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This article reviews "Le Mouvement coopératif du Québec et l’éducation des adultes" from les cahiers de l’ICEA, no. 10-11.
This article reviews "Le Mouvement syndical en Belgique" by Guy Spitaels.
This article reviews "Psychologie du groupe" par M.A. Robert.
In 1966, the Prime Minister of Canada, Mr Lester B. Pearson, established a Task Force on Labour Relations composed of H.D. Woods, chairman, from McGill University, A.W.R. Carrothers, from the University of Western Ontario, John G. Crispo, from Toronto University and Gérard Dion, from Laval University. According to the terms of référence, "the Task Force has been set up to examine industrial relations in Canada and to make recommendations to the Government with respect to public policy and labour législation and on such other matters as it considers relevant to the public interest in industrial relations in Canada". On December 31, the Task Force transmitted its Report to the Prime Minister and it was published in March 1969 under the title Canadian Industrial Relations. Relations industrielles-Industrial Relations already published a summary of the Woods' Report and a commentary from professor Adolf Sturmthal. Given the importance of this Report and its possible repercussions upon the whole Canadian industrial relations System, we decided to dedicate a special issue of our Journal to it. Our objective, nevertheless, has not been to consider ail the aspects of the problem raised nor ail the recommendations which were made. We rather wanted to présent a set of opinions and to furnish an instrument which will facilitate further research. We are thus publishing some of the papers presented at the last annual meeting of the Canadian Industrial Relations Research Institute and some other articles. In order to facilitate consultation of the Woods Report, we are also including a topical index of Canadian Industrial Relations and a bibliography of the reactions to the Report. As the Task Force commissionned a series of studies which could prove extremely useful to those in this and related disciplines, we are listing the studies which presently are or will be avaïlable in the near future.
Quelle a été l'attitude des arbitres depuis cet arrêt de la Cour suprême 1 relatif à leurs pouvoirs en matière de contrôle de la sanction disciplinaire imposée par l'employeur ? L'ambivalence de leurs réactions pose à nouveau le problème de la portée véritable de cet arrêt.
The author stresses the importance of reexamining the structure of the American labor movement, which has to face changing economic and social conditions, and depicts the main difficulties which hinder changes in the actual system. His line of study bears specifically on the possibility of union mergers, which seems to be the most practical solution to the present structural inadequacies in unionism.
The author brings out the inadequacies of the present theoretical models in explaining collective bargaining and provides the constructs of a more complete and integrated body of theory. He also notes the importance of using functional terms in a theoretical model of this kind.
This article reviews "Participation Achievement and Involvement on the Job" by Martin Patchen.
This article reviews "Technological Change & Human Development" by Wayne L. Hodges and Matthew A Relly.
The author investigates the strikes and labour unrest, and the associated widespread violence and illegality in the mid-sixties ; is this a new trend on the Canadian industrial relations scene? It is seen as the crest of the third wave of Canadian labour unrest since 1900. The author supports the main recommendations in the Woods' Report that directly concern the question of labour unrest and industrial conflict.
Après avoir analysé la structure formelle et la compétence des organes de l'autogestion ouvrière dans l'industrie yougoslave, l'auteur expose les résultats des deux recherches empiriques sur les attitudes et opinions des ouvriers concernant l'autogestion, l'influence de divers organes de l'autogestion, le rôle du parti et des syndicats et la sécurité des ouvriers au travail.
This article reviews "Labour Relations and Court Review" by Philip Cutler.
This article reviews "Relations humaines et relations industrielles" by Marcel Bolle De Bal.
Une forme nouvelle de grève est apparue au Québec : la« grève tournante », ou arrêt de travail concerté et partiel, exécuté successivement par des ensembles de salariés compris dans une même unité de négociation. Juridiquement, ce procédé doit-il être reçu avec une faveur particulière, en tant qu'instrument de« civilisation » de la grève ? Faut-il, au contraire, y voir une forme particulièrement pernicieuse de l'exercice du droit de grève ?
This article reviews "Industrialization and the Individual" by James G. London.
The author endeavors to present a detailed analysis of the economic rationale of a manpower training policy, and provides useful insights on its limits through a selective study of macro-, micro-, and welfare economic theory.
Dans un premier temps, l'auteur estime que la démarche de la Commission consistant à faire la classification des occupations par définitions est vide de substance analytique, et donc non susceptible d'aboutir à la compréhension des phénomènes étudiés ni à la formulation de corollaires politiques. Dans un second temps, l'auteur dégage deux principes d'analyse des professions : soit l'absence d'information des consommateurs sur la qualité des services professionnels et l'incitation que subissent les professionnels à se constituer en corporations « fermées » pour promouvoir leurs intérêts.
The author gives a philosophical analysis of the general tenor of the Woods' Report, and provides a brief appraisal of its observations, particularly in regard to collective bargaining.
Après avoir rappelé les assises juridiques du régime d'accréditation, l’auteur note les effets de l'accréditation à l'égard de certains salariés dans un premier temps et à l'égard du syndicat dans un second temps.