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L'Economie libérale acceptait une grande mobilité dans l'emploi de la main-doeuvre. Parce qu'elle considérait le travail comme une marchandise, il pouvait lui paraître souhaitable que la main-d'oeuvre se déplaçait selon les besoins du marché. Dans le droit moderne, au contraire, le travailleur est incorporé dans l'entreprise, il TEND à ne pouvoir en être détaché sans un juste motif. (Rouast-Durand, Précis de législation industrielle, Droit du Travail.)
The article reviews the book, "Emploi et conditions de travail du personnel infirmier," published by the Bureau International du Travail, Série Etudes et Documents, nouvelle série No 55.
La Semaine Sociale du Canada (section française) a tenu ses assises annuelles en fin de septembre dans la ville de Trois-Rivières. Le sujet à l'étude, « Syndicalisme et organisation professionnelle », intéresse particulièrement nos lecteurs. Le texte complet des travaux qui ont été présentés paraîtra bientôt dans un livre. On trouvera ici un résumé des communications.
In the last analysis, the firmest and deepest foundation of management rights is the need for an efficient coordination of multifarious activities and often divergent interests, with an aim to achieving the basic purpose of the business concern. Efficiency, however, is essentially a value whose définitions are all the more numerous and varied as science, in its present applications to industry, cannot lay claim to absolute certainty and accuracy. And even if it could, this would not alter in any way the political nature of decision-making. Such considerations lead to a re-examination of the notions of collective bargaining and joint management, as well as they induce new thinking on the specific function of management, which reaches beyond decision-making into the realm of coordination of means, activities, interests, and bargains.
Grievance is but one form of industrial conflict. It must be seen in the light or the global industrial relations situation of the parties. Its functions are many, whether it be a conflict over rights or over interest. The main thing is that the parties keep the closest possible control over the produce by resort to private arbitration.
The article reviews the book, "Longer Life," by George H. Soule.
The article reviews the book, "Management in the Industrial World: An International Analysis," by Frederick Harbison and Charles A. Myers.
The article reviews the book, "Men and Their Work," by Everett C. Hughes.
La Loi des relations ouvrières a 16 ans. Elle a été modifiée à cinq reprises. L'article qui suit fait état du Bill no 8, sanctionné comme loi le 18 décembre 1959, et qui modifie la loi de 1944 en des points importants. Après un rappel du cadre historique où s'insérait la loi-mère et des attitudes des intéressés au moment de sa promulgation, l'auteur analyse les circonstances qui ont entouré l'adoption du bill récent, interprète les positions des groupements directement concernés et porte un jugement d'ensemble sur cette nouvelle mesure législative.
The article reviews the book, "Personnel: The Human Problems of Management," by George Strauss and Leonard R. Sayles.
The article reviews the book, "Relations humaines et relations industrielles," by Marcel Bolle de Bal. Bruxelles : Institut de Sociologie Solvay, 1958.
The article reviews the book, "The Japanese Factory: Aspects of Its Social Organization," by James C. Abegglen.
The article reviews the book, "The Older Worker in Industry: A Study of the Attitudes of Industrial Workers Toward Aging and Retirement," by G. Hamilton Crook and Martin Heinstein, published by the Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, 1958.
The article reviews the book, "The Scanlon Plan,"edited by Frederick G. Lesieur.
The article reviews the book, "Compulsory Conciliation and Collective Bargaining, The New Brunswick Experience," by W. B. Cunningham. Published by The New Brunswick Department of Labour, Fredericton, N.B. and The Industrial Relations Centre, McGill University, Montreal, (123 pp.).
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