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The article reviews the book, "Nothing Succeeds Like Failure: The Sad History of American Business Schools," by Steven Conn.
When health care workers call a Code White, its an emergency response for a violent incident: a call for help. But its one that goes unanswered in hospitals, clinics, and long-term care homes across the country. Code White exposes a shocking epidemic of violence thats hidden in plain sight, one in which workers are bruised, battered, assaulted, and demeaned, but carry on in silence, with little recourse or support. Researchers Margaret M. Keith and James T. Brophy lay bare the stories of over one hundred nurses and personal support workers, aides and porters, clerical workers and cleaners. The nightmarish experiences they relate are not one-off incidents, but symptoms of deep systemic flaws that have transformed health care into one of the most dangerous occupational sectors in Canada. The same questions echo in the wake of each and every brutal encounter: Is violence and trauma really just 'part of the job'? Why is this going underreported and unchecked? What needs to be done, and how? --Publisher's description. Contents: Foreword / Michael Hurley -- Preface . Part 1: Exposing a Hidden Epidemic. 1. Drawing Back the Curtain -- 2. Under the Scope -- 3. Finding an Abnormality. Part 2: A Forensic Examination. 4. Birth and Decline of the Health Care System -- 5. Birth and Decline of the Long-Term Care System. Part 3: Prescription for Healing. 6. Treatment Strategies -- 7. Rocky Road to Recovery -- 8. Collective Quest for the Cure. Afterword: Health Care Workers during COVID-19 -- Notes.
The article reviews the book, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Cars? Public Transit in the Age of Google, Uber, and Elon Musk," by James Wilt.
Trois grèves qui avaient pour objectif l’obtention du salaire minimum à 15 $ l’heure ont été menées par des syndicats québécois en 2016. Ces grèves se sont inscrites dans des campagnes politiques qui avaient le même objectif. Cet article propose une étude comparée de ces grèves dans le but d’analyser dans quelle mesure les formes de solidarité et les modes d’organisation déployés offrent des pistes de revitalisation qui permettraient au mouvement syndical québécois de relever les défis stratégiques contemporains auxquels fait face le mouvement syndical québécois. L’analyse de ces trois grèves, en s’appuyant sur une typologie des divers syndicalismes et activismes syndicaux, permet d’approfondir les formes de solidarité déployées par les syndicats ainsi que les formes de mobilisation originales qui, toutefois, n’ont pas mené à un progrès substantiel du contrôle démocratique exercé par les membres sur leur mouvement.
The article reviews the book, "Le régime des décrets de convention collective au Québec. Quel avenir ?," by Jean Bernier.
L’article présente les résultats d’une étude qualitative menée auprès de 31 intervenants et intervenantes qui travaillent en protection de l’enfance au Québec. Elle porte sur les conséquences des difficultés émotionnelles des intervenants sur leurs relations avec les gestionnaires et les collègues de travail, dans le contexte de la réforme du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux (projet de loi 10). Les résultats montrent qu’une large majorité d’intervenants et intervenantes rapportent une ou plusieurs conséquences délétères dans les relations avec les gestionnaires (colère et frustration, méfiance à l’égard d’une possible instrumentalisation des difficultés émotionnelles, évitement et perte de confiance). Également, une proportion très significative d’entre eux font état de conséquences à l’échelle des relations avec les collègues de travail (isolement et retrait, effet boule de neige sur les collègues et l’équipe de travail et diminution de la collaboration et de l’entraide). L’analyse montre que l’intensification du travail et la dégradation des conditions de pratique des intervenantes et intervenants sociaux, qui ont résulté de la dernière réforme (projet de loi 10) instituée par le ministre Barrette (2013), ont significativement contribué à fragiliser les collectifs de travail. Ce faisant, les possibilités d’entraide et de coopération, pourtant nécessaires à la réalisation de leur mandat professionnel, ont tendance à s’effacer au profit d’une activité professionnelle pratiquée par des travailleuses et travailleurs isolés et en souffrance.
The article reviews the book, "The Southern Key: Class, Race and Radicalism in the 1930s and 1940s," by Michael Goldfield.
The article reviews the book and CD, "Working-Class Heroes: A History of Struggle in Song," edited by Mat Callahan and Yvonne Moore.
The decline in the prevalence of the Standard Employment Relationship in Canada has created challenges for Canadian unions. This article reviews the available estimates of the prevalence of precarious employment and gig work in Canada. Using data from the Poverty and Employment Precarity in Southern Ontario (PEPSO) research group it evaluates both the success of unions in organising workers in precarious employment and bargaining for them. The last section reviews recent union strategies to organise workers in precarious employment with a focus on the subset of precarious employment referred to as gig work. Organising gig workers presents unique challenges for unions as many are deemed by their employers as independent contractors and as a result not covered by existing Canadian labour legislation and hence not eligible for union membership. The paper concludes by arguing that organising precarious workers is a work in progress, whose ultimate outcome remains uncertain.
The article reviews the book, "Fellow Travellers: Communist Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations on the French Railways, 1914-1939," by Thomas Beaumont.
Predicated on a narrative of mutuality and cooperation, what has come to be known as the Canadian fur trade has long been positioned as exceptional in its relationships between colonizers and Indigenous peoples. In this framing the fur trade in what would become Canada is represented as having experienced little of the colonial violence that manifested in other colonial encounters and has been constructed as devoid of the unfreedom of chattel slavery. In fact, this characterization is untrue. Located within the French and British empires, the Canadian fur trade reflected the violences of its empires. From the seventeenth, and well into the nineteenth centuries chattel slavery existed in the fur trade as it did in the empires of which it was a part. Here, as elsewhere, complex webs of family/business relationships carried the violence of empire to and between its colonies. The creation and maintenance of these webs offered spaces where women as well as men could participate in the success of their family/businesses, but also in the transmission of colonial violence. One example of this is the Wedderburn Colvile family, their involvement in both West Indian plantation slavery and in the Hudson’s Bay Company, and in the interventions of one of its members, Jean Wedderburn Douglas, Lady Selkirk in what has become known as the fur trade wars. A closer look at the Wedderburn Colvile family and their interests in the Northern North American fur trade offers insights into how colonial violence and changes in the laws relating to chattel slavery impacted the fur trade, as the effects of these changes traveled along family/business webs of networks of relationship. This research draws on primary sources gleaned from archives and libraries in Scotland, England, the West Indies, the United States and Canada. It brings together a wide range of secondary literature to argue that, just as in other parts of empire, colonial violence, including chattel slavery, connected through webs of family/business relationships, existed in the Canadian fur trade. At the same time, this project argues, the erasure of that story is something we are only now beginning to address.
This dissertation examines the process by which a singular Ukrainian Canadian identity was constructed and entrenched throughout the twentieth century. It details how one of Canada’s largest and best organized diasporic communities, utilizing changing notions of cultural pluralism and the politics of the Cold War, crafted an increasingly nationalist, anti-communist version of identity that eradicated previously popular articulations of what it meant to be a Ukrainian in Canada. The traditional historiography posits that the community defined itself on its own terms, relying on individualized acts of agency and migrant resilience to entrench a version of Ukrainian-ness that was a democratic, bottom-up reflection of the collective. This project offers an alternative perspective by focusing on the battle over community narratives between communists, represented by the Ukrainian Labour Farmer Temple Association (ULFTA) and then the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians (AUUC), and the nationalists, organized under the umbrella of the Ukrainian Canadian Committee (UCC). I show how, with the help of state officials, the nationalists overpowered their ideological enemies on the left, concreting their identity as hegemonic. Through this process of coherence, they further bound specific aspects of their own ideology, perceived as innocuous, apolitical, and simply common sense, into mainstream political consciousness. Beyond a simple community study, this dissertation is also a case study about the building of anti-communist hegemony in Canada. Chapter One examines the role of state surveillance and political policing to show how state officials collaborated with the UCC to weaken the domestic left. Chapter Two analyzes the rise and fall of a government bureaucracy that acculturated the nationalists so as to embed them in Canada’s structures of power and bolster their anti-communism. Chapter Three looks more closely at acts of anti-communist violence, which seriously deterred participation in the AUUC. The state’s refusal to condemn the violence also telegraphed its preferences and helped define Canada’s social, political, and judicial boundaries. Chapter Four focuses on the nationalists’ appropriation of cultural pluralism to further entrench their version of Ukrainian identity. Lastly, Chapter Five explores commemoration, where competing visions for certain cultural figures were articulated and, eventually, nationalist narratives were set.
This article discusses the sector-wide organization of contractual archaeologists in Québec, beginning with the formation of a workers’ committee and leading subsequently to union accreditation. We theorize the difficulty of organizing these “precarious professionals” and suggest that self-organization outside of an industrial relations framework may be required to overcome barriers to their unionization. Deliberation, norm setting, and informal parlays with employers lead to clarifying class distinctions that professional identification often occludes, while self-organization increases worker confidence in collective action.
Eugene T. Kingsley led an extraordinary life. Born in mid-nineteenth-century New York, by 1890 he was a railway brakeman in Montana. An accident left him a double amputee and politically radicalized, and his socialist activism that followed took him north of the border where he eventually was considered by the government to be "one of the most dangerous men in Canada." Able to Lead traces Kingsley's political journey from soapbox speaker in San Francisco to prominence in the Socialist Party of Canada. Ravi Malhotra and Benjamin Isitt illuminate a figure who shaped a generation of Canadian leftists during a time when it was uncommon for disabled people to lead. They examine Kingsley's endeavours for justice against the Northern Pacific Railway, and how Kingsley's life intersected with immigration law and free speech rights. Able to Lead brings a turbulent period in North American history to life, highlighting Kingsley's profound legacy for the twenty-first-century political left. --Publisher's description. Contents: Kingsley in Context: Labour History, Legal History, and Critical Disability Theory -- Incident at Spring Gulch: Disablement, Litigation, and the Birth of a Revolutionary -- California Radical: Fighting for Free Speech and Running for Congress in the Socialist Labor Party -- Crossing the Line: Kingsley Arrives in British Columbia -- No Compromise: Kingsley and the Socialist Party of Canada -- Kingsley and the State: Clashes with Authority in Early-Twentieth-Century Canada -- The Twilight Years: Kingsley and the 1920s Canadian Left.
« L’heure des pétitions est passée, il faut des actes » présente une histoire vue d’en bas des sans-travail québécois au cours de l’entre-deux-guerres (1919-1939). L’objectif de cette thèse est de démontrer la contribution de l’action collective des sans-emploi à la politisation du problème du chômage au Québec durant les années 1920 et 1930. Cette période est un événement matrice pour l’histoire du chômage au Québec et au Canada. Le chômage, qui est déjà un phénomène important au cours du processus d’industrialisation au XIXe siècle, atteint au cours de la Grande Dépression des proportions jusqu’alors inégalées. Ce problème, qui jusqu’à la Première Guerre mondiale est encore largement considéré comme relevant d’une éthique du travail déficiente, de l’imprévoyance des individus, ou encore la conséquence des cycles saisonniers de l’économie, se présente de plus en plus comme un phénomène politique et systémique remettant en cause l’organisation de la société québécoise et canadienne. Dans ce changement de paradigme, l’action collective des sans-travail joue un rôle déterminant. Grâce à celle-ci, le chômage prend la forme d’un problème à la fois collectif, social et politique, qui ultimement remet en question la relation entre la démocratie et le capitalisme. L’étude du répertoire d’action collective des sans-travail québécois permet de mieux comprendre leur rôle dans l’histoire du chômage. Leurs protestations prennent racine dans une économie morale qui annonce une redéfinition de la citoyenneté fondée sur la formulation de nouvelles attentes envers l’État. Considérant que le chômage est indépendant de leur volonté, les sans-emploi estiment alors avoir le droit à une assistance contre le chômage. Bien que les manifestations de sans-travail ne soient pas un phénomène nouveau dans l’histoire québécoise, au cours des années 1920 et 1930, celles-ci apparaissent de moins en moins marginales. Prenant racine à Montréal dans le contexte de la Révolte ouvrière, elles s’étendent à plusieurs autres villes de la province au cours de la Grande Dépression. Perçus comme une menace à la paix sociale, dans un moment fortement marqué par l’anticommunisme, ces mouvements forcent les pouvoirs publics à intervenir. Encore peu étudiées à ce jour, ces manifestations, jumelées à celles qui se déroulent ailleurs au Canada, expliquent pourquoi le chômage devient, pour la première fois, un problème politique d’importance et débattu au sein de la sphère publique.
The article reviews the book, "The University and Social Justice: Struggles Across the Globe," edited by Aziz Choudry and Salim Vally.
Award-winning ergonomist Karen Messing is talking with women—women who wire circuit boards, sew clothes, clean toilets, drive forklifts, care for children, serve food, run labs. What she finds is a workforce in harm’s way, choked into silence, whose physical and mental health invariably comes in second place: underestimated, underrepresented, understudied, underpaid. Should workplaces treat all bodies the same? With confidence, empathy, and humour, Messing navigates the minefield that is naming sex and biology on the job, refusing to play into stereotypes or play down the lived experiences of women. Her findings leap beyond thermostat settings and adjustable chairs and into candid, deeply reported storytelling that follows in the muckraking tradition of social critic Barbara Ehrenreich. Messing’s questions are vexing and her demands are bold: we need to dare to direct attention to women’s bodies, champion solidarity, stamp out shame, and transform the workplace—a task that turns out to be as scientific as it is political. --Publisher's description. Contents: Part 1: Shame and the Workplace. The third hour -- Shame and silence in health care -- A feminist intervention that hurt women? Part 2: Segregated Bodies. Jobs and bodies -- Same, different, or understudied? Part 3.Changing the Workplace: Re-engineering women's work -- Looking the dragon in the face -- Feminist ergonomic intervention with a feminist employer -- Solidarity. Part 4: Changing Occupational Health Science. Science and the second body -- Understanding women's pain -- The technical is political -- Going forward together. Index.
Discusses the shifting relationship between Indigneous peoples and the labour movement, where historically there has been deep tension. Concludes that labour organizing should engage with and learn from the frameworks of Indigenous communities as they struggle to develop in the context of the capitalist system and their changing relationship with the state. A revised version of the essay published in the 2012 edition.
The article reviews the book, "Les relations industrielles en questions," edited by Patrice Jalette.
/Toute personne qui observe le monde du travail et de l’emploi comprendra que ce volume est mis sous presse à un moment d’incertitude et d’anxiété. En 2020, nous sommes entrés dans une longue période de confinement et d’isolement, la COVID-19 ayant généré plusieurs crises. Comme c’est le cas pour les véritables catastrophes, cette ère de malaise a eu un point de départ bien défini (début de mars 2020), mais elle est maintenant entrée dans une phase qui, malgré le déploiement actuel des vaccins, semble être présente pour une durée indéterminée....//This edition goes to press at a time of uncertainty and anxiety for the majority of those who have a stake in the world of work and employment. In 2020, people on all populated continents entered a protracted period of lockdown and isolation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. As is characteristic of genuine catastrophes, this era of malaise had a defined commencement point (early March 2020) but has now entered a phase where, despite the current roll-out of vaccines, looks like being present for an indeterminate long-haul....
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