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Canada's Jews: A People's Journey

Resource type
Canada's Jews: A People's Journey
The history of the Jewish community in Canada says as much about the development of the nation as it does about the Jewish people. Spurred on by upheavals in Eastern Europe in the late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth centuries, many Jews immigrated to the Dominion of Canada, which was then considered little more than a British satellite state. Over the ensuing decades, as the Canadian Jewish identity was forged, Canada underwent the transformative experience of separating from Britain and distinguishing itself from the United States. In this light, the Canadian Jewish identity was formulated within the parameters of the emerging Canadian national personality." "Canada's Jews is an account of this remarkable story as told by one of the leading authors and historians on the Jewish legacy in Canada. Drawing on his previous work on the subject, Gerald Tulchinsky describes the struggle against antisemitism and the search for a livelihood among the Jewish community. He demonstrates that, far from being a fragment of the Old World, Canadian Jewry grew from a tiny group of transplanted Europeans to a fully articulated, diversified, and dynamic national group that defined itself as Canadian while expressing itself in the varied political and social contexts of the Dominion. --Publisher's description
University of Toronto Press
# of Pages
xii, 630 pages, 20 unnumbered pages of plates: illustrations, facsimile, portraits
978-0-8020-9062-1 978-0-8020-9386-8
Short Title
Canada's Jews
OCLC: 175282730
Tulchinsky, G. J. J. (2008). Canada’s Jews: A People’s Journey. University of Toronto Press. https://utorontopress.com/9780802093868/canadas-jews/