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This article reviews "Insécurité d’emploi et relations de travail dans l’industrie canadienne de la construction" by Paul Malles.
This article reviews "Mesure des conflits de travail et de leurs répercussions économiques" by Malcolm Fisher.
The high rate of unauthorized strikes in Israel can be attributed to the structural dualism of the largest and most important trade union in Israel— the Histadruth. In structural dualism a reference is made to the incompatibility between the organizational characteristics of the upper echelons of the union, i.e., the trade union department and those of the lower echelons, i.e. the workers' committees. Their goals and relationship with their constituency and political parties are incongruous. While the trade union department adheres to the prescriptions of the national economic policies as put forward by the Labor Alignment party, workers' committees are committed to the short run economic goals of their members at the shop level.
A model is developed which explains the factors involve d in a trade union's decision to pres s a grievance to arbitration. This model is then used to analyze the impact of policy initiatives designed to reduce the costs of arbitration, speed up the process and facilitate mediation prior to arbitration. Finally a number of research strategies for validating the model are proposed and discussed.
Après avoir établi la chronologie d'une lutte syndicale au niveau local, l'auteur présente les diverses formes de consciences syndicales et de leaderships d'action, et dégage le processus interne de cette action syndicale par rapport au système des relations du travail.
In this paper the author examines whether male-female wage differentials have narrowed over time, whether such differentials narrow or widen at the peak of a business cycle, and whether the stricter enforcement of equal pay legislation in recent years has influenced these differentials.
This paper examines the Israeli experience with spectoral job evaluation and incomes policy analysis, and the causes for the abortive attempt.
Dans la première partie de cet article, l'auteur tente de dégager les grandes lignes de l'évolution en matière de compensation et de prévention des accidents. Ensuite, l'auteur s'efforce de circonscrire la conception présente quant aux objectifs à poursuivre et aux principaux moyens à utiliser.
The hospital study described here is one of a variety of organizational communication studies in several different countries and organizations as part of the International Communication Associations Communication Audit Project.
This article reviews "Labor in the United States" by Sanford Coher.
The following lengthy study of "The History of Labour Unrest in Canada, 1900-66," was undertaken on behalf of the federal government's Task Force on Labour Relations, which is now sponsoring dozens of separate research projects, in response to what appeared to be a major "crisis" in labour relations in this country during 1965-66. ...One final, and more specific, justification for undertaking a lengthy and detailed history of labour unrest in Canada, as manifested in strikes and other forms of overt conflict, is, to put it simply, that it has not been done before. As noted below, in discussing sources that were drawn upon in writing this study, there is a remarkable paucity of literature on the subject of industrial unrest and conflict in Canada. This is particularly the case in scholarly, academic and literary circles. --From introduction
This study compares the methods that are used to determine wages in the developing and developed countries of the Americas.
Part of the new aproach currently transforming the writing of Canadian history, this volume approaches the past in terms of people and the activities and events that shaped their existence. The essays explore the roots of the radical tradition and outline the struggle against industrial capitalism between 1850 and 1925. [This book] increases our understanding of the past, provides a valuable perspective on present struggles, and, in a broader sense, contributes substantially to a new and decisive synthesis of Canadian history. --Publisher's description. Contents: Contributors -- Introduction -- The Orange Order in Toronto: Religious riot and the working class / Gregory S. Kealey -- Brainworkers and the Knights of Labor: E.E. Sheppard, Phillips Thomson, and the Toronto News, 1883-1887 / Russell Hann -- Respected and profitable labour: Literacy, jobs and the working class in the Nineteenth Century / Harvey J. Graff -- Working Class housing in a small Nineteenth Century Canadian city: Hamilton, Ontario 1852-1881 / Michael J. Doucet -- Give us the road and we will run it: The social and cultural matrix of an emerging labour movement / Bryan D. Palmer -- The last artisans: Toronto printers, 1896-1914 / Wayne Roberts -- Ethnicity and violence: The Lakehead freight handlers before World War I / Jean Morrison -- Class conflict in the coal industry: Cape Breton 1922 / David Frank -- Bibliographic essay -- Notes.
This article reviews the study « Des travailleurs et des emplois » by le Conseil Économique du Canada (Ottawa).
La notion de « système » est largement utilisée dans le domaine des relations industrielles, et cela, depuis fort longtemps. Elle implique un mode de reconstitution de la réalité différent de l'approche causale linéaire sur laquelle se fonde la méthodologie de la recherche empirique. Au lieu d'accentuer les différences entre ces deux modes de réflexion, les auteurs de cet article tentent de démontrer qu'ils sont complémentaires pour l'acquisition des connaissances dans le domaine des sciences humaines.
This book presents a picture of Canada's labour movement in the mid-seventies - its structure, its leaders, and aims.Two parallel themes run through Canada's Unions: the surge in labour militancy led by teachers, hospital workers, federal government workers and other public employees in response to the pressure of rising inflation; and the rise of nationalism and the increasing independence of the Canadian union movement during the 1970s. Canada's Union offers an unparalleled, immediate portrait of the state of the Canadian labour movement during a crucial decade of its existence. --Publisher's description (Google Books)
In order to induce firms to feel indifferent towards the sexes in their recruitment for the administrative level, the cause of preference towards males must be eliminated. In this paper the author discusses the preference for males that arise out of expected lower turnover for male employees.
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- Book (9)
- Journal Article (90)
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