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This article reviews the book, "The Social Organization of Strikes," by Eric Batstone, Ian Boraston & Stephen Frenkel.
This article reviews the book, "La démocratie industrielle : cogestion ou contrôle ouvrier?," by Dimitri Weiss.
This article reviews the book, "Le fondateur du syndicalisme catholique au Québec, Mgr Lapointe," by Robert Parisée.
This article reviews the book, "Les relations du travail : Employeurs, Personnel, Syndicats, État," by Dimitri Weiss.
This article reviews the book, "Relations du travail : Nouvelles orientations," by Centre des dirigeants d’entreprise.
This article reviews the book, "The Current Industrial Relations Scene in Canada 1979," by W.D. Wood & Pradeep Kumar, Edited. This article reviews the book, "Canadian Industrial Relations Information, Sources, Technical Notes and Glossary," by Pradeep Kumar.
This article reviews the book, "The Role of Trade Unions in Developing Societies," by Everett M. Kassalow & Ikanig Damachi, Edited.
This study reports on an empirical investigation aimed at enhancing the understanding of the ways in which personal and structural factors contribute to attitudinal militancy of officers of a national union of teachers. The study sought to assess the relationship between selected personal at tributes and selected structural characteristics in the union, and their effect on attitudinal militancy.
This thrust of this paper is to explore the objectives which mining managers perceive as important for effective organizational functioning in terms of their values, of the sense they make of the world around them in two specific, fundamental areas, orientation toward people and toward things, and of the interaction between managerial values and this orientation.
Les principales conclusions de cet article sont qu'un niveau élevé du salaire minimum, sans poser d'obstacle insurmontable quant à la stabilité des prix dans une économie aussi exposée à la concurrence extérieure que l'économie du Québec, risque de soutenir un niveau de chômage plus important qu'on a pu le croire jusqu'à ce jour, et tout spécialement parmi les jeunes; et que le salaire minimum élevé est un moyen très inefficace de mieux répartir les revenus qu'il vaudrait mieux remplacer par des outils d'intervention mieux appropriés comme un régime de revenu familial garanti ou même des plans de soutien du revenu un peu plus modestes.
The Author puts Walton and McKersie's behavioural theory of labour negotiations to test in a study of a non-random sample of 118 bargaining units.
Dans une perspective d'ajustement des programmes de formation aux exigences professionnelles du marché du travail en relations industrielles, cet article analyse les résultats d'une enquête faite par questionnaire en mai 1978 auprès de la population des diplômés en relations industrielles de l'Université de Montréal.
The authors attempt, by means of « jurisprudence » to determine the conditions and circumstances which render picketing legal or illegal. Within this context, picketing will be examined from the point of view of object, form and occasion. In addition, the sanction of picketing will be presented, followed by a critique of the subject.
The experiences of certain successful West European practices in employee's participation within undertaking recommend the establishment of complementary institutional arrangements in the existing system of labour-management relations in Canada which, at the present, is based only on the institution of collective bargaining.
This article reviews the book, "Collective Bargaining and Conflict Resolution in Education : The Evolution of Public Policy in Ontario," by Bryan M. Downie.
This article reviews the book, "Gestion des ressources humaines. Une approche systémique," by Laurent Bélanger.