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Le Québec compte plus de un million deux cent mille syndiqués et, chaque année, des milliers de nouvelles demandes d'accréditation sont accordées. Le syndicalisme, en dépit des crises qui l'ont secoué, reste donc un important partenaire social et économique. Dans cet ouvrage, Bernard Dionne trace l'histoire du mouvement syndical au Québec depuis le XIXe siècle. Il brosse le portrait du syndicalisme québécois, de son cadre légal, de ses effectifs et de ses structures, en marquant bien ce qui fait sa spécificité. Il explique ensuite les défis qui se posent aujourd'hui au syndicalisme québécois, qu'ils touchent des questions économiques - comme le libre-échange -, sociales - comme la place des jeunes et l'équité salariale des femmes - ou stratégiques - comme la négociation collective dans le secteur public. --Description de l'éditeur
The article reviews the book, "A History of Japanese Economic Thought," by Tessa Morris-Suzuki.
[This book] is the story of the Canadian men and women who, during the period from 1865 to 1924, struggled against the corruption of political patronage, abysmal working conditions and poverty-level salaries in the federal civil service. This is an account of the history of some of the organizations formed to overcome these adverse conditions, and the story of the dedicated men and women who guided them, often at great personal risk. The book documents their few victories and many defeats, and the significant impact that their dogged perseverance has had on the Canadian federal service of today. --Publisher's description
The article reviews the book, "Les pâtes et papiers au Québec: Technologies, travail et travailleurs," by Jean-Pierre Charland.
Au cours des dernières années, les questions relatives au développement de la formation en entreprise ont suscité un regain d'intérêt. Les appels lancés auprès des directions d'entreprise afin d'investir dans la formation de leur personnel se sont faits plus nombreux et plus pressants. Un tel investissement s'avère un gage de compétitivité et d'avenir. L'entreprise du 3e type investit en formation. L'orientation récente des politiques gouvernementales en matière de formation professionnelle des adultes va dans le sens d'un soutien à la formation en entreprise. Dans le présent article, l'auteur décrit l'état de développement de la formation en entreprise. Pour ce faire, il procède moins à un portrait statistique de la situation qu'à une analyse plus qualitative portant sur les usages que les firmes industrielles font des investissements en formation. S'appuyant sur une enquête menée dans quelques grandes entreprises du Québec, il présente une typologie des différents modes de relations construits entre la formation et le travail.
The article reviews the book, "Manhattan For Rent 1785-1850," by Elizabeth Blackmar.
The article reviews the book, "Loi annotée sur les décrets de convention collective," by Patrick de Niverville and Claude Carigan.
The article reviews the book, "Radicalism in the States: The Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party and the American Political Economy," by Richard M. Valelly.
The article reviews the book, " Économie du travail. Les réalités et les approches théoriques," by Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay.
The article reviews the book, "Class, Community and the Labour Movement: Wales and Canada, 1850-1930," edited by Deian R. Hopkin and Gregory S. Kealey, with an introduction by David Montgomery.
The article reviews the book, "Queen Victoria: Gender and Power," by Dorothy Thompson.
The article reviews the book, "Height, Health and History: Nutritional Status in the United Kingdom, 1750-1980," by Roderick Floud, Kenneth Wachter & Annabel Gregory.
The article reviews the book, "The History of the Labour Movement in Quebec," by Louis Fournier and Michel Dore.
The article reviews the book, "Populism and Democratic Thought in the Canadian Prairies, 1910-1945," by David Laycock.
The article reviews the book, "United We Stand: The United Mine Workers of America 1890-1990," by Maier B. Fox.
Joint labor-management committees are a well established institution in industrial relations in Canada. A critical evaluation was conducted of the labor-management communication clauses in the total population of collective agreements (1,093) filed with Alberta Labor as of May 31, 1987. Provisions for joint labor-management committees or meetings were contained in 428 of these agreements. Of these, 384 specified a decision format (advisory or executive) and were separated into those representing low trust, moderate trust, and high trust. It was found that the largest number of committees in the low trust provisions were of the general purpose type and advisory in nature. For the moderate trust and high trust provisions, the number of general purpose committees was 35.5% and 25.6%, respectively. Special purpose committees seemed to be favored in the manufacturing and services sectors at all levels of trust.
The article reviews several books edited by Verity Burgmann and Jenny Lee including "A People's History of Australia Since 1788: Constructing a Culture," "A People's History of Australia Since 1788: Staining the Wattle," and "A People's History of Australia Since 1788: Making a Life."
Papers presented at the Pay Equity: Theory and Practice Conference organized through York University's Centre for Public Law and Public Policy, May 14-15, 1990.
The article reviews the book, "Black Workers: A Documentary History From Colonial Times to the Present," edited by Philip S. Foner and Ronald L. Lewis.
The aticle reviews the book, "L'individu dans l'organisation: les dimensions oubliées," edited by J.F. Chanlat.
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- Journal Article (217)
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- Thesis (4)