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This article reviews "Personnel Management, Reaching Organizational and Human Goals" by Joseph P. Yaney.
This article reviews "The Naked Manager" by E. Dichter.
L'auteur présente la démarche suivie pour valider l'Inventaire de Satisfaction au Travail (IST). Le développement de l'Inventaire y est relaté ainsi qu'une description de la version retenue pour fin de validation. Administré à deux groupes de travailleurs (infirmières et contremaîtres), l'auteur explique comment l'instrument a été utilisé ainsi que la signification et la façon de calculer les scores sur les différentes échelles de l'Inventaire de Satisfaction. Il analyse également les résultats obtenus à la suite des tests de stabilité, validité et fidélité.
In this paper, the author examines some of the pros and cons of collective bargaining in University faculties.
This article reviews the report "Objectifs économiques et indicateurs sociaux" by the Conseil économique du Canada.
The purpose of this article is to show how the deleterious consequences of personnel turnover, absenteeism, and occupational illness are related to job designs which are inappropriate to the needs of workers.
The present study investigates the relationship between job involvement (JI) and central life interest (CLI) for a sample of automobile workers chosen from three organizational levels containing unskilled employees, skilled workmen and fore-men. Possible associations of job involvement and work as the« Central Life Interest » with job levels in the occupational hierarchy, age of the individuals and the length of employment were also explored. The results disconfirmed the hypothesized positive relationship between JI and CLI. In fact a low but significant negative relationship was obtained between JI and CLI. Job levels, age and length of employment were found to hâve negligible influence on both JI and CLI. On the basis of the obtained results, directions for future research are indicated.
This article reviews "Au-delà des frontières" by le Conseil Économique du Canada (Ottawa).
This article reviews "Relative Wage Differentials in Canadian Industries" by Pradeep Kumar.
Nous vivons dans une inflation, qui apparaît de plus en plus comme étant la fille naturelle de la croissance, sa seconde nature. Dans ce contexte, l'analyse des politiques de l’après-guerre montre la nécessité d'avoir recours à de nouveaux instruments.
This article reviews "Employement and Earning Inadequacy : A New Social Indicator" by Sar A. Levitan and Robert Taggart III.
This study presents yearly estimates of hidden unemployment and job requirements for full employment in Canada by age and sex for the period 1957 to 1970. The method employed in deriving these estimates involved the calculation of the potential labour force, total and by specific age-sex groups, and the formulation of a relationship relating group employment to total employment.
This article reviews "A Decade of Manpower Training and Development" by Garth L. Mangum and John Walsh.
This article reviews "Career Education" by August C. Bolino.
This article reviews "Counter Point : The Changing Employement Service" by Miriam Johnson.
This article reviews "Manpower Planning for Local Labor Markets" by Garth L. Mangum and David Snedeker.
This article reviews "Public Policy and Manpower Development" by John W. Holland and Michael L. Skolnik.
This article reviews "Sécurité sociale" by J. Ghestin.