political concerns. Themes included the union and communism, the union in the community, relations with other unions, women in the labour movement (notably the Mine Mill Women's Auxiliary), political activism, and the path forward for working people and organized labour. Brief biographies of the presenters are also provided.
The article reviews the book, "Controlling Common Property: Regulating Canada's East Coast Fishery," by David Ralph Matthews.
James Teit played a key role in the native rights movement in British Columbia, and he spearheaded the attempt to bring greater unity to the movement by struggling for the unity of natives and non-natives, and the unity of the interior and coast native peoples. It is simply impossible to understand the history of the native rights movement in British Columbia in the first two decades of the twentieth century without understanding the role played by James Teit. --From Introduction
The article reviews the book, "Les syndicats face au pouvoir. Syndicalisme et politique au Québec de 1960 à 1992," by Roch Denis and Serge Denis.
The article reviews and comments on three books including "Out of Work," by Margaret Harkness, "The Story of a Modern Woman," by Ella Hepworth Dixon and "Sandwichman," by Walter Brierley.
The article reviews the book, "Thomas McGrath: Life and the Poem," edited by Reginald Gibbons and Terrence Des Pres.
The article reviews the book, "Enjeux actuels de la formation professionnelle," edited by Pierre Dandurand.
For more than two decades sociologists have debated the social and political consequences of an emergent postindustrial society. This comparative study addresses these debates, using original empirical data from five advanced capitalist economies - Canada, the United States, Sweden, Norway, and Finland. For some, the postindustrial world promises a new kind of capitalism that will draw its vitality from an expansion of knowledge and the creative capacities of working men and women. Others have highlighted postindustrialism's darker side and concluded that it is simply the next stage in the degradation of labour. For some, the massive entry of women into paid labour that accompanies postindustrialism will finally liberate women from domestic patriarchy. For others, it is no more than an extension of private patriarchy into the public sphere. The authors show that historical residues and the contemporary impact of major economic and political factors have produced not one but several postindustrial trajectories. They reveal how postindustrialism has brought a new distribution of productive forces and of effective powers over people, and show that the shape of that distribution varies considerably in different countries and different fields as a result of both institutionalized practices (inherited from industrial capitalism) and the contemporary effects of state policies, organized labour, and the women's movement. Addressing issues of class and gender, Relations of Ruling deals with problems involved in regulating paid labour as well as the relationship between paid and domestic labour. It will be of particular interest to specialists in gender issues and scholars in women's, family, and labour studies. --Publisher's description
Two separate theoretical streams touch on the fate of workers and their work, class and 'occupations and professions'. Analysis of the historical development of three interrelated occupations, medicine, nursing, and chiropractic, indicates that medicine is losing control over the health care division of labour. Whether or not one sees processes of proletarianization, however, depends upon whether one is examining a particular occupation or a set of occupations within a particular work domain. The analysis indicates that the struggles amongst occupations themselves contributes to proletarianization.
The article reviews and comments on the books, "Canadian Family History: Selected Readings," edited by Bettina Bradbury, and "Working Families: Age, Gender and Daily Survival in Industrializing Montreal," by Bettina Bradbury.
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